Ang Republika Federal sg Kabisay-an (The Federal Republic of the Visayas)
Historical Facts obviously omitted or deliberately hidden in our School History Books
(Source: History Reborn"The Federal Republic of the Visayas" -by: dinggol a.divinagracia*June 12, 2007)
*That Spain had already formally surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas even before Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed Philippine President in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. That our Independent Visayan Republic, had never been under the authority and jurisdiction of Aguinaldo's "Katagalogan" Republic in Luzon.
excerpted: "...A paper written by Jose Manuel Velmonte, a research associate at the UP Third World Studies Center, found that the Visayan revolutionary elites not only had sophisticated political ideas but also resented attempts by Malolos to assert its authority. A Tagalog military expedition sent by Malolos to Panay to assert its presence was met with hostility. The Luzon force led by Generals Ananias Diocno and Leandro Fullon was regarded by the Visayan revolutionaries, led by the Visayan supremo, Gen. Martin Delgado, as an ''invasion'' force ..." (Source: Inquirer-1999- 06-13 "View of revolt in provinces spurs revision" By: Amando Doronila)
According to Dr. Luis C.Dery, an eminent Filipino Scholar: "Expounding the extent of Aguinaldo's Philippine Army; the Bangsamoro nation's Mindanao, Sulu, and the rest of its islands never fell under Aguinaldo's politico-military control and sovereignty. In fact as late as August 1898 much of northern Luzon, southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao remained outside of the control of Aguinaldo's Republic. Thus, several military expeditions were sent to these places to bring' them to recognize the First Philippine Republic."
*That the 1898 Treaty of Paris preliminaries, should not have included territories of the sovereign "Visayan Nation"; the confederation of both the Central and Western Visayas Cantonal Governments by virtue of Spain's formal surrender prior to this U.S. and Spain treaty of peace (Paris) and the $20-million buy-out. Spain had no more legal rights to sell. In legal parlance "nemodat quod non habet” -meaning “you cannot give what is not yours”. It states that the purchase of a possession from someone who has no ownership right to it also denies the purchaser any ownership title.
This diplomatic "Faux pas" that was supposed to be officially consummated and became legal and internationally binding only on APRIL 11, 1899 should, or rather must be rectified.
*June 12, 1898 -Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spain in Kawit, Cavite --but never won the war against Spain, as explained in the infamous betrayal --the "Mock Battle of Manila of August 13, 1898".
*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
excerpted: "...These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris...."
Dr. Jose P. Dacudao; National President -Save Our Languages thru Federalism Foundation (SOLFED), Inc.
*July 4, 1946 -The United States of America granted Philippine Independence on a silver platter with strings attached.
"True Independence could never be just self-proclaimed nor bestowed upon, it has to be won and duly achieved with dignity" -- DinggolAranetaDivinagracia (Founder: Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network ..Dec. 25, 2005)
Dinggol is an Ilonggo Historian of modern times. He is a lover of nature and reform activist by profession; a genealogist by avocation, and an avid advocate of the Cooperative Movement and "Parliamentary" Federalism. He is, likewise, a duly registered Researcher at the U.S. Library of Congress in the nations capital --Washington D.C.
"It is rather speculative as it is without basis of history if we mean of "history" is that which had been written for us by the "tutas" or lackeys of our colonial and imperial masters.." -- Benjie Evicner Estuche (INM Co-Founder)
"Federalism is not the best way, it is the only way"..
Join the Last Laugh with us!
*When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked -What? and then they laughed.
*When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked -How? and then they laughed.
*When Jules Verne wrote someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked - When? and then they laughed.
*When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Lord, the Messiah, people asked -Who? and then they laughed.
*When the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network announced its mission and vision, people did not even bother to ask, What? How? When? or Who? --They just laughed and laughed. *People are still laughing, ...but the laughter is fading!
Ang inyo alagad sa guihapon -DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~
(Source: History Reborn"The Federal Republic of the Visayas" -by: dinggol a.divinagracia*June 12, 2007)
*That Spain had already formally surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas even before Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed Philippine President in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. That our Independent Visayan Republic, had never been under the authority and jurisdiction of Aguinaldo's "Katagalogan" Republic in Luzon.
excerpted: "...A paper written by Jose Manuel Velmonte, a research associate at the UP Third World Studies Center, found that the Visayan revolutionary elites not only had sophisticated political ideas but also resented attempts by Malolos to assert its authority. A Tagalog military expedition sent by Malolos to Panay to assert its presence was met with hostility. The Luzon force led by Generals Ananias Diocno and Leandro Fullon was regarded by the Visayan revolutionaries, led by the Visayan supremo, Gen. Martin Delgado, as an ''invasion'' force ..." (Source: Inquirer-1999- 06-13 "View of revolt in provinces spurs revision" By: Amando Doronila)
According to Dr. Luis C.Dery, an eminent Filipino Scholar: "Expounding the extent of Aguinaldo's Philippine Army; the Bangsamoro nation's Mindanao, Sulu, and the rest of its islands never fell under Aguinaldo's politico-military control and sovereignty. In fact as late as August 1898 much of northern Luzon, southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao remained outside of the control of Aguinaldo's Republic. Thus, several military expeditions were sent to these places to bring' them to recognize the First Philippine Republic."
*That the 1898 Treaty of Paris preliminaries, should not have included territories of the sovereign "Visayan Nation"; the confederation of both the Central and Western Visayas Cantonal Governments by virtue of Spain's formal surrender prior to this U.S. and Spain treaty of peace (Paris) and the $20-million buy-out. Spain had no more legal rights to sell. In legal parlance "nemodat quod non habet” -meaning “you cannot give what is not yours”. It states that the purchase of a possession from someone who has no ownership right to it also denies the purchaser any ownership title.
This diplomatic "Faux pas" that was supposed to be officially consummated and became legal and internationally binding only on APRIL 11, 1899 should, or rather must be rectified.
*June 12, 1898 -Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spain in Kawit, Cavite --but never won the war against Spain, as explained in the infamous betrayal --the "Mock Battle of Manila of August 13, 1898".
