(December 28, 2008)
The "Maragtas" legend explained that sometime between 1200-1250's; ten (10) Malay Datus' together with their families, households and subordinates fled the tyrannical rule of Makatunaw, the Shri-Vijaya Sultan of Bornay (Borneo).
Led by Datu Puti, the Sultanate Minister, they landed in the Island of "Aninipay" or Panay.
They bartered their gold and jewelries with the local Ati Chieftain "Marikudo" for the lowlands, plains and valleys of the Island they called "Madya-as" or Paradise. The land where time began; the birth of the "Ilonggo Nation" and the cradle of ancient Filipino civilization.
For about 300 years before the coming of the Spaniards, the Ilonggos lived in comparative prosperity and peace under an organized government, the "Katiringban et Madia-as" or the Confederation of Madya-as and with such laws as the Code of Kalantiaw and/or the Maragtas Code of Sumakwel.
Nota Bene: Period of emigration was later confirmed to be during the early part of the 1400's as recorded in the ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty Chronicles. (Related article below)
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The Maragtas Legend and the Ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty
The inclusion in the ancient Chronology of the "Chinese Ming Dynasty and Islamic Influences" by Guo Zhongli about the saga of Bornean Datu Putih, the Code of Kalantiaw and the Maragtas Code of Sumakwel, are like drops of rain on a hot summer day.
Likewise, this is a shot in the arm to believers of their glorious past & noble heritage.
According to Ming Chroniclers:
"...1372 AD -Sabah Journal reported a Ming envoy, Prince Sahib ul-Kahar Ong Sum-ping to have sailed through the Sulu Archipelago to Kinabatangan in North Borneo and established a permanent Chinese foothold in that vast uninhabited island...."
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"...1390 AD - Srivijayan Raja Baguinda, a minor ruler of Minangkabau, arrived in Sulu from Swarna Dwipa and founded the town of Bwansa in Jolo Island;...."
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Postulated analysis:
With the passage of time, inter-racial marriages and inter-relationships between neighboring islanders brought about a new generation of North Borneans under Sri-Vijayan Ruler Raja Baguinda (Sultan Makatunaw?).
Sahib ul-Kahar Ong Sum-ping, the light-complected Sino patriarch (Datu Putih?) and nine Bornean datus later fled Bornay and landed in Panay in the early 1400's. (Not between 1200- 1250 as earlier believed)
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We noted the following in contradiction viz-a-viz our contentions:
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According to Ming Chroniclers:
"...1433 AD - A Seven-Datu-Council codified the Code of Kalantiaw (by Kalantiaw) and the Maragtas Code (by Sumakwel) for the people of Panay Island;
Three Adatus from the original ten who came to Panay left for Batangas and Mindoro;
Datu Putih was one of them but eventually returned to North Borneo from where no trace of him was found...."
Maragtas Legend:--------------------------- Ming Dynasty Chronicler's:
1) The name: Datu Puti----------------------Datu Putih
2) Landed in Panay: 13th Century-----------Early 15th century
3) 3-datus remained 7 left for luzon----------7-datus remained 3 left for luzon
4) Reached Batangas in Luzon---------------Reached Batangas via Mindoro
5) From Batangas, settled & died in Sulu-----Back to Borneo (Bornay)
"Astana Putih" - present seat of the Royal Sulu Sultanate at Umbal Duwa in Indanan, Jolo Island in the Tausog Region of Sulu could have been named after Datu Putih.
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We are inclined to believe the ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty recorded chronicles because of the confirmed two points early emigration to the Philippine archipelago, also above-cited.
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Be that as it may, Pedro A. Monteclaro's "Maragtas" painstakingly created --became his legacy to the ilonggo's; a guide for future generations, notwithstanding attempts of distortions by others to discredit his efforts.
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The "Maragtas Legend" shall forever be in the minds and enshrined in the hearts of Ilonggos, wherever they may be...a nostalgic memory...of a perceived myth that became a legend ...and the legend that turned out to be the history of a proud and noble People...of the once great Ilonggo Nation!
