(The Ilonggo “Nation” Movement Newsletter)
"To appreciate where you are now, you should know where you came from"
* Volume No. I * Issue No. 003 * Date: August 16, 2007*
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News item:
"On August 5, 2007, GABRIELA Network USA National Chairperson Dr. Annalisa Enrile was barred from leaving the Philippines. She was not allowed to board her return flight home to the US. She was told that she is on a "watchlist." Two other GABNet women--Judith Mirkinson and Ninotchka Rosca--are reportedly on the same "watchlist."
Dr. Enrile, Ms. Mirkinson and Ms. Rosca were in the Philippines, along with other GABNet members and officers, for the 10th bi-annual Women's Solidarity Affair in the Philippines..."
(Dr. Enrile & Ms.Mirkinson are US citizens; Ms. Rosca a perm-US resident)
Tourism Promotion & Mindset
(By: Nathanael"Nat"Duenas -INM Banwa_Mo: BurlingameCA-USA)
People's money is spent for tourism promotion and some 'mistakes' are made by the same government employees zealous of their desire to impress their vigilance to implement the Anti-terrorist Law and their preconceived law enforcement without realy knowing their job description - and throw away all that money to create an ideal tourism destination.
Gabriela and other national advocacy groups & NGO's are private sector initiatives to awaken our people's mindset to the democratic principles that makes our country worthy of a way of life that we can be proud to our foreign friends and OF/OFWs who are 'ambassadors abroad.
Incidents like this are not rare, they are a lingering sickness that reflects on the kind of mindset some of our; government officials and employees; think they are above and over the 'will of the people' that created government. This kind of treatment to OF/OFWs runs counter to the idea of the 'modern heroes', the government had been inculcating in the minds of OF/OFWs. We can see the 'opportunist' mindset of our present 'government administrators' and 'government employees' as if they are beholden to their duties of public service.
How much sufferings and intimidation our OF/OFWs go through from the hands of 'government people' from the OWWA to the Immigration and the daily harazments at our airports and points of debarkations. How do you think the US government feels about their citizens and other foreign tourist in their coming to the islands to visit or do business?
The US and other foreign countries can only issue a 'Travel Advisory' warning those who wants to visit the islands to be aware and be very careful of being 'exploited being at the airports and points of entries' but also while trying to enjoy the 'local hospitality' , which comes with a kidnapping, molestation, swindling, mugging, and other heinous crimes. When tourists gets murdered in our 'famous Boracay', it does not reflect on our law enforcements alone - it shows the kind of local hospitality we have.
Freedom loving peoples all over the world will be intimidated to visit the islands knowing that summary killings and the possibility of getting held up in the airports by 'government officials and employees' who are supposedly the first line of our tourism promotional campaign' are out to get them in some ways or the other.
How much tourism revenue will be lost? Government does not care as long as they have expended their annual tourism budget which come from the peoples money. It is not 'government' money.
How much of the local business people and private enterprise is affected? What does the Chamber of Commerce and Industry have to say? What is the purpose of the Anti-Terrorism Law? To appease the US for more 'military aid'? What does government do to the US military aid? Modernize our military and pay higher salaries to our soldiers?
If you feel that some sense is needed for action to reform this prevailing system, what do you want to do to convince the 'government' to manage the peoples money properly and re-educate the mindset of all public servant to begin serving the people instead of fattening their pockets.
Editors Note:
INM Banwa_Mo Member Nathanael"Nat"John Gerochi Duenas has a
short stint in the AFP as Special Task Force Supervisor in middle 1980's
assigned to combat global fraud and international money laundering.
He was a former Technical Consultant to the late Sultan Muhammad
Mahakuttah Kiram - Sultanate of Sulu.
Architect "Nat" helped organized Katilingban sa Kaayuhan sang Komonidad
(KKK) in Pavia, Iloilo that greatly influenced the final decision making --this
area the site of the Regional Industrial Center in Western Visayas. Presently,
he also acts as Moderator in several Fil-Am eFora.
(By: Benjamin "Benjie" Estuche -INM Banwa_Mo: PhillyPA-USA)
History, as handed to us from the past, is merely an INTERPRETATION made by whoever is telling it, written or oral. There could never be INACCURATE or ACCURATE FACTS but only inaccurate or accurate INTERPRETATIONS.
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A written history by an American author of Phil-American Relationship would be accurate only within the American point-of-view based on the facts that they possessed within their hands. No Filipino history writer would dispute these facts at the time when the Americans were lording over us. But there were Filipino hirelings who were told to write a history of the events that had transpired to suit the purpose of the Americans.
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In the civilized and liberal society such as we have nowadays that had started with the French Revolution and the American Spirit of ''76, imperialism is no longer justified by the search for "spice and gold" but mostly for the latter, black or glittering yellow. Any other reason other than this is pure baloney. Any occupied territory will never run short of lap dogs willing to write history according to the slant of the occupiers. A wise student of history will always read between the lines and use a magnifying glass to verify the footnotes at the bottom of the books.
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In the case of Philippine History and the country's relationship with her former colonial rulers, a situation is presented wherein being a "showcase of democracy" for the world, Spain was portrayed as a lesser evil by the US. In fact, the purchase of the country through the Treaty of Paris is an arrogant display of diplomatic faux pas and contempt for the "brown monkey" who were considered "brothers" only when some of them were recruited to the Philippine Scout in order to protect their asses from the jungle bolos of the insurrectos.
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To be called an "insurrecto" is to be considered a rebel against the ruling established authority construed to be indigenous to the territory but not necessarily limited to it. Any belligerency contested between two or more armies of nations are called "conflicts of war." And what is war but the "highest form of economic activity" if we have to believe the writer of the Red Book?
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The situation in Iraq today is similar to ours in the turn of the 20th century. Cable TV tells us of "Iraqi insurgents" who were fighting the duly elected government of the Iraqi people established after the US occupied the country. While CNN defines the dramatis personae of the belligerency, the bullets used by the belligerent forces make a definition of their own by their trajectories with the intent to kill.
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After the US had gained foothold of the Philippines at the aftermath of the Treaty of Paris, local leaders arising from the insulares and the peninsulares of the Iberian Class constituted the government bureaucracies. The leaders of the "insurgency" continued to fight until they got tired doing it for luck of arms and ammunitions. Of course, they were out of the the government as they surrendered late. The early surrenderees were already sitting on their armchairs while the US Forces (teenagers from the Midwest) were already engaged in "pacification" campaigns after a great many Samarenos (including civilian boys and men) were slaughtered in this Visayan Island according to the account of British traveler Richard Burton. Records in the Library of Congress tell of letters written by these US teenagers to their "paws and maws" of how they easily picked off the heads of these monkies which they had mistaken as rabbits.
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As to the "nationality" of the belligerencies it was like discussing the Iraq War without the CNN reporting and some highranking State Department official telling us that the Sunnis, the Shiites and the Kurds should better stop fighting each other or we will continue to stay in the country (Iraq) without telling us that these guys were fighting, precisely, because of the presence of the US there!
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The definition of terms make up up also for the rules of engagement for no other reason but economic and political gains and the truth about history will always be hidden in the handshakes and the embraces of the signatories of the "peace pact" signed by the victors of war. The detente manuscripts do not say it all but the fineries of the "heroes" of the struggle, again, depending who killed most rabbits or brown monkies. The middle-level bureaucrat who negotiated the peace agreement before the signing will go ahead and back to his land and rule it over his countrymen as a politician or industrialist.
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Does it matter whether Iloilo was subjected to US bombardments or not? My mother was almost killed while giving birth to me in a Maternity Hospital in Sta. Cruz, Manila, because the US were raining bombs like cats and dogs in Manila and they were supposed to liberate us from the Japanese. Manila suffered devastations similar to Poland and they had the Marshall Plan in Europe while backpay schemes and scams in the Philippines which created another insurgency.
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Now, of course, Spain had to surrender to the Ilonggos, whether Negros and/or Panay was a nation or not, because the alternative would have been "pugot-ulo" somewhere else because Iloilo was "muy noble y leal" - noble and loyal - to Spain. (It is still there written in the seal of Iloilo City, for God's sake somebody in Iloilo City Hall should start changing that!) Spain was safe in Iloilo and "La Villa de Arevalo" was, in fact, the last capital of Spanish Philippines.
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There are several websites we can browse into for a non-biased and unjaundiced peer into Philippine-American US relations. A great many of the American people were against American occupation of the Philippine Islands as there are, today 67% of the americans who are against the War in Iraq. Look into "" or "" and the "american anti-imperialist league" websites and you will get it straight from the horse's mouth in terms of historical letters, speeches and debates on the same issues.