*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
excerpted: "...These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris...."
Dr. Jose P. Dacudao; National President -Save Our Languages thru Federalism Foundation (SOLFED), Inc.
*July 4, 1946 -The United States of America granted Philippine Independence on a silver platter with strings attached.
"True Independence could never be just self-proclaimed nor bestowed upon, it has to be won and duly achieved with dignity" -- DinggolAranetaDivinagracia (Founder: Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network ..Dec. 25, 2005)
Dinggol is an Ilonggo Historian of modern times. He is a lover of nature and reform activist by profession; a genealogist by avocation, and an avid advocate of the Cooperative Movement and "Parliamentary" Federalism. He is, likewise, a duly registered Researcher at the U.S. Library of Congress in the nations capital --Washington D.C.
"It is rather speculative as it is without basis of history if we mean of "history" is that which had been written for us by the "tutas" or lackeys of our colonial and imperial masters.." -- Benjie Evicner Estuche (INM Co-Founder)
"Federalism is not the best way, it is the only way"..
Join the Last Laugh with us!
*When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked -What? and then they laughed.
*When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked -How? and then they laughed.
*When Jules Verne wrote someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked - When? and then they laughed.
*When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Lord, the Messiah, people asked -Who? and then they laughed.
*When the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network announced its mission and vision, people did not even bother to ask, What? How? When? or Who? --They just laughed and laughed. *People are still laughing, ...but the laughter is fading!
Ang inyo alagad sa guihapon -DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~
Claim your birth right,
"ACTA DE CAPITULACION~1898" (The Formal Surrender Document)

*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
Ergo! we won our battle-scarred freedom and legitimate independence and became a sovereign nation. The "First" Republic in the whole of Asia, but was nipped-in-the bud by the "ugly" Americans. A diplomatic faux pas, a political blunder and a travesty of history! --DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~~
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
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* Volume No. II * Issue No. 01* Date: January 1, 2008 *
*The INM * Ang Mabangis!...* The Rise & Fall of the FRV * The Araneta's *
The Locsin's * Layers of Ilonggo Reality * Insights: Foods * Make My Day!
Today in History!
*25th of December*
In observance of the birth date of Jesus Christ "Our Lord and Redeemer"; the 109th anniversary celebration of Spain’s formal surrender to the Federal Republic of the Visayas and the second Foundation Day anniversary of the Ilonggo Nation Movement in Cyberspace --this article is written as a tribute to the ilonggos, a proud and deeply religious people with rich and noble heritage.
Mga Kasimanwa:
The Ilonggo Nation of Western Visayas existed since 1214 up to the early 1900's. It has a seperate and distinct political set-up; its own culture, ethnic languages and traditions; history and aspirations. A proud race of noble heritage.
The Spaniards who colonized the whole archipelago for about 333 years were evidently defeated and formally surrendered to our forebears in Negros and again on December 25, 1898, after the the Federal Republic of the Visayas was legally established based in Iloilo.
Thus, supposed to signal the end of foreign sovereignty and domination. Unfortunately, however, in view of U.S. policy “manifest destiny” imposed upon us and due to the onward march of modern imperialism that substituted centuries of colonialism --this became a travesty of history.
The “Ilonggo Nation Movement” with it's Banwa_Mo eForum .. a group organized in a bold attempt to resurrect our glorious past, redeem the lost prestige of the Ilonggos and hopefully would act as the vanguard to aggressively pursue the revival of our sovereign Visayan Federal Republic. Thereby, create a force to reckon with; that perhaps, might deter perpetuators of the maladies that now confronts our people.
Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, we pray to wage this war not in the fields of battle but initially in cyberspace. The adversaries, not foreign invaders who trampled our sacred shores but a callous and undisciplined (ourselves included) society of apathy and injustice.
The main objective: to instill awareness worldwide; win the hearts and minds of ilonggos of today and generations to come; so that they, may be able to participate in the war against dismal poverty and landlessness due to greed of the oligarchy (the modern day ilustrados); despair and hopelessness due to graft and corruption in all levels of government; and the existence of the well entrenched Political Dynasties "Psuedo Royalties" of traditional politicians who controls "Perlas ng Silanganan" from "Katigulangan Kag Kaapohan"; that's the new "KKK" for you...
Bugtaw na Banwa! .. Pass this on! .. Madamo guid nga salamat!!
Today in History !
*Deciembre 27, 1898*
Ang Mabangis! Kalbo nga Agila kag ang Duha ka Adlaw nga Pisu!
(By: dinggol a. divinagracia -INM -December 27, 2007)
On December 27, 1898, the ferocious bald eagle swooped down to Madya-as, waited for awhile, then attacked and began the emasculation of the two-day old "Chick."
Thus, was the "manifest destiny" of our short-lived nationhood “Ang Republika Federal sang Kabisay-an“ --at the turn of the last century.
Adding insult to injury, the new foreign invaders branded our forebears; the brave revolucionarios and patriots as cultists, brigands, bandits, insurrectionists.
Maybe “Uncle Sam” was ignorant of the fact that we were an infant but already a sovereign Nation State with a legitimate form of government --two days earlier. Or perhaps, knew but still refuse to know as the onward march of greed and modern imperialism substituted centuries of colonialism.
To entertain the negative notion, a mindset that today we cry over spilled milk over this unfortunate encounter, this travesty of history is not only absurd but sheer ignorance. The objective is not only to remind the whole world of this historical blunder, this diplomatic faux pas ---but more importantly, to instill in the minds and enshrine in the hearts of the young and future generations, a legacy of their proud and noble heritage --nipped in the bud by a socratic irony of fate.
That notwithstanding insurmountable odds, our forefathers valiantly fought with dignity against those who trampled our sacred shores.
And that we accepted defeat as a victory with a smile; knowing that once upon a time, we as a people in the Visayas --won our freedom in the fields of battle and formally acheived a legitimate independence after more than 333 years of foreign subjugation under Spanish colonial rule and made world history as the first Republic in all of Asia --the Federal Republic of the Visayas!