(Batanguenos, Ilonggos and the Tausogs of Sulu Bloodline)
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Sadto nga mga panahon, sang ang "Aninipay" ukon Isla sang Panay nabahin na sa mga tribu sa pag pamuno nanday Datu Bangkaya ang Akean" (Aklan & Capiz); Datu Paiburong ang "Irong-Irong" (Iloilo) kag sa kay Datu Sumakwel naman ang "Hamtik" (Antique); ang tribu iya ni Datu Putih kag sang iban pa, nag pasad puluy-an sa "Araut" (Dumangas) malapit sa pampang sang suba nga indi man malayo sa dagat nga naga atubang sa Isla sang "Himal-os" (Guimaras).
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Nag ligad ang mga tinuig, ang apo ni Datu Putih ang ngalan Raja-Mun upod ang iya sakop nag balhin sa lugar nga madamo ang tanum nga putat kag ila gin hingadlan "Kaputatan" (Pototan). Apang ang iya guid suod nga bugto ngalan si Raja-il nag pabilin sa "Araut" (Dumangas) sang ang mal-am nga Apoy kag anum ka Datu upod iban nga sakop liwan nga nag bugsay sang ila mga "Balanghai" padulong sa "Selorang Lusong" (Luzon) kag sila naka dangat sa pampang sang daku nga suba didto sa "Taal" (Batangas).
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After partitioning "Aninipay" or the Island of Panay which they called "Madya-as" or Paradise, among the tribes under Datu Bangkaya, Paiburong and Sumakwel--- the exit point of Datu Puti and the remaining tribes after deciding to sail farther north towards Luzon was the Malay settlement at the banks of Araut (Dumangas) River.
While some of his kinsmen accompanied him, others opted to remain in Araut... finding the place rich .. fertile soil and with abundance in marine products.
Years later, one of his Malay grandson Raja-Mun, (Datu Ramon-evidently a convert) left Dumangas together with his family and settled in "Kaputatan" what is now the Town of Pototan in Iloilo. While his closest brother Raja-il and others stayed behind.
Historians believe that the present Batanguenos are also descendants of Datu Putih and the other Bornean Datu who later left the Island of Panay and set up the first Malay settlement at the mouth of Taal (Batangas) River.
In the year 1570, Kapitan Juan de Salcedo -- grandson of the "El Adelantado" Don Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, as second in command to Spanish Conquistador Martin de Goiti, together...explored the coast of Batangas on their way to "Maynilad" and came upon the Malay settlement at the mouth of the Taal River and in 1572, the town of Taal in Batangas was founded.
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Undoubtedly, before Datu Putih -- the Shri-Vijaya Sultanate Minister went back to Bornay (Borneo) to face uncertain fate, his seeds were planted along the banks of Araut(Dumangas) River in Iloilo; Taal (Batangas) River in Southern Luzon and the most logical route back to Bornay.... via the Tausog Region where early Malay settlements were established in Mindanao.
Therefore, it is safe to conclude, that the Batanguenos, the Ilonggos and the Tausogs have direct bloodline from Datu Putih. And that was long before the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan and the Spanish Conquistadores Don Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, his grandson Kapitan Juan de Salcedo and Don Martin de Goiti arrived in the "Islas" armed with the sword and the cross. .
(Modified from previous INM postings)
Ang Republika Federal sg Kabisay-an (The Federal Republic of the Visayas)
Historical Facts obviously omitted or deliberately hidden in our School History Books
(Source: History Reborn"The Federal Republic of the Visayas" -by: dinggol a.divinagracia*June 12, 2007)
*That Spain had already formally surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas even before Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed Philippine President in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. That our Independent Visayan Republic, had never been under the authority and jurisdiction of Aguinaldo's "Katagalogan" Republic in Luzon.
excerpted: "...A paper written by Jose Manuel Velmonte, a research associate at the UP Third World Studies Center, found that the Visayan revolutionary elites not only had sophisticated political ideas but also resented attempts by Malolos to assert its authority. A Tagalog military expedition sent by Malolos to Panay to assert its presence was met with hostility. The Luzon force led by Generals Ananias Diocno and Leandro Fullon was regarded by the Visayan revolutionaries, led by the Visayan supremo, Gen. Martin Delgado, as an ''invasion'' force ..." (Source: Inquirer-1999- 06-13 "View of revolt in provinces spurs revision" By: Amando Doronila)
According to Dr. Luis C.Dery, an eminent Filipino Scholar: "Expounding the extent of Aguinaldo's Philippine Army; the Bangsamoro nation's Mindanao, Sulu, and the rest of its islands never fell under Aguinaldo's politico-military control and sovereignty. In fact as late as August 1898 much of northern Luzon, southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao remained outside of the control of Aguinaldo's Republic. Thus, several military expeditions were sent to these places to bring' them to recognize the First Philippine Republic."