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But we cannot change history, we can only repeat it, FYI, Senorita Zelda Lopez-INM Ontario Canada. And more and more people are discussing these issues not only in the INM Banwa_ Mo eGroup but also in other efora and brought to a higher plain of consciousness.
To other "posters" the time will come when many more of the like of Senorita Lopez will come forward and be counted and then ---we can go to the Hagues.
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Editors Note:
INM Banwa_Mo Member Benjamin "Benjie" Estuche y Evicner -a Political
Commentator and Biblical Analyst was the former Editor/Publisher of the
Iloilo's Truth Forum and fearless Radio Broadcaster of DYRI Radio Agong
in Iloilo. He was also a member of the Panay Peace Monitoring Council right
after EDSA-I to oversee the truce between GRP and NDF armed components;
the AFP and the NPA respectively.
Presently, he is the popular columnist of OFF-TANGENT at My Pinoy World.
His first venture in Book publication titled "Angel with one Wing" a novel
about Pinoy Expats shall be ready for launching very soon.
Energy Efficiency, Not Dirty Coal Power Plant
(By Melvin B. Purzuelo -INM Banwa_Mo: CityProperILOILO-Phil)
PANAY Island is encountering problems on the electricity sector that can be resolved only through the efficient use of energy resources.
The total installed and dependable capacities of Panay Island for 2006 are 418.9MW and 284.8MW, respectively, while peak demand is only 197MW.
Today there is an excess of 87.8MW of dependable capacity or about 45% of demand. There are problems in delivering these capacities to the consumers but obviously it is not with the supply side.
Looking forward in year 2008, considering the additional 100MW capacity submarine cable from Negros and the retirement of the old Panay Diesel Plant in Dingle, Iloilo, the dependable capacity of the island will be 299MW for a forecasted peak demand of 228MW. This will have a reasonable buffer of 31 percent reserve capacity.
Why build additional power plants when we cannot even properly deliver to the consumers the current available capacities?
Coal will aggravate the energy problems.
Constructing coal-fired power plants will not solve the problem, rather the coal plants will add-up to our problems.
If we allowed then the rejected Kepco Banate coal power plant in 2003, our capacity now will be 384.8MW giving us an excess of 187.8MW that is almost 95% more than the actual demand.
Who will pay for the excess capacities - if not the consumers? We are grateful to the Sanguniang Panlalawigan of Iloilo for rejecting the Kepco-Banate coal plant and sparing us now the higher stranded cost of excess energy.
Ultimately, the cost of excess capacities will be passed on to consumers. The situation in Luzon is a glaring example where excess capacities from coal-fired power plants there jack up the price of electricity.
It is beyond our comprehension why our local officials, particularly Governor Niel Tupas and Mayor Jerry Trenas, cannot realize that the problems lie somewhere else and not with the supply side.
Corporate greed, technical inefficiencies and corruption are some reasons why we cannot properly use our energy resources.
Governor Tupas and Mayor Trenas have critical roles in the process of providing the people Panay with reliable and affordable electricity. They should stop acting like agents or merchants of dirty coal-fired power plants.
Editors Note:
INM Banwa_Mo Member Melvin Baylon Purzuelo, a graduate of Don
Bosco Technical School in Victorias, Negros Occidental studied
Metallurgical Engineering at Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT).
He heads the environment watch group GREEN FORUM Western Visayas
as Principal Coordinator. Melvin is the Convenor of Responsible Ilonggos
for Sustainable Energy (RISE).
During the Guimaras Oil Spill crises, his group the SAVE OUR SEAS
MOVEMENT's active and sincere recovery participation, earned them the
title "Guimaras Nature's Warrior" from a grateful populace.
Molo: Athens of the Philippines
By Atty. Rex S. Salvilla (President, West Visayas Historical Research Foundation, Inc.)
Can any place in the Philippines, aside from Molo, claim to have produced a chief justice, three justices, nine senators, seven governors, several generals, congressmen and cabinet members?
Molo has Chief Justice Ramon Avanceña, Justices Gregorio Araneta (also secretary of the Malolos Congress and first secretary of justice), Raymundo Melliza and Felicisimo Feria.
Its senators are: Francisco Villanueva, Esteban de la Rama, Esperidion Guanco, Jose Ma. Arroyo, Francisco Zulueta, Jose C. Zulueta, Potenciano Treñas, Rodolfo Ganzon and Franklin Drilon.
The governors are: Raymundo Melliza, Amado Avanceña, Gregorio Yulo, Mariano Yulo, Jose Yulo-Regalado, Timoteo Consing, Sr. and Jose C. Zulueta.
The generals of the Philippine Revolution are: Esteban de la Rama (first commandant of the Philippine Marines), Raymundo Melliza, Pablo Araneta, Angel Corteza and Aniceto Lacson.
The congressmen are: Jose Locsin Sian, Amado Avanceña, Rodolfo Ganzon and Fernando Salas together with Constitutional Convention delegates Manuel Locsin and Efrain Treñas.
Molo had also a father and son mayors -- Leopoldo and Rodolfo Ganzon with Mayor Mansueto Malabor and Jerry Treñas, first lady Iloilo City Councilor Simplicia Magahum-Offemaria, famous vernacular writers Angel Magahum, Sr., Rosendo Mejica and Jimeno Damaso; first Miss Philippines and national suffragette Pura Villanueva Kalaw and first Ilonggo nun Rosario Arroyo.
No wonder why Molo deserves to be called Athens of the Philippines. This was so because during the Spanish time it was an educational center of the Philippines. Perhaps, it was the only pueblo (town) in the country which had four colleges -- Colegio de Santa Ana of the Avanceña sisters (Jovita and Ramona), Centro Escolar de Molo of Salas brothers (Perfecto and Fernando), Instituto Ensenanza Libre de Molo of Manuel Locsin and Escuela Publica.
During the American regime, Rosendo Mejica founded in 1903 Baluarte Elementary School (the first in the country) outside of Manila. In 1941, the Iloilo City High School was opened in Molo which became the first free public high school in the Philippines during the time of Mayor Rodolfo Ganzon.
In the sixties, the first college of medicine in Panay was opened in Molo by the Iloilo Doctor's College. Molo is also the present site of the pioneer private maritime school in the Philippines -- John B. Lacson Maritime University Foundation, Inc. (originally Iloilo Maritime Academy) which was declared few years back as one of the best maritime schools in the whole world.
Molo was already a thriving ancient Malay port when the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines in the late 1500's. When nearby Arevalo became the capital of the alcaldia de Ylong-ylong (Province of Iloilo) Molo was its mere suburb until 1818 when it became a pueblo. Its casa real (municipal hall) is still standing beside the Molo church. During the American regime, it became a mere part of the town of Iloilo in 1903 and in 1973 became a district of the City of Iloilo.
For fear of a Chinese uprising similar to that in Manila, the Spanish authorities implementing the royal decree of Gov. Gen. Juan de Vargas dated July 17, 1679, rounded up the Chinese in Iloilo and hamletted them in the parian (now Avanceña Street).
Incidentally, there were only three parians in the Philippines -- Intramuros, Cebu and Iloilo.
This explains the prevalence of Chinese surnames in Molo like Lacson, Locsin, Layson, Yusay, Consing, Sanson, Ganzon, Quimsing, Tinsay and Ditching.
When the Spaniards gave surnames to the Ilonggos in 1849 thru the orders of Gov. Gen. Narciso Claveria y Zaldua, they assigned surnames whose first letters corresponded to the first letters of the names of the pueblos.
Thus, Molo was assigned surnames beginning with letter M. The fiercely nationalistic natives did not take Spanish surnames but instead, adopted native surnames like Magahum, Mabilog, Mahinay, Malabanjot, Mabunay, Maprangala, Macatiag, Malabor, Magbanua and Macatual.
During one of the Moro raids, it was said that the Chinese in the parian, who found difficulty in pronouncing the letter "r", shouted Molo, Molo, Molo... hence, the place came to be called Molo.
The original port of Iloilo was actually near the present Molo-Mandurriao Bridge (Gov. Smith Bridge) at the back of the plaza. It was called Tabucan (river crossing). To reach this port from Iloilo Strait, the Chinese junks and Spanish small boats entered the mouth of Batiano River at the small Spanish fort (Baluarte) which before the war was called Treasure Island land.
The junks followed the circuitous river route westward up to Oton where it turned back eastward to Molo. This was so because the Iloilo River was not navigable at that time.
Incidentally, the other side of the river crossing at Mandurriao still retains the name Tabucan.