The Rise and Fall of the Federal Republic of the Visayas
(By: dinggol a.divinagracia -INM -December 30, 2007)
Chronology of Events:
December 18, 1856: Graciano Lopez-Jaena was born in Jaro, Iloilo City. History recognized him as the first reformist and the acknowledged "Trailblazer" of the Philippine Propaganda Movement. At age 18, he wrote “Fray Butod” that exposed the abuses and unholy alliance between Spanish authorities, abusive encomenderos and the Frailes.
In 1880, he reached Spain and together with Dr. Jose P. Rizal and Marcelo H. del Pilar, who arrived in 1882 and 1889 respectively --formed the great triumvirate who advocated reforms for the welfare of the Filipino people.
In February 1889, Lopez Jaena founded the "La Solidaridad" that became the mouthpiece of the propaganda movement, with the Noli, Fili and others --it ignited the major spark that started the armed Philippine Revolution in 1896.
After the “Cry of Balintawak” on August 26, 1896, Katipunan Supremo Andres Bonifacio sent home Francisco del Castillo and Candido Iban ----to start the uprising in Aklan (part of Capiz). Gen. del Castillo, who led 82 Aklanon recruits was killed in battle on March 17, 1897. Two days later, the Spanish authorities with local collaborators, enticed his men to surrender with promise of amnesty. But those who gave-up, were deceived, tortured and imprisoned.
Nineteen leaders were executed, their dead bodies paraded around Kalibo town Plaza to demoralize the populace. Thus, the short-lived Katipunan led revolution in that part of Capiz ended in defeat.
Years later, the patriotic fervor was rekindled and the armed revolution resurrected in the whole Province of Capiz under the able leadership of Gen. Esteban Contreras.
The "Comite de Conspiradores" initiated by Francisco Villanueva and headed by Don Raymundo Melliza was formed in “Parian” now Molo in Iloilo on March 18, 1898. This became the nucleus that started the highly disciplined and well organized covert Revolutionary Movement in the island of Panay.
Thereafter, Gen. Roque Lopez -the elected President of the Assembly, Gen. Pablo Araneta -Panay island Commanding General and Chief Expeditionary Forces for the Visayas and other leaders of the council ; secretly maintained liaison with their clan and friends in Negros and nearby island provinces to start the armed uprising in their area.
Earlier, Capitan Martin Delgado led the volunteer battalion of ilonggo contingents under the Spaniards who fought against Gen. Aguinaldos forces in Cavite and Pampanga. These military expeditions were mostly financed by Iloilo’s elite; more notably, Gobernadorcillo of "Salog" now Jaro --Don Eugenio Jalandoni Lopez and Don Felix de la Rama of "Parian" now Molo.
Later, however, Don Martin secretly worked for the Visayan instead of the Spanish cause and organized for an open armed rebellion against the Spaniards. Several Visayan Generals conferred and chose Delgado as “General en Jefe de los Tropas del Ejercito Libertador de Visayas y Governador Politico-Militar” based in Sta. Barbara, Iloilo.
The Visayan leaders recognized Aguinaldo's revolutionary government, since it was for a Federal Republic of the Philippines, with a federal State each for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Later, however, on May 24th upon the advice of Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista, an autocratic regime was established with Emilio Aguinaldo as dictator. This move was oppossed by Apolinario Mabini, a Batangueno and by the Visayan leaders, but on the 12th of June, 1898, under this dictatorship Philippine Independence was proclaimed in Kawit, Cavite.
Gen. Pantaleon “Leon Kilat” Villegas, of Bacong, Negros Oriental as directed by the Negros Island revolutionary leaders organized the Revolucionarios in Cebu and on the 3rd of April, 1898 led the armed uprising against Spanish authorities together with Luis Flores , Florencio Gonzales, Candido Padilla, Andres Abellana, and others.
September 21, 1898 -Gen. Leandro Locsin Fullon arrived in Pandan, Antique as Head of the expeditionary forces to Panay sent by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo.
However, the Luzon force under his command and Gen. Ananias Diokno's attempt to assert their presence was regarded by the Visayan revolutionary leaders as an ''invasion'' force and met with hostility --since the Visayans did not want to recognize the supremacy of Aguinaldo.
Although, they fought side by side for the same cause and under one flag, with the star emblem representing Panay, later symbolizing the Visayas after a federal government was formally established.
When the Americans invaded Iloilo, Gen. Fullon joined his cousin Gen. Pablo Araneta and helped in the resistance with other leaders of the Federal Republic of the Visayas. (See related Article in Sept. 1, 2007 issue: The “Revolucionario” of Antique)
November 5, 1898 -the Independent Negros Republic was declared in Bago Plaza, Negros Occidental by Gen. Juan "Tan Juan" Araneta when Spanish authorities under Col. Isidro de Castro, Politico-Military Governor of Negros Island capitulated. Earlier, Gen. Marciano S. Araneta led the revolucionarios capture the Spanish Cuartel General in "Mangkas" now La Carlota, while Don Diego de la Vina defeated the Spanish authorities in Dumaguete, Negros Oriental.
Next day, the 6th of November --Don Diego de los Rios, last Governor-General of Spain in the Philippines signed the Formal Surrender Documents "Acta de Capitulacion" in Bacolod, duly acknowledged by Gen. Aniceto Lacson-Presidente and other officials of the Independent Negros Republic.
The Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Visayas and Mindanao proclaimed by Gen-en-Gefe Martin Delgado during the November 17th “Cry of Sta. Barbara” in Iloilo, was replaced on November 23, 1898 to a politico-military government composed only of the Visayas. The leaders preferred instead a federal arrangement composed of; Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao as a logical substitute because of its indigenous elements.
December 2, 1898 -after series of serious discussions and thorough deliberations with the merger of the Independent Republic of Negros, the Cantonal Government of Bohol and other nearby island Provinces --the Panay government, based in Iloilo was formally renamed the Federal Republic of the Visayas.
By middle of December, the Revolutionaries led by Gen. Esteban Contreras together with Colonels Pascual Barza & Juan Arce with Captain Alejandro Balgos led the Capizenos defeated and drove the Spanish forces out of Capiz, a few days before Spanish authorities totally capitulated to the Visayas Republic in Iloilo City. In Romblon, then still a part of Capiz, Col. Diego de Diaz became commander of the revolutionary forces.