*That the 1898 Treaty of Paris preliminaries, should not have included territories of the sovereign "Visayan Nation"; the confederation of both the Central and Western Visayas Cantonal Governments by virtue of Spain's formal surrender prior to this U.S. and Spain treaty of peace (Paris) and the $20-million buy-out. Spain had no more legal rights to sell. In legal parlance "nemodat quod non habet” -meaning “you cannot give what is not yours”. It states that the purchase of a possession from someone who has no ownership right to it also denies the purchaser any ownership title.
This diplomatic "Faux pas" that was supposed to be officially consummated and became legal and internationally binding only on APRIL 11, 1899 should, or rather must be rectified.
*June 12, 1898 -Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spain in Kawit, Cavite --but never won the war against Spain, as explained in the infamous betrayal --the "Mock Battle of Manila of August 13, 1898".
*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
excerpted: "...These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris...."
Dr. Jose P. Dacudao; National President -Save Our Languages thru Federalism Foundation (SOLFED), Inc.
*July 4, 1946 -The United States of America granted Philippine Independence on a silver platter with strings attached.
"True Independence could never be just self-proclaimed nor bestowed upon, it has to be won and duly achieved with dignity" -- DinggolAranetaDivinagracia (Founder: Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network ..Dec. 25, 2005)
Dinggol is an Ilonggo Historian of modern times. He is a lover of nature and reform activist by profession; a genealogist by avocation, and an avid advocate of the Cooperative Movement and "Parliamentary" Federalism. He is, likewise, a duly registered Researcher at the U.S. Library of Congress in the nations capital --Washington D.C.
"It is rather speculative as it is without basis of history if we mean of "history" is that which had been written for us by the "tutas" or lackeys of our colonial and imperial masters.." -- Benjie Evicner Estuche (INM Co-Founder)
"Federalism is not the best way, it is the only way"..
Join the Last Laugh with us!
*When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked -What? and then they laughed.
*When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked -How? and then they laughed.
*When Jules Verne wrote someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked - When? and then they laughed.
*When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Lord, the Messiah, people asked -Who? and then they laughed.
*When the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network announced its mission and vision, people did not even bother to ask, What? How? When? or Who? --They just laughed and laughed. *People are still laughing, ...but the laughter is fading!
Ang inyo alagad sa guihapon -DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~
(Source: History Reborn"The Federal Republic of the Visayas" -by: dinggol a.divinagracia*June 12, 2007)
*That Spain had already formally surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas even before Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed Philippine President in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. That our Independent Visayan Republic, had never been under the authority and jurisdiction of Aguinaldo's "Katagalogan" Republic in Luzon.
excerpted: "...A paper written by Jose Manuel Velmonte, a research associate at the UP Third World Studies Center, found that the Visayan revolutionary elites not only had sophisticated political ideas but also resented attempts by Malolos to assert its authority. A Tagalog military expedition sent by Malolos to Panay to assert its presence was met with hostility. The Luzon force led by Generals Ananias Diocno and Leandro Fullon was regarded by the Visayan revolutionaries, led by the Visayan supremo, Gen. Martin Delgado, as an ''invasion'' force ..." (Source: Inquirer-1999- 06-13 "View of revolt in provinces spurs revision" By: Amando Doronila)
According to Dr. Luis C.Dery, an eminent Filipino Scholar: "Expounding the extent of Aguinaldo's Philippine Army; the Bangsamoro nation's Mindanao, Sulu, and the rest of its islands never fell under Aguinaldo's politico-military control and sovereignty. In fact as late as August 1898 much of northern Luzon, southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao remained outside of the control of Aguinaldo's Republic. Thus, several military expeditions were sent to these places to bring' them to recognize the First Philippine Republic."