Molo is also a religious center in Iloilo. Every July 26 thousands of pilgrims from all over the country troop to the imposing Gothic Church to honor its patron saint Santa Ana -- the patroness of childless couples, family harmony, the sick and the afflicted and other of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Molo is also the site of the only orphanage in West Visayas -- Asilo de Molo founded in 1934 by Vincentian Fr. German Villazan together with Doña Pilar Advincula de Javellana and Doña Adela Liza vda. de Mapa and which was placed under the management of the Daughters of Charity. It is located on the lot donated by Don Ignacio Arroyo.
It is the site of mother houses of religious congregations in the Philippines -- Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary founded in 1925 by the first Ilonggo nun Mother Rosario Arroyo and of the Mill Hill Missionaries since 1906. Molo also housed the Carmelite Sisters in the Philippines before it transferred to Sambag, Jaro.
The district has now four colleges -- Iloilo Doctors College, John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation, Inc., St. Therese-MTC Colleges, Inc. and St. Anne College of Iloilo.
It has also two hotels -- Hotel del Rio and La Fiesta Hotel.
The Mejica Historical Landmark is also found in Molo. It houses items like the first printing press of Makinaugalingon -- the first vernacular daily in West Visayas edited by Rosendo Mejica which hit the streets in 1913 folding up only in 1942 when the Japanese landed in Panay.
Molo is the home of the nationally-known delicacy pansit molo -- a favorite in restaurants in Manila and cookies of Panaderia de Molo and of the Molo County Bake Shop.
Molo is also the site of the nationally famous tourist event -- the annual Paraw Regatta -- race of sailboats in Guimaras Strait.
During the Spanish time, the main defense fort in West Visayas was the La Fuerza del Santisimo Rosario (later Fort San Pedro). Its right flanking fort was Baluarte in Molo where recently two Spanish cannons were discovered in the mud. They are now at the Museo Iloilo.
Molo is proud of its very imposing church -- the only Gothic-Renaissance Church in the Philippines outside of Manila. It was called by Jose Rizal as "bonita iglesia" during his visit at Molo in 1896 on his way back to Manila from his exile at Dapitan.
At present, there are three parishes in Molo -- St. Anne's parish (the original), Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Calumpang and San Jose Obrero in Fundidor.
The barangay of Fundidor (foundry) was the seat of many foundry shops during the Spanish time which built most of the bells in Panay. One of them is Regina.
Lastly, Molo claims to be the hometown of Blessed Pedro Calungsod -- beatified recently by Pope John Paul. This beato was a catechist who died a martyr at Guam on April, 1672.
(Source: The News Today-July 26, 2007)
"Las Familias Insurrectos del Pueblo de Molo"
When the Philippine Revolution against Spain broke out in 1896 and continued during the American regime, the "Familia Araneta" of Molo in Iloilo (based in the Philippine Insurgents Record sub-titled "Las Familias Insurrectos del Pueblo de Molo" of the National Library) actively participated in the revolutionary movement.
The family of Don Felix Locsin-Militante Araneta and Paz Ditching Soriano together with their children; his sister Ceferina Araneta-Esteban son's Eduardo and Emilio; and brother Agaton Locsin-Militante Araneta with his wife Josefa Locsin-Araneta were all listed in the "Insurrectos de Molo" records.
While some of Don Felix Araneta's children were involved in the covert operations of the revolutionary movement, others distinguished themselves in the fields of battle;
*Gen. Pablo Soriano Araneta, a doctor of medicine by profession, as the Commanding General of the Panay Revolutionary Forces under Gen. Martin Delgado (Gral. en Gefe) of the Federal Republic of the Visayas, encountered several fierced battles in Pavia, San Miguel and in the outskirts of Jaro. More notably, the battle of Oton to Arevalo together with Gen. Angel Corteza and Gen. Leandro Locsin Fullon of Antique who fired the first shot.
(National Historical Institute marker in honor of Pablo Soriano Araneta - was installed at the facade of Molo Convent facing Molo Plaza in Iloilo City).
*Gen. Marciano Soriano Araneta, administrator of the family's Hacienda Paz (named after their mother "Paz") in La Carlota, Negros Occidental, led the Filipino revolutionary forces who valiantly fought and captured the General Headquarters of the Spanish Forces in "Mangkas", now La Carlota City and became one of the founders of the cantonal government of Negros in 1899.
(National Historical Institute marker in honor of Marciano Soriano Araneta - was installed by the entrance of the Municipal Building facing La Carlota City Plaza).
*Anastacio Soriano Araneta, who served under his elder brother Marciano was killed by remnants of the "guardia civil" who became roving bandits in the hinterlands of Negros.
*Jose Soriano Araneta, was appointed "Capitan" assigned at the office of the Panay Revolutionary Forces "Cuartel General" in Pavia, Iloilo together with Capitan Ramon Lopez. He fought in the battle of Tacas, Catmon and Balantang in Jaro in 1899.(National Historical marker in honor of Jose Soriano Araneta - was installed by the entrance of the Municipal Building facing the Pavia Plaza in Iloilo).
*Gregorio Soriano Araneta, a lawyer by profession, advocated reforms for the welfare of the Filipino people and served as Secretary General of the Malolos Republic under the revolutionary government of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo.
(National Historical Institute marker in honor of Gregorio Soriano Araneta - was installed at the facade of No. 1030 R. Hidalgo Street, Quiapo, Manila --- their ancestral home donated as Museum to the government).
"It is worthy to note, that in the annals of history --only the "Familia Araneta" of Molo in Iloilo have three (3) brothers who had served in the upper echelons of three (3) Revolutionary Governments at the same time."
(Source: The Araneta Family & The Philippine Revolution at:
Announcements & Messages:
1) From: Association of Ilonggos-Metropolitan Washington D.C. (AIM) Inc.
(tax exempt: Section 501-c(3) US Internal Revenue Code IRS No.52-1818814)
Ready! AIM! File!
Invitation to Join AIM, Inc.
Ilonggos from all parts of the Philippines now residing in Washington DC, Maryland and
Virginia whose roots came from the Provinces of Iloilo, Capiz, Aklan, Antique, Guimaras
and Negros Occidental, all in Western Visayas are invited to join us.
One-time Membership Fee: $10.00 (Single & 18-yrs. old up) : $15.00 (For couples)
If interested to be a Registered AIM, Inc. Member, send email to:
Felimon "Monching" Jocson at:
(Asst. Membership Director & Chairman: Membership Committee)
2) From: Iririmawtatun eGroup of Antique
Subject: Assumption Day!
Dear Sisters/Friends/Assumption Together,
Greetings of love and joy on this feast of our Lady's Assumption.
As we continue sharing and basking in the holiness of St. Marie Eugenie,
our Mother, we continue to hope and work for better world (in our little sphere).
May our Mother Mary guide us as we make our YES alive wherever we are.
Sr. Maria Rosa Medina, r.a.
Assumption Sisters - St. John's University
Viphavadi-Rangsit Road, Bangkok 10900
Tel. 662-938
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:28:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Assumption Day!
Sa mga Old Girls/Old Boys kag tanan nga nakaambit kang Assumption education,
malipayun nga pagsaulog kag paghanduraw kang atun mga natun-an/naagyan!
Salamat kay St. Marie Eugenie, sa mga madres, mga manunudlo, mga pari, parents
kag mga kaabyanan. nenen/mlagfirst batch, SRA sibalom
Reaction to: History Reborn - The Federal Republic of the Visayas
From: Ramiro F. Esteban
Subject: An eyewitness to our folk heroes
I am an eyewitness to the long forgotten heroes of the Filipino-Spanish war.
I am proud of my forefathers -- Cols. Emilio and Eduardo Esteban who were sent on a
mission by the chief of staff of the Visayan Revolutionary Army, Gen Pablo S. Araneta
who was the elder brother of Chief Justice Gregorio Araneta, the drafter of the Malolos
Gen. Pablo S. Araneta ( whom I affectionately called Lolo Bo ) was a daily visitor of my
grandmothers, Consuelo, Pilar and Josefa Locsin Araneta, from the 20s until December
1941. A glass of beer is set ready for him as he comes in at 9 after coming from the bank.
He would scan the Spanish dailies, El Sol, El Tiempo and El Debate. After a sumptuos
lunch he would take a nap and stay for the evening radio newscast in Spanish at 5. At his
late age he was quick with his hands and an expert in "arnis".
Ironically we lived at 161 Gen. Hughes St., the street that extends from the southwest
corner of Plaza Libertad to Fort San Pedro.
Pilar Araneta our paternal grandmother was the widow of Col Emilio Esteban.
Welcome! New Members -INM Banwa_Mo eGroup:
*Aldrich "Al" Magalona Libo-on of Bacolod City & Troy, Michigan
Acting President: Ilonggo Association of Michigan (ILAM-USA) USA, Inc.