December 23, 1898 -Governor-General Diego de los Rios, to avoid further bloodshed, relinquished Spain’s banner and official saber --symbol of Spanish authority, for formal surrender to the leaders of the approaching victorious revolutionary forces, thru Iloilo “Alcalde” Jose Ma. Gay.
He was the last Spanish “Alcalde Mayor” in Iloilo and the son of Vicente Gay and Trinidad Ditching Soriano, daughter of Don Anselmo Soriano y Flores (Molo Gobernadorcillo-1860) and Maria Dy Ching of Binondo, Manila.
Alcalde Jose Ma. Gay, was likewise, a first cousin of Gen. Pablo S. Araneta, Panay Island Commanding General of the revolutionary forces. This act was witnessed by civilian members of the “Comite de Conspiradores” Jovito Yusay and Ramon Avancena with other local officials.
The Revolutionary Forces led by Gen. Martin Delgado (Gral-en-Gefe), Gen. Pablo S. Araneta -Panay Island Commanding General, Gen. Leandro Fullon of Antique and Gen. Esteban Contreras of Capiz, after several fierced battles had by then taken all the towns in Panay. While the revolucionarios under Gen. Roque Lopez of Jaro, Gen. Quintin Salas of Dumangas, Gen. Teresa Magbanua of Pototan, Gen. Adriano Hernandez of Dingle, Gen. Angel Corteza of Molo and others had already encircled the whole City of Iloilo.
December 24, 1898 -Gov. General Don Diego de los Rios, evacuated for Zamboanga on the way home to Spain together with Spanish Politico-Military Governor of Negros, Isidro de Castro and Cebu Politico-Military Governor Adolfo Montero, who hastily created a Cebuano caretaker committee before he left.
December 25, 1898 -Following the departure of the Spaniards, Gen. Martin T. Delgado led the Revolucionarios made a triumphal entry into the City of Iloilo with victorious parade to Plaza Alfonso XII, where he declared the Independence of the Federal Republic of the Visayas and renamed it “Plaza Libertad “.
December 27, 1898 -American Military Force led by Gen. Marcus Miller arrived in four US warships to Iloilo harbor to demand the surrender of the City. Several negotiations were made but leaders of the newly established sovereign Visayan Nation based in Iloilo vehemently refused.
February 2, 1899 -An American naval force appeared along the coastline of Negros ready for war. Gen. Aniceto Lacson -Negros President , seeing no chance of winning against the new invaders opted not to fight and ceded control when guarantees of property rights were made.
Moreover, the elite Negros leaders -were more interested in peace with America for commercial consideration as a fertile market for their booming sugar industry.
February 7, 1899 -Without expecting surrender and peaceful take-over, the Americans began the continious naval bombardment of Iloilo City for about a week --that brought irreparable damages and totally demolished the historic “Fort San Pedro“ citadel.
February 14, 1899 -American troops led by Gen. Robert Hughes landed at Fort San Pedro, near Santo Rosario in Iloilo and took it by storm. Villages were razed to the ground and hundreds of civilians were brutally killed, including defenseless women and small children. (see related Article in the June 21, 2007 issue: A “Sham” in the Heart of Iloilo City).
February 22, 1899 -The Fall of Iloilo to the Americans. Ilonggo troops fought the Americans in pitched battles in towns around Iloilo City. The resistance continued even after the surrender of the Visayan Supremo --Gen. Martin T. Delgado.
On April 27, 1899, Aguinaldo issued a decree abolishing the Federal Republic of the Visayas, which the Visayan leaders ignored. The embattled Republic continued to function, moving its capital from town to town in the Province of Iloilo.
The resistance in Cebu were led by Gen. Juan Climaco and Gen. Arcadio Maxilom. While in Panay, by Gen. Quintin D. Salas of Dumangas-Iloilo --the last Revolutionary General to surrender on October, 1902.
February 2, 1901 -Surrender of the Panay Forces to the Americans. The Ilonggos resisted but, weary of war and poorly armed, they were soon overwhelmed by the new and well-armed enemy. Many of the leaders surrendered and relative peace was restored.
July 4, 1902 -President Theodore Roosevelt officially ended the Philippine-American War earlier known as the “Philippine Insurrection“ by issuing the Peace Proclamation and Granting of Pardon/Amnesty to the "Insurrectionists" who in reality were patriots, fighting for freedom and defending the sovereignty of their independent Nation; the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF THE VISAYAS.
After the surrender of Gen. Aniceto Lacson to the Americans, Dionisio "Papa Isio" Sigobeyla of Cauayan in Negros --a babaylan declared himself the head of the Revolutionary Government in Negros Island. He fought the American troops for about eight more years until his capture in 1907.
In 1925 --Florencio Entrencherado, of Central Iloilo in Panay, continued the fight against foreign interference and heavy taxation by U.S. authorities --until he was captured and imprisoned in Manila on May 1927, where he died two years later.
The United States of America invaded the territories of the Federal Republic of the Visayas; a sovereign independent Nation State recognized by at least one foreign country (Spain) --without a Formal Declaration of War. This is a blatant violation of the "International Rules of War" --an agreement by civilized nations of the world even at that time.
Nota Bene:
INM Member Benjie Estuche had earlier stated: “It is rather speculative as it is without basis of history if we mean of "history" is that which had been written for us by the “tutas” of our colonial and imperial masters …"
(Excerpted: Inquirer 6/13/1999- "View of revolt in provinces spurs revision" by Amando Doronila):
As pointed out by Dr. Ma. Luisa T. Camagay, professor of history at UP, ''for a long time, the history of the Philippines has been written and narrated in a manner whereby events transpiring in the provinces, towns and barrios were but ripples created by Manila, the political, economic, social and cultural center of the country...(The) history of the country has been told and retold with the Philippines being one monolithic homogenous structure with Manilas as the gauge of the national pulse. This kind of historiograpy has persisted for a long time until an awareness of local units exhibited a dynamism of its own.''