*That the 1898 Treaty of Paris preliminaries, should not have included territories of the sovereign "Visayan Nation"; the confederation of both the Central and Western Visayas Cantonal Governments by virtue of Spain's formal surrender prior to this U.S. and Spain treaty of peace (Paris) and the $20-million buy-out. Spain had no more legal rights to sell. In legal parlance "nemodat quod non habet” -meaning “you cannot give what is not yours”. It states that the purchase of a possession from someone who has no ownership right to it also denies the purchaser any ownership title.
This diplomatic "Faux pas" that was supposed to be officially consummated and became legal and internationally binding only on APRIL 11, 1899 should, or rather must be rectified.
*June 12, 1898 -Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spain in Kawit, Cavite --but never won the war against Spain, as explained in the infamous betrayal --the "Mock Battle of Manila of August 13, 1898".
*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
excerpted: "...These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris...."
Dr. Jose P. Dacudao; National President -Save Our Languages thru Federalism Foundation (SOLFED), Inc.
*July 4, 1946 -The United States of America granted Philippine Independence on a silver platter with strings attached.
"True Independence could never be just self-proclaimed nor bestowed upon, it has to be won and duly achieved with dignity" -- DinggolAranetaDivinagracia (Founder: Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network ..Dec. 25, 2005)
Dinggol is an Ilonggo Historian of modern times. He is a lover of nature and reform activist by profession; a genealogist by avocation, and an avid advocate of the Cooperative Movement and "Parliamentary" Federalism. He is, likewise, a duly registered Researcher at the U.S. Library of Congress in the nations capital --Washington D.C.
"It is rather speculative as it is without basis of history if we mean of "history" is that which had been written for us by the "tutas" or lackeys of our colonial and imperial masters.." -- Benjie Evicner Estuche (INM Co-Founder)
"Federalism is not the best way, it is the only way"..
Join the Last Laugh with us!
*When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked -What? and then they laughed.
*When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked -How? and then they laughed.
*When Jules Verne wrote someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked - When? and then they laughed.
*When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Lord, the Messiah, people asked -Who? and then they laughed.
*When the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network announced its mission and vision, people did not even bother to ask, What? How? When? or Who? --They just laughed and laughed. *People are still laughing, ...but the laughter is fading!
Ang inyo alagad sa guihapon -DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~
Claim your birth right,
"ACTA DE CAPITULACION~1898" (The Formal Surrender Document)

*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
Ergo! we won our battle-scarred freedom and legitimate independence and became a sovereign nation. The "First" Republic in the whole of Asia, but was nipped-in-the bud by the "ugly" Americans. A diplomatic faux pas, a political blunder and a travesty of history! --DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~~
Friday, January 16, 2009
Delayed Acknowledgement
To all concerned:
Our belated acknowledgement for the following comments posted at the GUESTS BOOK in the INM Website. Delayed is due to our absence in cyberspace for quite sometime; as follows:
From: Jbltusa@.....>
Subject: re: Capiz Revolucionario
Dear Kababayan,
I would very much appreciate some clippings regarding Colonel Pascual Barza, my great Grand Uncle ( Lolo Cuwa); also ion Mr. Isaac Barza, my grand Uncle__former President of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce before 1933.
More Power to you.
Janice B. L.. Thabet
Email: geeshop24@.....>
Comments: kamusta banwang ilong-ilonganon...sorry if bi-englih ni..pero i lav to support ilonggo nation..sa subong, i'm running an ilonggo section sa akon website.. running with cgispy.com...but until now, out of order pa ang ila website. ga plano ko tani to revive ang ilonggo/binisaya/kinaray-a ang language ta paagi sa mga binalaybay kag iban pa nga sahi sg literature naton nga bisa-aynon. just contact me on what can we do about this.
Email: egauzonjr@.....>
Comments: With my little knowledge on local historiography I like the way the movement works. Local history narrates so interestingly than manila-centric history.
erasmo gauzon jr
Valencia City, Bukidnon
Email: tyron_cloyd@.....>
Comments: Hi Dinggol Great site for us ILONGGO. Im a member of Solfed member, founded by Dr. Joey Dacudao, one of your content contributor. Im into IT also. Good luck. USWAG MGA ILONGGO...