*Mauro Somodio of Iloilo & Brisbane, Australia
-Founding President: Kahirup Society of Queensland, Inc.
-First elected President: The Filipino-Australian Foundation of Queensland (FAFQ), Inc.
*Eduardo L. Antonio - a retired Chemist, now residing in Toronto, Canada
*SMarcellana * Rodel Espinosa *
*CameronKG -an American born Pinay, whose Dad is from Aklan & Mom is from Capiz.
Here's a comparative analysis of the Economics of the World
(by Freddy Panes (INM-Banwa_Mo: PennsylvaniaUSA)
You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies and the economy grows. You retire on the income.
You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them.
You claim full employment, high bovine productivity and arrest anyone
reporting the actual numbers.
You have two cows. You worship them.
You don't have any cows. You claim that the Indian cows belong to you.
You ask the US for financial aid, China for military aid, Britain forwarplanes,
Italy for machines, Germany for technology, France for submarines, Switzerland
for loans, Russia for drugs and Japan forequipment.You buy the cows with all this
and claim exploitation by the world.
You have two cows. You sell one and force the other to produce the milk of four cows.
You profess surprise when the cow drops dead. You put the blame on some nation
with cows & naturally that nation will be a danger to mankind. You wage war to save
the world and grab the cows.
You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows.
You have two cows. You reengineer them so that they live for 100 years,
eat once a month and milk themselves.
You have two cows. They are both mad.
You have two cows. You don't know where they are. You break for lunch.
You have 5000 cows, none of which belong to you. You charge others for
storing them.
You have two cows. You redesign them so that they are one-tenth the size
of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create cute
cartoon cow images called COWKIMON and market them worldwide.
You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows.
You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again
and learn you have 17 cows. You give up counting and open another bottle
of vodka.
You have two cows. You slaughter one for Hari Raya Puasa and the other
for Hari Raya Haji. Just before that, both the cows were wandering along
the PLUS Highways.
You have only one cow. So the government claims there is a shortage of cows.
The government ask grants from other countries so the country can produce
more cows. The other countries oblige.
The government divides the grants among themselves, and blames the
opposition of corruption.
The people stage People Power 42. The government is overthrown. Then its
back to the single cow.
Ang Republika Federal sg Kabisay-an (The Federal Republic of the Visayas)
Historical Facts obviously omitted or deliberately hidden in our School History Books
(Source: History Reborn"The Federal Republic of the Visayas" -by: dinggol a.divinagracia*June 12, 2007)
*That Spain had already formally surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas even before Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed Philippine President in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. That our Independent Visayan Republic, had never been under the authority and jurisdiction of Aguinaldo's "Katagalogan" Republic in Luzon.
excerpted: "...A paper written by Jose Manuel Velmonte, a research associate at the UP Third World Studies Center, found that the Visayan revolutionary elites not only had sophisticated political ideas but also resented attempts by Malolos to assert its authority. A Tagalog military expedition sent by Malolos to Panay to assert its presence was met with hostility. The Luzon force led by Generals Ananias Diocno and Leandro Fullon was regarded by the Visayan revolutionaries, led by the Visayan supremo, Gen. Martin Delgado, as an ''invasion'' force ..." (Source: Inquirer-1999- 06-13 "View of revolt in provinces spurs revision" By: Amando Doronila)
According to Dr. Luis C.Dery, an eminent Filipino Scholar: "Expounding the extent of Aguinaldo's Philippine Army; the Bangsamoro nation's Mindanao, Sulu, and the rest of its islands never fell under Aguinaldo's politico-military control and sovereignty. In fact as late as August 1898 much of northern Luzon, southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao remained outside of the control of Aguinaldo's Republic. Thus, several military expeditions were sent to these places to bring' them to recognize the First Philippine Republic."
*That the 1898 Treaty of Paris preliminaries, should not have included territories of the sovereign "Visayan Nation"; the confederation of both the Central and Western Visayas Cantonal Governments by virtue of Spain's formal surrender prior to this U.S. and Spain treaty of peace (Paris) and the $20-million buy-out. Spain had no more legal rights to sell. In legal parlance "nemodat quod non habet” -meaning “you cannot give what is not yours”. It states that the purchase of a possession from someone who has no ownership right to it also denies the purchaser any ownership title.
This diplomatic "Faux pas" that was supposed to be officially consummated and became legal and internationally binding only on APRIL 11, 1899 should, or rather must be rectified.
*June 12, 1898 -Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spain in Kawit, Cavite --but never won the war against Spain, as explained in the infamous betrayal --the "Mock Battle of Manila of August 13, 1898".
*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
excerpted: "...These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris...."
Dr. Jose P. Dacudao; National President -Save Our Languages thru Federalism Foundation (SOLFED), Inc.
*July 4, 1946 -The United States of America granted Philippine Independence on a silver platter with strings attached.
"True Independence could never be just self-proclaimed nor bestowed upon, it has to be won and duly achieved with dignity" -- DinggolAranetaDivinagracia (Founder: Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network ..Dec. 25, 2005)
Dinggol is an Ilonggo Historian of modern times. He is a lover of nature and reform activist by profession; a genealogist by avocation, and an avid advocate of the Cooperative Movement and "Parliamentary" Federalism. He is, likewise, a duly registered Researcher at the U.S. Library of Congress in the nations capital --Washington D.C.
"It is rather speculative as it is without basis of history if we mean of "history" is that which had been written for us by the "tutas" or lackeys of our colonial and imperial masters.." -- Benjie Evicner Estuche (INM Co-Founder)
"Federalism is not the best way, it is the only way"..
Join the Last Laugh with us!
*When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked -What? and then they laughed.
*When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked -How? and then they laughed.
*When Jules Verne wrote someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked - When? and then they laughed.
*When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Lord, the Messiah, people asked -Who? and then they laughed.
*When the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network announced its mission and vision, people did not even bother to ask, What? How? When? or Who? --They just laughed and laughed. *People are still laughing, ...but the laughter is fading!
Ang inyo alagad sa guihapon -DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~
(Source: History Reborn"The Federal Republic of the Visayas" -by: dinggol a.divinagracia*June 12, 2007)
*That Spain had already formally surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas even before Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed Philippine President in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. That our Independent Visayan Republic, had never been under the authority and jurisdiction of Aguinaldo's "Katagalogan" Republic in Luzon.
excerpted: "...A paper written by Jose Manuel Velmonte, a research associate at the UP Third World Studies Center, found that the Visayan revolutionary elites not only had sophisticated political ideas but also resented attempts by Malolos to assert its authority. A Tagalog military expedition sent by Malolos to Panay to assert its presence was met with hostility. The Luzon force led by Generals Ananias Diocno and Leandro Fullon was regarded by the Visayan revolutionaries, led by the Visayan supremo, Gen. Martin Delgado, as an ''invasion'' force ..." (Source: Inquirer-1999- 06-13 "View of revolt in provinces spurs revision" By: Amando Doronila)
According to Dr. Luis C.Dery, an eminent Filipino Scholar: "Expounding the extent of Aguinaldo's Philippine Army; the Bangsamoro nation's Mindanao, Sulu, and the rest of its islands never fell under Aguinaldo's politico-military control and sovereignty. In fact as late as August 1898 much of northern Luzon, southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao remained outside of the control of Aguinaldo's Republic. Thus, several military expeditions were sent to these places to bring' them to recognize the First Philippine Republic."
*That the 1898 Treaty of Paris preliminaries, should not have included territories of the sovereign "Visayan Nation"; the confederation of both the Central and Western Visayas Cantonal Governments by virtue of Spain's formal surrender prior to this U.S. and Spain treaty of peace (Paris) and the $20-million buy-out. Spain had no more legal rights to sell. In legal parlance "nemodat quod non habet” -meaning “you cannot give what is not yours”. It states that the purchase of a possession from someone who has no ownership right to it also denies the purchaser any ownership title.
This diplomatic "Faux pas" that was supposed to be officially consummated and became legal and internationally binding only on APRIL 11, 1899 should, or rather must be rectified.
*June 12, 1898 -Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spain in Kawit, Cavite --but never won the war against Spain, as explained in the infamous betrayal --the "Mock Battle of Manila of August 13, 1898".
*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
excerpted: "...These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris...."
Dr. Jose P. Dacudao; National President -Save Our Languages thru Federalism Foundation (SOLFED), Inc.
*July 4, 1946 -The United States of America granted Philippine Independence on a silver platter with strings attached.