Recently, we have come to realize that distorted historical facts, were ingrained in our minds as school children and continiously being cited by present day historians and writers.
While that’s their prerogative and we respect their opinion, sometimes it is better to believe history handed down from generation to generation --rather than from any Tom, Dick and Harry.
Incidentally, some data and informations as contained in above-article were secured personally directly from testimonies of children and grandchildren of the following --who had played important roles during these glorious chapters in our history, to wit:
Don Raymundo A. Melliza, Gen. Pablo S. Araneta, Gen. Leandro L. Fullon, Gen. Juan T. Araneta, Gen. Aniceto L. Lacson, Gen. Marciano S. Araneta, Don Gregorio S. Araneta, Iloilo "Alcalde" Jose Ma. S. Gay and Gen. Quintin D. Salas.
It would also be fair to add, that the author is closely related by consanguinity to all of the afore-mentioned ancestors.
Moreover, during the 95th Anniversary of the “Cry of Sta. Barbara” in Iloilo on November 17, 1993 --I had the opportunity to interact with descendants of other 1898 'Revolucionarios' of Panay and Negros during the reunion of members. The celebration was chaired by then Vice Governor of Iloilo, Hon. Demy Sonza -Chairman: Iloilo Provincial Historical Committee and famed ilonggo historian.
(By: dinggol araneta divinagracia- #
The Early History * Genealogy
The Philippine Aranetas are descended from two brothers who came from the Guipuzcoa Province of the historical region of the Vascongadas or Basque Country in northern Spain. Evidently hidalgos or members of nobility since they possessed a Coat-of-Arms.
During the Galleon Trade in 1723, Baltazar de Araneta y Guyol and his brother Don Jose de Araneta arrived in Manila from Acapulco, Mexico on board the "Nuestra Senora de Guia". Baltazar, an officer in the Spanish fleet married to Manuela de Aguirre served as a Regidor of the Cabildo in Manila and later became the Secretary of the charitable fraternity of the Misericordia. He died in Manila in 1750. His son , Juan Francisco Araneta y Aguirre, a maestre on the galleon "Santisima Trinidad" fought the British forces when they attacked Manila in 1762. He proved his nobility before the justices of Gaiza in the year 1773.
While in 1725, Don Jose de Araneta y Guyol joined the first expeditionary forces for Mindanao together with Don Placido Alberto de Saavedra, to serve the Spanish Politico-Military Government based at Zamboanga City as interpreter of the government and the Sultan of Maguindanao --Sultan Amiril Mamini Camsa, a.k.a. Amir ud-Din Hamza, also referred to by the khalifal title "Amir-ul-Muhminin." Don Jose de Araneta died in line of duty as Royal Interpreter in 1746 at Silangan (Sulugan) the present Anuling in Cotabato, Mindanao. Don Jose's two sons, Mathias and Vicente, both surnamed Araneta y Santa Ana left Zamboanga for Iloilo while another son Jose Benito stayed behind.
Years later, Vicente Araneta y Santa Ana together with his family joined the exodus of the more adventurous prominent ilonggos such as the Yulos' and the Yusays'; the Locsins's and the Lacsons'; the Lopezes' and the Ledesmas'; the Jalandonis' and Javellanas'; the Montinolas' and Montelibanos'; the Valencias' and Villanuevas'; the Salases' and de la Ramas' and others who migrated to the "New Frontier", the fertile island of Negros formerly known as "Isla de Buglas" with its' majestic Mount Kanlaon that eventually became famous as Sugarlandia.
The Araneta Family and the Philippine Revolution
When the Philippine Revolution against Spain broke out in 1896 and continued during the American regime, the Aranetas' of Molo in Iloilo (based in the Philippine Insurgents Record sub-titled "Las Familias Insurrectos del Pueblo de Molo" of the National Library) actively participated in the revolutionary movement.
The family of Don Felix Locsin-Militante Araneta and Paz Ditching Soriano de Araneta; almost all their children; his sister Ceferina Araneta-Esteban's sons Emilio and Eduardo; and brother Agaton Militante Araneta with his wife Josefa Locsin-Araneta were all listed in the "Insurrectos de Molo" records. Don Felix has a twin brother named Gabriel married to Antonina Gonzales.
While some of Don Felix and Dna. Paz Soriano-Araneta's children were involved in the covert operations of the revolutionary movement, others distinguished themselves in the fields of battle;
Gen. Pablo Soriano Araneta, a Physician-Surgeon by profession, was a member of the Federal Council of the Visayas Republic. He was the Commanding General of the Panay Revolutionary Forces and Chief of the expeditionary forces for the Federal Republic of the Visayas. Gen. Pablo Araneta encountered several fierced battles in Pavia, San Miguel and in the outskirts of Jaro. More notably, the battle of Oton to Arevalo together with Gen. Angel Corteza and Gen. Leandro Locsin Fullon of Antique who fired the first shot. (National Historical Institute marker in honor of Pablo Soriano Araneta - was installed at the facade of Molo Convent facing Molo Plaza in Iloilo City).
Gen. Marciano Soriano Araneta, Administrator of the family-owned Hacienda Paz (named after their mother "Paz") in La Carlota, Negros Occidental, led the revolucionarios valiantly fought and captured the Cuartel General of the Spanish Forces in "Mangkas", now La Carlota City and became one of the founders of the cantonal government of Negros in1899. (National Historical Institute marker in honor of Marciano Soriano Araneta - was installed by the entrance of the old Municipal Building facing La Carlota City Plaza.
Anastacio Soriano Araneta, who served under his elder brother Marciano was killed by remnants of the "guardia civil" who became roving bandits in the hinterlands of Negros after the formal surrender of Spain to the Negros Island Republic on November 5, 1898 that merged on December 2, 1898 with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo.
Jose Soriano Araneta, was appointed "Capitan" assigned at the office of the Panay Revolutionary Forces "Cuartel General" in Pavia, Iloilo together with Capitan Ramon Lopez. He fought in the battle of Tacas, Catmon and Balantang in Jaro in 1899. (National Historical marker in honor of Jose Soriano Araneta - was installed by the entrance of the Municipal Building facing the Pavia Plaza in Iloilo).