Jay-R Calasara
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental
Email: trez_lobaton@.....>
Glicerio Lobaton
Pulupandan, Negros Occidental
Email: braggart_21@.....>
Comments: Iloilo and the rest of Panay Island plus Guimaras should declare independence from the Philippine Republic. It's about time that we should have our own country, own passport, own laws, own legislators. I'm sick and tired of the politicians from Luzon determining our future. Let's declare independence and become a proud new country.
Ian Alvarez
La Paz, Iloilo City (Presently in Saudi Arabia)
Email: mcadornigara@.....>
Comments: Born and raised in Iloilo City, now teaching in Queens, New York
Email: bbernales@.....>
Comments: Dear Dinggol, Thank you for directing me to the links of the Ilonggo Nation Movement. I need some help from genuine Ilonggo historians regarding the Chronology of the Ilonggo Nation under "The Spanish Conquest". Something seems to have been arbitrarily or expediently altered and does seem right.
As a Capizeno, I feel slighted that there was no mention of the fact that Legaspi's first landing on Panay Island was in the Town of Panay (which later became part of Capiz Province). This is most likely how those damn Spaniards happened to name the whole island itself as Panay.
Hopefully, your genuine or bonafide Ilonggo historians could help clarify the discrepancy because it has been engrained in our Capizeno minds that after Legaspi landed on Bohol Island on 1565, he next went to Cebu, and from there to Panay Island on 1566. On Panay Island, he landed first in the Town of Panay before going to Ogtong in Iloilo. From Ogtong, Legaspi's expedition then went to Romblon, and eventually ..
Cicero A. (Bernie) Bernales
Kailua (Honolulu/Oahu), Hawaii
Email: jobert.telic@.....>
Comments: I'm glad that you posted in capiz yahoo groups... Intresado guid ako nga makig-ugyon sa inyo... kabay pa nga ma-e-mail ninyo sa akon kon paano ako mangin miembro sang INM... Diri ako gali naga-obra sa Makati sa sulod na sang walo katuig...
Jobert Telic
President Roxas, Capiz
Email: jbrown@.....>
from: San Joaquin, Iloilo
Comments: Regarding the following comment posted on your website, please provide additional detail. I am a direct descendant of Santaren and would like to compare my information with yours. Who is your elder cousin mentioned below? "Fr. Tomas Santaren, fathered a child in San Joaquin, Iloilo whose son became an illustrious Ilonggo Physician, married to my close elder cousin who knows her family tree like the palm of her hands."
Josie Brown
Email: tlgoodwiniii@.....>
Comments: I found your site as a link on my friend Gil Camporazo's site "Vibrations." I learned alot from your site. God bless The Ilongo People, God bless the Phillipines.
Thomas L. Goodwin III
Rockingham, NC USA
Email: Bobdor@.....>
Comments: from: Las vegas, nv
Bobby Buenaflor
Email: ndbvibrations@.....>
Comments: paagi sa pag-surf ko sang internet nakita ko ini nga site. interesado ako. maayo guid. palihog bisita man sang akon nga website kag tan-awa kun maayo. indi magkalipat nga mag sign sa akon guestbook. salamat guid!
La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Email: gladyct@.....>
from: iloilo
Comments: is it ok if i link you up to my blog?
Email: tagacolo@.....>
from: Bais City, Negros Oriental
Comments: I enjoyed reading your site. t.y.
Our belated acknowledgement for the following comments posted at the GUESTS BOOK in the INM Website. Delayed is due to our absence in cyberspace for quite sometime; as follows:
From: Jbltusa@.....>
Subject: re: Capiz Revolucionario
Dear Kababayan,
I would very much appreciate some clippings regarding Colonel Pascual Barza, my great Grand Uncle ( Lolo Cuwa); also ion Mr. Isaac Barza, my grand Uncle__former President of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce before 1933.
More Power to you.