"True Independence could never be just self-proclaimed nor bestowed upon, it has to be won and duly achieved with dignity" -- DinggolAranetaDivinagracia (Founder: Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network ..Dec. 25, 2005)
Dinggol is an Ilonggo Historian of modern times. He is a lover of nature and reform activist by profession; a genealogist by avocation, and an avid advocate of the Cooperative Movement and "Parliamentary" Federalism. He is, likewise, a duly registered Researcher at the U.S. Library of Congress in the nations capital --Washington D.C.
"It is rather speculative as it is without basis of history if we mean of "history" is that which had been written for us by the "tutas" or lackeys of our colonial and imperial masters.." -- Benjie Evicner Estuche (INM Co-Founder)
"Federalism is not the best way, it is the only way"..
Join the Last Laugh with us!
*When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked -What? and then they laughed.
*When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked -How? and then they laughed.
*When Jules Verne wrote someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked - When? and then they laughed.
*When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Lord, the Messiah, people asked -Who? and then they laughed.
*When the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network announced its mission and vision, people did not even bother to ask, What? How? When? or Who? --They just laughed and laughed. *People are still laughing, ...but the laughter is fading!
Ang inyo alagad sa guihapon -DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~
Claim your birth right,
"ACTA DE CAPITULACION~1898" (The Formal Surrender Document)

*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
Ergo! we won our battle-scarred freedom and legitimate independence and became a sovereign nation. The "First" Republic in the whole of Asia, but was nipped-in-the bud by the "ugly" Americans. A diplomatic faux pas, a political blunder and a travesty of history! --DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~~
Sunday, August 26, 2007
(The Ilonggo “Nation” Movement Newsletter)
* Volume No. I * Issue No. 002 * Date: August 1, 2007*
(By: Dr. Jose"Joey"Dacudao -INM Banwa_Mo: NorthernMindanaoPh)
Introduction: All Filipinos are taught a narrow type of history from the point of view of historians based in MetroManila, in accordance with a Uniform educational curriculum concocted by Manila-based institutions and individuals, and enforced in all Philippine schools.
This is passed on as 'history of the Filipino people' or as some other euphemism. Yet nothing is farther from the truth.
I will be posting old articles once in a while for the purpose of showing history from the point of view of certain Visayans. It clearly shows that Visayan history is DIFFERENT from Tagalog history, and yet what is officially passed in all Philippine schools is the latter.
It goes without saying that this is the history that we should be teaching to our children in all schools in traditional Visayan areas:
"Remember, remember, the fifth of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot."
This is the nursery rhyme, popular in Great Britain , that commemorates the successful foiling of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the British Parliament. Guy Fawkes and his comrades were consequently tortured and executed by the British Government. During Guy Fawkes Night, British citizens have, for centuries since that fateful night, been burning effigies of Guy Fawkes.
From the point of view of the British State, Guy Fawkes and his comrades were EVIL. Imagine trying blow up the Parliament, the symbol of ‘democracy’! From the point of view of Guy Fawkes and his comrades, it was the exact opposite; they represented the GOOD. They were trying to blow up the symbol and representatives of a Government gone dictatorial, that had suspended civil rights, a Government gone evil.
The movie ‘V for Vendetta’ starring Hugo Weaving (Matrix Trilogy) and Natalie Portman (Star Wars Episodes 1 to 3) in fact explores this theme. ‘V’, the protagonist of the film who wages a one-man revolution against an evil Unitarian Totalitarian State , regarded Guy Fawkes as his personal hero.
Now, my dear Kasimanuas, what if I were to tell you that we Ilonggos have an equivalent of a Guy Fawkes night?
In NOVEMBER 5, 1898, Gen. Juan "Tan Juan" Araneta and Gen. Aniceto Lacson, after defeating Spanish military forces in Negros , declared in Bago Plaza Negros Occidental the Independent Republic of Negros. This was also on NOVEMBER 5, exactly 293 years after Guy Fawkes was caught with fuses in his hands, about to blow up what he truly believed to be the symbol and representatives of an Evil Government.
Why declare an independent Negros , and not join the revolutionary forces in the Tagalog region under General Aguinaldo? One of these Ilonggo patriots was recorded as saying that they DID NOT WANT TO BE UNDER A TAGALOG DICTATOR (referring to Aguinaldo).
Next day November 6, 1898, Don Diego de los Rios, the last Governor-General of Spain in the Philippines formally surrendered to the Independent Republic of Negros revolutionary leaders (Gen. Aniceto Lacson - President, and Gen. Juan Araneta-Secretary of War) in Bacolod .
On 17 November 1898, before 3000 joyful residents of Sta Barbara Iloilo, the Visayan Leaders and Generals proclaimed the Independence of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Visayas and Mindanao .
However, by itself, it would not have amounted to much. After all, any interested group of Visayan patriots could today go to Sta Barbara plaza and proclaim Independence from Manila , and even if they had an audience of 3000, it would be more of a symbolic rather than a politically concrete act. The name of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Visayas and Mindanao, which claimed jurisdiction over the Visayas and Mindanao, was later changed to Federal Republic of the Visayas, in order to clarify that the Visayan patriots wanted to form a Federal Philippines.
Let us point out that Aguinaldo and the Tagalogs did what was fundamentally the same action in Malolos. General Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed President of the first Philippine Republic during the ratification of the Malolos Republic Constitution and its inauguration in Malolos, Bulacan on 23 January 1899. No doubt it was a symbolic act of great significance to the Tagalogs fighting against Spain , but fact number one is that no country in the world recognized this proclamation. Fact number two is that the Tagalog revolutionaries (although with a cause as just as ours in the Visayas) NEVER WON THEIR WAR AGAINST SPAIN .
On the other hand, WE VISAYANS WON! On December 25, 1898 Don Diego de los Rios, after more than a month of intense fighting wherein the Visayans militarily defeated the Spanish forces in Iloilo , surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas, lead by General Martin Delgado, at Plaza Libertad in Iloilo City .
These events occurred BEFORE:
1.Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed President of the first Philippine Republic during ratification of the Constitution and its inauguration in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. (Recall that neither the Spanish nor the Americans ever surrendered to this Government, nor recognized it. No country in the world recognized this government.)
2.The Treaty of Paris , wherein Spain ceded the whole Philippine Islands to the USA for $20-million, was officially consummated and became legally binding on APRIL 11, 1899. (This Treaty was the legal basis upon which the Americans formed their own colonial Government in the Philippines .
Eventually this Government, through continuous legal processes, gave way to the present Manila-based Unitarian Government of the Philippines . From this point of view, the present Unitarian Government of the Philippines is derived via continuous legal processes from the Treaty of Paris.)
Note that since Spain had already formally surrendered to the two Ilonggo Governments before the Treaty of Paris, then technically Spain had already ceased to have jurisdiction over these Governments. Consequently, Spain could not have legally ceded these Governments and their territories to the USA . The treaty of Paris is therefore invalid with respect to these Governments.
Legally, these Governments could still be regarded as extant. Let us place these events in perspective:
The duly constituted head of the Spanish Empire in the Philippines FORMALLY SURRENDERED TO TWO AND ONLY TWO GOVERNMENTS in the Philippines :
1.The INDEPENDENT NEGROS REPUBLIC on NOVEMBER 6, 1898 in Bacolod . This government claimed jurisdiction over Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental.
2.The FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF THE VISAYAS on DECEMBER 25, 1898 in Iloilo City . This government claimed jurisdiction over the Visayas.
Given that these Governments HAVE NEVER BEEN LEGALLY REPUDIATED, the implications of these events are enormous:
2.These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. (This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris.)
My dear Kasimanwas, next time you meet an anti-Federalist Tagalista who is acting as though he owns the Philippines, PLEASE REMEMBER THE FIFTH OF NOVEMBER, when Ilonggo patriots won our freedom with their sweat and blood.
Sinco de Nobyembre
Remember, remember, the fifth of November, Ilonggo freedom, in my heart. I see no reason why Ilonggo freedom Should ever be forgot.
Tanda-e, tanda-e, sinco de Nobyembre,Ilonggong kahilwayan, buhi sining dughan.Walay kabangdanan akon kalimtanIlonggong kahilwayan, tubtob sa katubtuban.
Mga Kasimanwa, this is the way we should be telling our story to the Visayan youth! Yet what does the educational curriculum from Manila enforced in all Philippine schools mention of our efforts to achieve our freedom? Nothing!
History as taught in our schools is the history of the Tagalog Revolution against Spain . It is not even as good a story as ours, as the Tagalogs never won, and is severely tainted by ruthless infighting, dictatorship, and the murders of Katipuan Founder Andres Bonifacio and General Luna by Aguinaldo.
While Aguinaldo was advocating a formal dictatorship on his part, the Visayans were advocating Federalism. From a certain point of view, there is nothing to be proud of in this story.