Gregorio Soriano Araneta, a lawyer by profession, advocated reforms for the welfare of the Filipino people. He served as Secretary General of Malolos Congress under the revolutionary government of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo in Luzon. (National Historical Institute marker in honor of Gregorio Soriano Araneta was installed at the facade of No.1030 R. Hidalgo Street, Quiapo, Manila, their ancestral home donated as Museum to the Philippine government)
Other members of the Araneta clan in Iloilo; especially the Aranetas' in Anilao; Eusebio Torres Araneta (brother of "Tan Juan") who settled in Anilao, Iloilo; the group of Casimiro, Emilio, Mariano and Faustino all surnamed Araneta; likewise, Miguel Piccio Araneta of Pototan, Iloilo were all officers of the Panay revolutionary forces actively involved in the fight for freedom and independence against the foreign invaders.
The Negros Island Revolutionary Forces were led by Gen. Juan"Tan Juan"Torres Araneta of the Southern Sector based in Bago, together with his son Col. Jaime Sarmiento Araneta. (National Historical Institute marker in honor of Gen. Juan "Tan Juan" Araneta- was installed by the entrance of their ancestral home in Bago City and his imposing statue mounted on a horse, a revered historical landmark at Bago Plaza).
The Northern Sector was led by Gen. Aniceto Ledesma Lacson married to Rosario Emilia Araneta. (National Historical Institute marker and monument in honor of Gen. Aniceto Ledesma Lacson - was installed in his hometown of Talisay, Negros Occidental).
It is regretable indeed, that the crucial role played by Dr. Vicente Armada Locsin of Janiuay, Iloilo during the 1898 revolution was also relegated in the dustbin of history. He was a Physician-Surgeon who acted as Emisario Confidencial de Inteligencia or Intellegence Emmissary between the Panay and Negros revolutionary governments and reported directly to the Central Revolutionary Committee based in Molo,Iloilo City. This Committee was headed by Don Raymundo Melliza y Angulo composed of Gen. Pablo Araneta y Soriano, Don Francisco Villanueva y Felipe, Gen. Angel Corteza, Don Ramon Avancena and Don Francisco Soriano as members. Dr. Vicente Armada Locsin married Dna. Trinidad Y. Teves and settled permanently in Dumaguete City in Negros Oriental.
It is worthy to note, that in the annals of history, the duly constituted head of the Spanish Empire who colonized the whole archipelago for over 330 years, were defeated and formally surrendered to only two cantonal governments: the Independent Negros Republic on November 6, 1898 in Bacolod City in Negros and to the Federal Republic of the Visayas on December 25, 1898 in Iloilo City in Panay. Both comprised the " Ilonggo Nation".
Likewise, it is interesting to know that only the Araneta family had served in the higher echelons of three revolutionary governments at the same time.
(Acknowledgement: Salamat! to my "Primos" Tonypet and Rolly Araneta for additional info on the early history)
(By: dinggol locsin-araneta divinagracia - S#1.127.723)
Sometime in the middle part of the 18th century:
Between the years 1747 and 1750, from Amoy..old name for Xiamen, an island known in ancient times as "Gateway to China" --in the southern part of Fujian Province at the mouth of Jiulong "nine dragon" River in China; an adventurous young man named Wo Sing Lok or "SING LOK" arrived in the Philippines. He permanently settled at "Parian" now Molo in Iloilo City.
In 1780, Sin Lok was christened as AGUSTIN LOCSIN when he married CECILIA SAYSON, a mestisa daughter of an ilongga and a sangley or local Chinaman who were both devout catholics.
Thus, the LOCSIN LINEAGE began...
Agustin "Sin Lok" Locsin married Cecilia Sayson *S#1.000.000* (The Ancestors)
AGUSTIN "Sin Lok" LOCSIN and CECILIA SAYSON-LOCSIN had six (6) children, namely:
Josef Manuel, Rev. Domingo, Rev. Juan, Rev. Jose, Lucrecia and Silvestra.
The Children: (Spouse/s):
I - JOSEF MANUEL SAYSON LOCSIN-s#1.100.000- -(Juliana Florencia Melliza)
Josef Manuel Sayson Locsin married Juliana Florencia Melliza, by whom he had fourteen (14) children. In 1831 he was instrumental in building the Santa Ana Church in Molo, Iloilo City.
Children: 1/Maxima 2/Ciriaco"Abdon"Manuel 3/Francisca 4/Rev. Roman Manuel 5/Rev. Luis Manuel 6/Rev. Eusebio Manuel 7/Mariano 8/Capitan Ramon 9/Baldomero 10/Lucas 11/Esteban 12/Andres 13/Juan and 14/Tomasa.
II - REV. DOMINGO SAYSON LOCSIN-s#1.200.000 -Second son of "Sin Lok" became the Curate of Bugasong, Antique in the year 1817.
III- REV. JUAN SAYSON LOCSIN-s#1.300.000- -Third son of "Sin Lok" likewise, became the Curate of Bugasong, Antique in 1834. He fathered two (2) children, namely:
1/Lucio Locsin -s#1.310.000- -(Benigna Oliveros)
2/Dionisia Locsin -s#1.320.000- -(Leon Solis)
IV - REV. JOSE SAYSON LOCSIN-s#1.400.000- -Fourth son of "Sin Lok"
V -LUCRECIA SAYSON LOCSIN -s#1.500.000- -Eldest daughter of "Sin Lok" married Francisco Guanzon by whom she had a daughter,named:
1/Silvestra Locsin Guanzon -S#1.510.000- -
VI - SILVESTRA SAYSON LOCSIN -s#1.600.000- -The youngest daughter of "Sin Lok " married Antonio Estrella Araneta, second son of Buenaventura Sta. Ana Araneta (Molo Gobernadorcillo "Alcalde Naturales"-1823)
Nota Bene:
Thanks! to Jeffrey "Sonny" Labayen Abaygar, of the Locsin-Diaz Bacolod Branch for his initiative in maintaining the Locsin Clan Website at: . Likewise, to Carmen Misa, et al ...for up-dating the family genealogy in cyberspace.