Janice B. L.. Thabet
Email: geeshop24@.....>
Comments: kamusta banwang ilong-ilonganon...sorry if bi-englih ni..pero i lav to support ilonggo nation..sa subong, i'm running an ilonggo section sa akon website.. running with cgispy.com...but until now, out of order pa ang ila website. ga plano ko tani to revive ang ilonggo/binisaya/kinaray-a ang language ta paagi sa mga binalaybay kag iban pa nga sahi sg literature naton nga bisa-aynon. just contact me on what can we do about this.
Email: egauzonjr@.....>
Comments: With my little knowledge on local historiography I like the way the movement works. Local history narrates so interestingly than manila-centric history.
erasmo gauzon jr
Valencia City, Bukidnon
Email: tyron_cloyd@.....>
Comments: Hi Dinggol Great site for us ILONGGO. Im a member of Solfed member, founded by Dr. Joey Dacudao, one of your content contributor. Im into IT also. Good luck. USWAG MGA ILONGGO...
Jay-R Calasara
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental
Email: trez_lobaton@.....>
Glicerio Lobaton
Pulupandan, Negros Occidental
Email: braggart_21@.....>
Comments: Iloilo and the rest of Panay Island plus Guimaras should declare independence from the Philippine Republic. It's about time that we should have our own country, own passport, own laws, own legislators. I'm sick and tired of the politicians from Luzon determining our future. Let's declare independence and become a proud new country.
Ian Alvarez
La Paz, Iloilo City (Presently in Saudi Arabia)
Email: mcadornigara@.....>
Comments: Born and raised in Iloilo City, now teaching in Queens, New York
Email: bbernales@.....>
Comments: Dear Dinggol, Thank you for directing me to the links of the Ilonggo Nation Movement. I need some help from genuine Ilonggo historians regarding the Chronology of the Ilonggo Nation under "The Spanish Conquest". Something seems to have been arbitrarily or expediently altered and does seem right.
As a Capizeno, I feel slighted that there was no mention of the fact that Legaspi's first landing on Panay Island was in the Town of Panay (which later became part of Capiz Province). This is most likely how those damn Spaniards happened to name the whole island itself as Panay.
Hopefully, your genuine or bonafide Ilonggo historians could help clarify the discrepancy because it has been engrained in our Capizeno minds that after Legaspi landed on Bohol Island on 1565, he next went to Cebu, and from there to Panay Island on 1566. On Panay Island, he landed first in the Town of Panay before going to Ogtong in Iloilo. From Ogtong, Legaspi's expedition then went to Romblon, and eventually ..
Cicero A. (Bernie) Bernales
Kailua (Honolulu/Oahu), Hawaii
Email: jobert.telic@.....>
Comments: I'm glad that you posted in capiz yahoo groups... Intresado guid ako nga makig-ugyon sa inyo... kabay pa nga ma-e-mail ninyo sa akon kon paano ako mangin miembro sang INM... Diri ako gali naga-obra sa Makati sa sulod na sang walo katuig...
Jobert Telic
President Roxas, Capiz
Email: jbrown@.....>
from: San Joaquin, Iloilo
Comments: Regarding the following comment posted on your website, please provide additional detail. I am a direct descendant of Santaren and would like to compare my information with yours. Who is your elder cousin mentioned below? "Fr. Tomas Santaren, fathered a child in San Joaquin, Iloilo whose son became an illustrious Ilonggo Physician, married to my close elder cousin who knows her family tree like the palm of her hands."
Josie Brown
Email: tlgoodwiniii@.....>
Comments: I found your site as a link on my friend Gil Camporazo's site "Vibrations." I learned alot from your site. God bless The Ilongo People, God bless the Phillipines.
Thomas L. Goodwin III
Rockingham, NC USA
Email: Bobdor@.....>
Comments: from: Las vegas, nv
Bobby Buenaflor
Email: ndbvibrations@.....>
Comments: paagi sa pag-surf ko sang internet nakita ko ini nga site. interesado ako. maayo guid. palihog bisita man sang akon nga website kag tan-awa kun maayo. indi magkalipat nga mag sign sa akon guestbook. salamat guid!
La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Email: gladyct@.....>
from: iloilo
Comments: is it ok if i link you up to my blog?
Email: tagacolo@.....>
from: Bais City, Negros Oriental
Comments: I enjoyed reading your site. t.y.
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