To recap, we Visayans had established two Independent cantonal states by 1898 against the might of a European colonial power, A FIRST IN THE HISTORY OF ARCHIPELAGIC ASIA.
We should be standing proud! Instead our general populace at present knows nothing of these. It is not our people’s fault because our educational curriculum is totally controlled by Manila-based institutions, which enforce their own version of history. Our fault is that we take the Unitarian system imposing such slanted history on us standing down.
We could still change this erasure of our own history. In Federalism, which the Visayan patriots mentioned above envisioned and openly advocated, the local state controls its educational curriculum. Under the present Unitarian system, Manila has total control over what is being taught to our children. Our patriotic forebears fought for Federalism and sacrificed their blood for it.
Let us not fail them!
Editors Note:
Dr. Jose Palu-ay Dacudao, is an ilonggo Neurosurgeon practising in Butuan City, CARAGA-Philippines. He is the National President of Save our Languages thru Federalism Foundation(SOLFED), Inc. and is an active member of the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM Banwa_Mo). -----
His column "Language, Traditions and Federalism" and "Save our Languages Through Federalism" appears in Western Visayas Informer Newspaper and the Negros Daily Bulletin Newspaper respectively.
Dr. Dacudao's ancestry are from Dingle, lloilo. He is also related to the Familia Gaston and Locsin of Silay City in Negros Occidental.
Please bear in mind, that SOLFED and INM have nothing against the Tagalogs nor the Non-Visayans but only with the "Tagalistas". And that even ilonggos and Visayans maybe considered Tagalistas; if they prefer to be subservient to unitarian-centrist policies that adversely affects our very own ethnic languages and cultural heritage.
Sa guihapon...dinggol a.divinagracia..
Here's an anniversary comment taken from Manuel Luis Quezon-III(MLQ3) blogsite:
"Manolo, Resil Mojares’s paper delivered at the recent conference on Political Reform and Charter Change, says the Ilonggos (even before the birth of Salvador Araneta) first articulated the federalist dream. He says that in 1898, leaders in Iloilo formed the Federal State of the Visayas, anticipating that a Federal Republic of the Philippines, composed of three states — Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao — would be formed by the Aguinaldo government.
Mojares further points out that in 1899, some “eminent” Filipinos submitted to the Philippine Commission a draft for a Federal Republic of the Philippines with 11 states. The Ilocano intellectual Isabelo de los Reyes also proposed in 1900 a federal constitution with 7 states.
The Tagalogs, of course, were not dreaming of federalism but of a unitary state, with themselves at the helm."
Sheila Coronel said this on July 29th, 2005 at 3:57 pm
According to a news report, a certain school in Lorton, Va. was recently faced with a unique problem. A number of 12 year old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the washroom.
That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick, they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints. Every night the maintenance man would remove them and the next day, the girls would put them back.
Finally the principal decided that something had to be done. He called all the girls to the washroom and met them there with the maintenance man. He explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night.
To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, he asked the maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required. He took out a long handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet sanitary bowl, and cleaned the mirror with it.
Since then there have been no lip prints on the mirror.
The moral of this story...... There are teachers, and then there are educators.
Mon Jocson -(INM Banwa_Mo LortonVaUSA)
Association Of Ilonggos-Metropolitan Washington D.C. (AIM) Inc.
"The Pagla-um Girls"
(By Zenaida Alimon-Tabligan: President - AIM, Inc.)
Hello Everyone;
I don't want anyone of us to miss this publication. I am so proud of these girls. For several years my brother Tony Alimon, used to chaperon this Little league delegation to the US as Finance Officer-and would always recount to us his enjoyable and remarkable experience with them and how their hosts in Oregon and Seattle treated them wonderfully with much appreciated hospitality.
These girls came from Bacolod City, Negros Occidental which is also my birthplace. They are all true blooded Ilonggas like all of us. They worked so hard to give our country such unsurpassed honor and prestige. They deserve our commendation and utmost respect and WE'RE GENUINELY PROUD OF THEM!
Inspiring Story from Paglaum girls of Bacolod.
Written by: Rina Jimenez David (Philippine Daily Inquirer)
Paying a courtesy call Thursday on President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo at Malacanang were the members of the victorious Bacolod team that emerged as champions in the recent World Series Junior Girls Softball championship in Kirkland, Washington, United States. After the girls showed her their victory banner and presented her with an honorary team jacket, the President handed the girls from Paglaum (a village on the outskirts of Bacolod) a check for one million pesos, an incentive for their winning performance.
A newspaper report says the team's 2-0 victory over Puerto Rico in the title match "gave the Philippines its first World Series crown since 1992 when a team from Zamboanga was stripped of the crown it won in Pennsylvania on allegations of fielding over-aged and unqualified players. The girls' victory, then, was not just a great honor for the country, but also a vindication of Filipino honor and pride.
Beyond that, though, the team's victory is a real "Cinderella" story, a fascinating tale of how girls from a small town overcame the odds and showed the world what they're made of. THE GIRLS, from 12 to 14 years of age, come from Paglaum, a small village on the outskirts of Bacolod, and belong to farming families, their parents working in the sugar cane fields or else engaged in fishing and rice and coconut farming.
Rufino Ignacio, one of the Filipino-Americans in Washington who played host to the team, says the girls brought pictures of their nipa huts and the dilapidated premises of the Paglaum Village National High School. As Ignacio tells it, the team almost didn't make the trip for lack of money for their plane fare. Funds raised by their sponsors, including Little League Philippines and politicians and business people in Negros, were not enough for their needs. So as a last ditch effort, the team's coach and the school principal took out a loan for 100,000 pesos, though perhaps the President's check should now ease their anxieties somewhat.
Upon arrival in the US, the girls and their coach stayed with a host family, the Shannons, all of them crowded into the Shannons' modest home, although once the tournament began, the USA Little League housed them in a hotel. But they faced more than logistical challenges. Ignacio describes the Paglaum girls as the "smallest" among all the players in the tournament, who were "heftier and taller and from their looks, stronger."
Despite their physical disadvantages, however, the young Pinays became the "darling of the crowd," racking up a "very impressive record" and winning everyone's admiration for their "discipline and decorum."
THE STORY of the Paglaum girls, though, is also the story of how the entire Filipino-American community in the area came together to lend their moral, physical and financial support for the lucky team.
Fil-Ams from as far as Oregon and British Columbia came in droves to cheer on the Paglaum girls. The longgos Northwest Association, the Filipino Community of Seattle, and a regional Fil-Am association, the FACSPS, combined resources to make the girls feel welcome. The FACSPS, headed by Ignacio, gathered used clothing, shoes, toiletries, canned goods and other items and packed them in balikbayan boxes for the girls to take home to their families.
"As the team is not used to eating bread in the hotel, the Ilonggos and FACSPS prepared food for them, potluck style, and the team heartily ate with other Filipinos after each game," recounts Ignacio. "The girls said they had the best meals in their young lives during the tournament." Ignacio notes that the Paglaum girls left the Philippines with "no money, hardly noticed, and thinking perhaps they had no chance of winning."
But now, they have returned as heroes, or rather, as young heroines. Everyone loves an underdog, but victorious underdogs are loved even more. This is one "Cinderella story" that deserves to be told and retold.
Its only when you share your life to others that life begins to have a meaning and purpose ... the time you touch the life of others is the time you really live.
A N N O U N C E M E N T S:
The Assumption Alumnae Association Abroad, Washington DC Chapter; will host the Eighth AAAA Triennial Reunion in 2008
Inviting all former students, graduates and friends of the schools run by the Religious of the Assumption in the Philippines.
Join us to celebrate the 21st year of the AAAA existence in the USA. Save the dates! August 15-16, 2008. Plan to join us and the nuns of the Religious of the Assumption at Hilton-McLean in Tysons Corner, Virginia, USA
Unite with us as we grow in the spirit of the Assumption community.
For more Information contact
Lina A. Divinagracia, Tel. 202-265-1251, Email or
Marilen Payawal-Abello, Tel. 301-755-4457, Email
Raquel Lim-Salientes, Tel. 301-460-7883, Email
Tina Manglapus-Maynigo, 202-885-3632 (w), 202-277-8314 (c),;
Julie Marfil-Kelly, Tel. 202-321-8385, Email
Luisa Velasco-Reyes, Tel. 703-379-2412, Email
Grace Celis-Keeve, Email
Additional information will be continually added to this site. Please visit often or email to subscribe to our alert notifications. Thank you.
WELCOME! New Members INM Banwa_Mo eGroup:
*Ernesto "Ernie" Gange from the island Province of Guimaras
NaFFAA Founding Chairman for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
National Federation of Filipino American Associations(NaFFAA), Inc.