From: Sandra Sotto (By Email)
Date: Nov 26, 2007 5:54 AM
Subject: Layers of Ilonggo Reality
MANILA, Philippines - The book, "Iloilo, a rich and Noble Land," launched last week by the Lopez Group Foundation, uncovers the province's agricultural, civic and social history that interweave to form the multi-layered Ilonggo reality that gives the province and its people such a strong identity.
Ask any Filipino and he will tell you that Iloilo is unlike any other place in the country. She is one of the few places in the Philippines with an identity and image distinct from that of any other province.
Filipinos know Iloilo as the gentle, genteel land of smiles, imagining Iloilo days as unfolding graciously and moving in measured choreography of the rigodón, the outdated, stylized dance ritual highlighting each glittering baile (ball) in moneyed mansions.
Fiesta mode is what Filipinos imagine Iloilo life to be most of the time: laid-back, peaceful, refined and always celebratory.
Another layer of Ilonggo reality overlaps the celebratory layer. Hard-working Ilonggos are vigorously entrepreneurial.
In Iloilo , the moneyed and working classes join in business activities that uphold the province as a vital national economic force, a position first attained with the surge of the sugar industry during the later years of the Spanish colonial era.
The Manila Daily Bulletin reported in September 1907 that the City of Iloilo was "the metropolis of the Visayan Islands , [the] second city of importance in the archipelago and the greatest market for sugar in this part of the world."
Sugar put Iloilo on the map. In the 1850s, Nicholas Loney, a British merchant, settled there and "fostered the opening up of the sugar lands of Panay and Negros." Loney introduced new technology, improved yield, and improved the quality of Iloilo sugar to world-market standards.
For many years Iloilo prosperity was unrivaled, reaching a peak when the irritating delay and occasional damage to cargo caused by transshipment of sugar through the Port of Manila was finally bypassed, and from 1865 produce was exported directly to international points from Iloilo.
"The condition of business in Iloilo largely depends on the size of the sugar crop and the price of the staple," further reported the Manila Daily Bulletin in 1907. When the sugar trade boomed, so did Iloilo. Now known as the Queen City of the South, roads and infrastructure were laid out, hospitals and schools opened.
In 1907, Iloilo was no backwater. " Iloilo has an electric-light plant and the city is well-lighted. There is also an ice factory and cold-storage plant. Among the possibilities of the near future are an up-to-date telephone system and streetcar line connecting all parts of the city.
One institution Iloilo can boast of, that might well be copied in other parts of the archipelago, [is] an up-to-date department store, Hoskyns & Company, a British firm, was established in 1868. In their large store on Calle Real can be found a complete stock of goods at prices, for the most part, far below Manila prices."
Iloilo prosperity was on the rise and the grand planter lifestyle had to be lived in worthy surroundings. Mansions were witness to the opulent moneyed lifestyle that has now all but died out due to 21st-century economic and social realities.
Mansions built on generous plots of land in quiet pre-World War II outskirts were swallowed up without warning by rapid, unregulated urban growth. Now finding themselves situated on valuable city center properties, mansion owners have been forced to reevaluate their properties and lifestyles.
Some downsized to smaller houses, renting out their mansions to commercial tenants. Others built rental buildings on their front lawns to generate additional income, hiding their mansions behind a layer of nondescript commercial structures built right along the street, changing the streetscape forever.
A few simply abandoned their mansions. The postwar years saw many of the moneyed Ilonggos moving out of their downtown mansions into smaller houses.
Mobility, dignity
Today's middle- and working-class homes, smaller and more modest, reflect lifestyle conditions of a majority of Iloilo City residents. Instead of projecting stability and gentility as the old mansions once did, the aura of the middle-class neighborhood is mobility, dignity, work and a strong sense of community.
Unlike the genteel streets of the moneyed class where nobody is seen outside of their fenced gardens, streets in middle- and working-class districts fill with everyday life. Residents live their lives on the street.
The local barangay hall spills out into the street, bringing governance to the people level, as it were. The street is where men hang out, drink or play basketball tournaments. The street is a social center, where the overflow of guests at a neighborhood christening, wedding or funeral is seated.
On the other hand, the rural landscape, dotted with bahay-kubo clustered in barrios and agricultural land, tells another story. To Filipinos, the bahay-kubo are generic, and the Ilonggo house is no exception. But the high level of outstanding bamboo craftsmanship sets the humble Ilonggo kubo far above the typical and generic.
For many generations, Ilonggo craftsmen embroider not with needle and thread but with bamboo. Their bamboo work achieves a play of texture by mixing peeled and unpeeled strips or combining dyed and natural-colored strips handwoven into repeating diamond patterns for the "lowly" sawali matting.
Bamboo sections are scored, flattened and framed for wall panels. They are cut into slats for above-the-ground flooring and stripped into ribbons thin enough for weaving. Absolutely amazing are bamboo slat patterns, grilles of most delicately plaited bamboo lacework executed in fine, hand-embroidery quality.
Ilonggo architectural bamboo craftsmanship, totally unknown and unappreciated, is naïf Ilonggo folk art at its finest.
Iloilo bamboo houses, solid but fragile, enclosed but transparent, embody the observation that the Philippine bahay-kubo is in essence a "basket for living."
Romantic view
There exists a romantic view of downtown Iloilo remaining in a time warp, woven around blocks of superlative, intact 1920s-'40s commercial structures, heritage that gives Iloilo one of the most elegant business areas in the country.
What a graceful, outstanding heritage ensemble, it is probably the best, most extensive remaining collection of heritage commercial buildings in the country.
Buildings of the same height, size and of similar design line streets, a rare but vanishing example of urban unity of architectural scale and style in the Philippines. Building layouts are similar— shophouse-type, two-story rental spaces connected by an arcaded sidewalk.
The style of embellishment indicates the date of construction. Structures from the 1920s are decorated in the feminine, lacy Iloilo wedding-cake style.
The next generation of buildings designed in Art Deco geometry of the 1930s is followed by a post-World War II generation of structures in the robust, no-nonsense 1950s International Style.
Not all downtown buildings in Iloilo are of heritage quality. New shopping destinations coexist with the traditional stores that have always been in the city center, heightening the commercial counterplay between old and new.
An architectural "read" reveals the Iloilo story. A walk through Iloilo today reveals so much more to the city behind the scenes.
Behind a generic-looking commercial building may stand a grand old mansion. Step back (if Iloilo traffic won't run you over) to discover that a covered sidewalk is part of a sagging heritage commercial building, a redoubtable dowager whose better days can once again be relived after a simple nip-and-tuck operation.
Heritage surprises
To really know Iloilo today, one must look beyond the overlapping layers of decay, congestion, chaotic architecture and pockets of wealth existing almost side by side with pockets of poverty. Peel back the multiple layers of architecture, bad architectural facelifts and urban blight for the surprise of your life.
Layer after forgotten layer of the Iloilo story comes to view. Uncover revealing evidence about the city and what her people were like, culturally, socially and economically during key epochs of Iloilo city's rich history.
Walk the downtown area to the point of sensory overload. Suddenly come to the old, majestic Customs House by the Iloilo River, a monument to the former Queen City of the South.
Around the corner, step farther back to a vanishing era. Find a Spanish colonial-era warehouse where young women still twine abaca strands by hand into rope as they have done for centuries.
Iloilo is at a cusp. The city has to deal with the ill effects of progress, traffic, congestion, uncontrolled development, urban sprawl from the conversion of neighboring agricultural land into middle-class subdivisions.
The age of super modernization has set in. Iloilo now boasts of a mix of heritage architecture; modern buildings; up-to-date malls; new inner city and suburban land developments; and, at long last, a brand-new state-of-art airport in neighboring Cabatuan.
Iloilo is alive. Nothing is dormant about her. History and heritage anchor her. They give her an image so singular and unique that no other place in the country has. Her economy provides income-generating activities for anybody in search of it.
Iloilo's layered existence embraces everyone, old or young, moneyed or working class, educated or uneducated. She democratically offers something for everyone.
For inquiries on the book, " Iloilo, A Rich and Noble Land ," call 4545192 or 4545195. E-mail the author at
F o o d s
If you think the gastronomic affairs are over, think again. There you are with a purpose to enjoy the party (also, to share a gift or exchange gifts),. But with due respect to our tradition and indulgence, don't ever hesitate to maintain your fidelity with foods. Reality is that you're not about to give up on the delicious, mouth watering, spicy dishes anytime (what else?).
So if you were lucky last Christmas eve, you can win another `hospital-free ticket' this time. Make the right choice or you can take the express trip to Takubet (the prime destination for people with indigestion or constipation).
You can avoid that trip by:
Choosing the food that does not give you stomach problems.
Reserving some stomach space for the new year's eve episode- another party elsewhere,
tomorrow or later.
Taking the right amount of food by your own serving.
By-passing the cholesterol stuff – by smiling and pretending that you are
diabetic(in case you're not)
Now, in alphabetical(ABC)order, I have listed the following
Pinoy dishes ( maybe or may not be your favorite).
A – fritada : One of the best beef menus my mother loved to cook (without her crutches).
B – akarita : A relative of Afritada. Beef are sliced in big chunks.
C – alamares : Squid Rings. Breaded or plain.
D – inuguan: Never been absent in my in-laws noche buena.
E – mpanada : minced beef, carrots and spices stuffed in a croissant like specialty.
F – ish fillet : Ladies' choice dabbed Lapu-lapu, Tanguige or Tulingan (Fillet ka lang)
G - inataan : Best with bagoong and pork. The merienda version incudes ube, sago and kamote.
H -alo-halo : Always served cold even when its hot. Best with pinipig and condensed milk.
I – nasal : Popular chicken, beef and pork barbecue.
J -os inato: One of a kind chicken barbecue (available of course at JO's)
K- inilaw: (kilawin in tagalog). Choices of pork, shrimp or fish, laman loob atbp.
L- umpia : preparation easy – second to cheese pimiento sandwich(choices of shanghai or basa)
M – enudo: beef cuts are small. A pinoy specialty- long before the popular Menudo singers came to Manila
N-ilaga: Baka, manok, baboy (the animals are killed first, sliced and boiled)
best with lanka or papaya.
O – range juice: fruit punch or mix with rum, substitute for pineapple or grape.
P- ancit: Choices of canton, loglog, malabon or bijon.
Q – ikiam: finger food, deep fried, best served with oyster sauce or ketchup.
R – ebosado: pulutan (a.k.a. Camaron Rebosado) egg or flour coated shrimp or prawn – deep fried.
S – inigang: ( namit ipares sa sinangag)-cook with chili-hot pepper. Mainstays: pork, shrimp, fish.
T- oron : Tagalog origination/ sugar coated fried lumpia or banana filling.
U-tan: (for vegetarians)/good alternative for meat dishes/ cholesterol neutralizer.
V – ihon: choices of guisado or batchoy.
W – hat else?
X-icharon bulaklak: Don't eat this one too much, or you would have bulak in your nose earlier.
Y- ellow Rice : rice with yellow food coloring/mixed with peas, resin, diced meat, oyster, etc.
(Ito ba yong Valenciana? Yup, kapatid ni Paella)
Z-isig: (best for pulutan) sizzling with cheese or cream, minced sili(zarap and zisig ni Zimo)
Huh, are you looking for the lechon? Ha,ha,ha...Happy New Year!!!
(By: Perry Diaz -INM_Banwa_Mo: SacramentoCA-USA)
One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live.
They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.
On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was the trip?" "It was great, Dad."
"Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked. "Oh yeah," said the son."So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.
The son answered: "I saw that we have one dog and they had four.
We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end.
We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night.
Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.
We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.
We have servants who serve us, but they serve others.
We buy our food, but they grow theirs.
We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them."
The boy's father was speechless.Then his son added, "Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are."
Isn't perspective a wonderful thing? Makes you wonder what would happen if we all gave thanks for everything we have, instead of worrying about what we don't have.
-- Unknown Author
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