*Salvador "Jun" Calumno, Jr. from the Municipality of Leon, Iloilo
President: The Leonians of America, Inc.
Join! the Last Laugh with us!
When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked: "What?"... and then they laughed!
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When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked: "How?"... and then they laughed!
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When Jules Verne wrote, someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked: "When?"... and then they laughed!
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When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Messiah, people asked: "Who?"---and then they laughed!
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When the ILONGGO "NATION" MOVEMENT announced its mission and vision, people did not bother to ask: "What?---How? ---When? or Who?"; they just laughed! ... and laughed!
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People are still laughing - - - but the laughter is fading!.
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Ang inyo alagad...dinggol a.divinagracia. .
(The Ilonggo “Nation” Movement Newsletter)
* Volume No. I * Issue No. 002 * Date: August 1, 2007*
(By: Dr. Jose"Joey"Dacudao -INM Banwa_Mo: NorthernMindanaoPh)
Introduction: All Filipinos are taught a narrow type of history from the point of view of historians based in MetroManila, in accordance with a Uniform educational curriculum concocted by Manila-based institutions and individuals, and enforced in all Philippine schools.
This is passed on as 'history of the Filipino people' or as some other euphemism. Yet nothing is farther from the truth.
I will be posting old articles once in a while for the purpose of showing history from the point of view of certain Visayans. It clearly shows that Visayan history is DIFFERENT from Tagalog history, and yet what is officially passed in all Philippine schools is the latter.
It goes without saying that this is the history that we should be teaching to our children in all schools in traditional Visayan areas:
"Remember, remember, the fifth of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot."
This is the nursery rhyme, popular in Great Britain , that commemorates the successful foiling of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the British Parliament. Guy Fawkes and his comrades were consequently tortured and executed by the British Government. During Guy Fawkes Night, British citizens have, for centuries since that fateful night, been burning effigies of Guy Fawkes.
From the point of view of the British State, Guy Fawkes and his comrades were EVIL. Imagine trying blow up the Parliament, the symbol of ‘democracy’! From the point of view of Guy Fawkes and his comrades, it was the exact opposite; they represented the GOOD. They were trying to blow up the symbol and representatives of a Government gone dictatorial, that had suspended civil rights, a Government gone evil.
The movie ‘V for Vendetta’ starring Hugo Weaving (Matrix Trilogy) and Natalie Portman (Star Wars Episodes 1 to 3) in fact explores this theme. ‘V’, the protagonist of the film who wages a one-man revolution against an evil Unitarian Totalitarian State , regarded Guy Fawkes as his personal hero.
Now, my dear Kasimanuas, what if I were to tell you that we Ilonggos have an equivalent of a Guy Fawkes night?
In NOVEMBER 5, 1898, Gen. Juan "Tan Juan" Araneta and Gen. Aniceto Lacson, after defeating Spanish military forces in Negros , declared in Bago Plaza Negros Occidental the Independent Republic of Negros. This was also on NOVEMBER 5, exactly 293 years after Guy Fawkes was caught with fuses in his hands, about to blow up what he truly believed to be the symbol and representatives of an Evil Government.
Why declare an independent Negros , and not join the revolutionary forces in the Tagalog region under General Aguinaldo? One of these Ilonggo patriots was recorded as saying that they DID NOT WANT TO BE UNDER A TAGALOG DICTATOR (referring to Aguinaldo).
Next day November 6, 1898, Don Diego de los Rios, the last Governor-General of Spain in the Philippines formally surrendered to the Independent Republic of Negros revolutionary leaders (Gen. Aniceto Lacson - President, and Gen. Juan Araneta-Secretary of War) in Bacolod .
On 17 November 1898, before 3000 joyful residents of Sta Barbara Iloilo, the Visayan Leaders and Generals proclaimed the Independence of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Visayas and Mindanao .
However, by itself, it would not have amounted to much. After all, any interested group of Visayan patriots could today go to Sta Barbara plaza and proclaim Independence from Manila , and even if they had an audience of 3000, it would be more of a symbolic rather than a politically concrete act. The name of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Visayas and Mindanao, which claimed jurisdiction over the Visayas and Mindanao, was later changed to Federal Republic of the Visayas, in order to clarify that the Visayan patriots wanted to form a Federal Philippines.
Let us point out that Aguinaldo and the Tagalogs did what was fundamentally the same action in Malolos. General Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed President of the first Philippine Republic during the ratification of the Malolos Republic Constitution and its inauguration in Malolos, Bulacan on 23 January 1899. No doubt it was a symbolic act of great significance to the Tagalogs fighting against Spain , but fact number one is that no country in the world recognized this proclamation. Fact number two is that the Tagalog revolutionaries (although with a cause as just as ours in the Visayas) NEVER WON THEIR WAR AGAINST SPAIN .
On the other hand, WE VISAYANS WON! On December 25, 1898 Don Diego de los Rios, after more than a month of intense fighting wherein the Visayans militarily defeated the Spanish forces in Iloilo , surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas, lead by General Martin Delgado, at Plaza Libertad in Iloilo City .
These events occurred BEFORE:
1.Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed President of the first Philippine Republic during ratification of the Constitution and its inauguration in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. (Recall that neither the Spanish nor the Americans ever surrendered to this Government, nor recognized it. No country in the world recognized this government.)
2.The Treaty of Paris , wherein Spain ceded the whole Philippine Islands to the USA for $20-million, was officially consummated and became legally binding on APRIL 11, 1899. (This Treaty was the legal basis upon which the Americans formed their own colonial Government in the Philippines .
Eventually this Government, through continuous legal processes, gave way to the present Manila-based Unitarian Government of the Philippines . From this point of view, the present Unitarian Government of the Philippines is derived via continuous legal processes from the Treaty of Paris.)
Note that since Spain had already formally surrendered to the two Ilonggo Governments before the Treaty of Paris, then technically Spain had already ceased to have jurisdiction over these Governments. Consequently, Spain could not have legally ceded these Governments and their territories to the USA . The treaty of Paris is therefore invalid with respect to these Governments.
Legally, these Governments could still be regarded as extant. Let us place these events in perspective:
The duly constituted head of the Spanish Empire in the Philippines FORMALLY SURRENDERED TO TWO AND ONLY TWO GOVERNMENTS in the Philippines :
1.The INDEPENDENT NEGROS REPUBLIC on NOVEMBER 6, 1898 in Bacolod . This government claimed jurisdiction over Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental.
2.The FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF THE VISAYAS on DECEMBER 25, 1898 in Iloilo City . This government claimed jurisdiction over the Visayas.
Given that these Governments HAVE NEVER BEEN LEGALLY REPUDIATED, the implications of these events are enormous:
2.These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. (This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris.)
My dear Kasimanwas, next time you meet an anti-Federalist Tagalista who is acting as though he owns the Philippines, PLEASE REMEMBER THE FIFTH OF NOVEMBER, when Ilonggo patriots won our freedom with their sweat and blood.
Sinco de Nobyembre
Remember, remember, the fifth of November, Ilonggo freedom, in my heart. I see no reason why Ilonggo freedom Should ever be forgot.
Tanda-e, tanda-e, sinco de Nobyembre,Ilonggong kahilwayan, buhi sining dughan.Walay kabangdanan akon kalimtanIlonggong kahilwayan, tubtob sa katubtuban.
Mga Kasimanwa, this is the way we should be telling our story to the Visayan youth! Yet what does the educational curriculum from Manila enforced in all Philippine schools mention of our efforts to achieve our freedom? Nothing!
History as taught in our schools is the history of the Tagalog Revolution against Spain . It is not even as good a story as ours, as the Tagalogs never won, and is severely tainted by ruthless infighting, dictatorship, and the murders of Katipuan Founder Andres Bonifacio and General Luna by Aguinaldo.
While Aguinaldo was advocating a formal dictatorship on his part, the Visayans were advocating Federalism. From a certain point of view, there is nothing to be proud of in this story.
To recap, we Visayans had established two Independent cantonal states by 1898 against the might of a European colonial power, A FIRST IN THE HISTORY OF ARCHIPELAGIC ASIA.
We should be standing proud! Instead our general populace at present knows nothing of these. It is not our people’s fault because our educational curriculum is totally controlled by Manila-based institutions, which enforce their own version of history. Our fault is that we take the Unitarian system imposing such slanted history on us standing down.
We could still change this erasure of our own history. In Federalism, which the Visayan patriots mentioned above envisioned and openly advocated, the local state controls its educational curriculum. Under the present Unitarian system, Manila has total control over what is being taught to our children. Our patriotic forebears fought for Federalism and sacrificed their blood for it.
Let us not fail them!
Editors Note:
Dr. Jose Palu-ay Dacudao, is an ilonggo Neurosurgeon practising in Butuan City, CARAGA-Philippines. He is the National President of Save our Languages thru Federalism Foundation(SOLFED), Inc. and is an active member of the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM Banwa_Mo). -----
His column "Language, Traditions and Federalism" and "Save our Languages Through Federalism" appears in Western Visayas Informer Newspaper and the Negros Daily Bulletin Newspaper respectively.
Dr. Dacudao's ancestry are from Dingle, lloilo. He is also related to the Familia Gaston and Locsin of Silay City in Negros Occidental.
Please bear in mind, that SOLFED and INM have nothing against the Tagalogs nor the Non-Visayans but only with the "Tagalistas". And that even ilonggos and Visayans maybe considered Tagalistas; if they prefer to be subservient to unitarian-centrist policies that adversely affects our very own ethnic languages and cultural heritage.
Sa guihapon...dinggol a.divinagracia..
Here's an anniversary comment taken from Manuel Luis Quezon-III(MLQ3) blogsite:
"Manolo, Resil Mojares’s paper delivered at the recent conference on Political Reform and Charter Change, says the Ilonggos (even before the birth of Salvador Araneta) first articulated the federalist dream. He says that in 1898, leaders in Iloilo formed the Federal State of the Visayas, anticipating that a Federal Republic of the Philippines, composed of three states — Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao — would be formed by the Aguinaldo government.
Mojares further points out that in 1899, some “eminent” Filipinos submitted to the Philippine Commission a draft for a Federal Republic of the Philippines with 11 states. The Ilocano intellectual Isabelo de los Reyes also proposed in 1900 a federal constitution with 7 states.
The Tagalogs, of course, were not dreaming of federalism but of a unitary state, with themselves at the helm."
Sheila Coronel said this on July 29th, 2005 at 3:57 pm
According to a news report, a certain school in Lorton, Va. was recently faced with a unique problem. A number of 12 year old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the washroom.
That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick, they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints. Every night the maintenance man would remove them and the next day, the girls would put them back.
Finally the principal decided that something had to be done. He called all the girls to the washroom and met them there with the maintenance man. He explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night.
To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, he asked the maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required. He took out a long handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet sanitary bowl, and cleaned the mirror with it.
Since then there have been no lip prints on the mirror.
The moral of this story...... There are teachers, and then there are educators.
Mon Jocson -(INM Banwa_Mo LortonVaUSA)
Association Of Ilonggos-Metropolitan Washington D.C. (AIM) Inc.
"The Pagla-um Girls"
(By Zenaida Alimon-Tabligan: President - AIM, Inc.)
Hello Everyone;
I don't want anyone of us to miss this publication. I am so proud of these girls. For several years my brother Tony Alimon, used to chaperon this Little league delegation to the US as Finance Officer-and would always recount to us his enjoyable and remarkable experience with them and how their hosts in Oregon and Seattle treated them wonderfully with much appreciated hospitality.
These girls came from Bacolod City, Negros Occidental which is also my birthplace. They are all true blooded Ilonggas like all of us. They worked so hard to give our country such unsurpassed honor and prestige. They deserve our commendation and utmost respect and WE'RE GENUINELY PROUD OF THEM!
Inspiring Story from Paglaum girls of Bacolod.
Written by: Rina Jimenez David (Philippine Daily Inquirer)
Paying a courtesy call Thursday on President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo at Malacanang were the members of the victorious Bacolod team that emerged as champions in the recent World Series Junior Girls Softball championship in Kirkland, Washington, United States. After the girls showed her their victory banner and presented her with an honorary team jacket, the President handed the girls from Paglaum (a village on the outskirts of Bacolod) a check for one million pesos, an incentive for their winning performance.
A newspaper report says the team's 2-0 victory over Puerto Rico in the title match "gave the Philippines its first World Series crown since 1992 when a team from Zamboanga was stripped of the crown it won in Pennsylvania on allegations of fielding over-aged and unqualified players. The girls' victory, then, was not just a great honor for the country, but also a vindication of Filipino honor and pride.
Beyond that, though, the team's victory is a real "Cinderella" story, a fascinating tale of how girls from a small town overcame the odds and showed the world what they're made of. THE GIRLS, from 12 to 14 years of age, come from Paglaum, a small village on the outskirts of Bacolod, and belong to farming families, their parents working in the sugar cane fields or else engaged in fishing and rice and coconut farming.
Rufino Ignacio, one of the Filipino-Americans in Washington who played host to the team, says the girls brought pictures of their nipa huts and the dilapidated premises of the Paglaum Village National High School. As Ignacio tells it, the team almost didn't make the trip for lack of money for their plane fare. Funds raised by their sponsors, including Little League Philippines and politicians and business people in Negros, were not enough for their needs. So as a last ditch effort, the team's coach and the school principal took out a loan for 100,000 pesos, though perhaps the President's check should now ease their anxieties somewhat.
Upon arrival in the US, the girls and their coach stayed with a host family, the Shannons, all of them crowded into the Shannons' modest home, although once the tournament began, the USA Little League housed them in a hotel. But they faced more than logistical challenges. Ignacio describes the Paglaum girls as the "smallest" among all the players in the tournament, who were "heftier and taller and from their looks, stronger."
Despite their physical disadvantages, however, the young Pinays became the "darling of the crowd," racking up a "very impressive record" and winning everyone's admiration for their "discipline and decorum."
THE STORY of the Paglaum girls, though, is also the story of how the entire Filipino-American community in the area came together to lend their moral, physical and financial support for the lucky team.
Fil-Ams from as far as Oregon and British Columbia came in droves to cheer on the Paglaum girls. The longgos Northwest Association, the Filipino Community of Seattle, and a regional Fil-Am association, the FACSPS, combined resources to make the girls feel welcome. The FACSPS, headed by Ignacio, gathered used clothing, shoes, toiletries, canned goods and other items and packed them in balikbayan boxes for the girls to take home to their families.
"As the team is not used to eating bread in the hotel, the Ilonggos and FACSPS prepared food for them, potluck style, and the team heartily ate with other Filipinos after each game," recounts Ignacio. "The girls said they had the best meals in their young lives during the tournament." Ignacio notes that the Paglaum girls left the Philippines with "no money, hardly noticed, and thinking perhaps they had no chance of winning."
But now, they have returned as heroes, or rather, as young heroines. Everyone loves an underdog, but victorious underdogs are loved even more. This is one "Cinderella story" that deserves to be told and retold.
Its only when you share your life to others that life begins to have a meaning and purpose ... the time you touch the life of others is the time you really live.
A N N O U N C E M E N T S:
The Assumption Alumnae Association Abroad, Washington DC Chapter; will host the Eighth AAAA Triennial Reunion in 2008
Inviting all former students, graduates and friends of the schools run by the Religious of the Assumption in the Philippines.
Join us to celebrate the 21st year of the AAAA existence in the USA. Save the dates! August 15-16, 2008. Plan to join us and the nuns of the Religious of the Assumption at Hilton-McLean in Tysons Corner, Virginia, USA
Unite with us as we grow in the spirit of the Assumption community.
For more Information contact
Lina A. Divinagracia, Tel. 202-265-1251, Email or
Marilen Payawal-Abello, Tel. 301-755-4457, Email
Raquel Lim-Salientes, Tel. 301-460-7883, Email
Tina Manglapus-Maynigo, 202-885-3632 (w), 202-277-8314 (c),;
Julie Marfil-Kelly, Tel. 202-321-8385, Email
Luisa Velasco-Reyes, Tel. 703-379-2412, Email
Grace Celis-Keeve, Email
Additional information will be continually added to this site. Please visit often or email to subscribe to our alert notifications. Thank you.
WELCOME! New Members INM Banwa_Mo eGroup:
*Ernesto "Ernie" Gange from the island Province of Guimaras
NaFFAA Founding Chairman for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
National Federation of Filipino American Associations(NaFFAA), Inc.
*Salvador "Jun" Calumno, Jr. from the Municipality of Leon, Iloilo
President: The Leonians of America, Inc.
Join! the Last Laugh with us!
When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked: "What?"... and then they laughed!
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When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked: "How?"... and then they laughed!
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When Jules Verne wrote, someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked: "When?"... and then they laughed!
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When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Messiah, people asked: "Who?"---and then they laughed!
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When the ILONGGO "NATION" MOVEMENT announced its mission and vision, people did not bother to ask: "What?---How? ---When? or Who?"; they just laughed! ... and laughed!
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People are still laughing - - - but the laughter is fading!.
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Ang inyo alagad...dinggol a.divinagracia. .
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