(Date: September 16, 2007)
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Volume No. I * Issue No. 005 * Date: September 16, 2007*
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CONTENTS: The Case of Datu Puti, Et al; The Verdict: "A HOAX" (Kuno!) *
Defending the Maragtas * The Maragtas Legend & the Ancient Chinese Ming
Dynasty * The Descendants of Datu Puti * Population Explotion and Poverty *
Announcement/s * The Benefits of Alcohol and the Value of a Drink …..Hik!
The Case of Malay Datu Puti, et al...The Verdict: A Hoax ...(KUNO!)
(By: dinggol a. divinagracia -INM Banwa_Mo -September 15, 2007)
One hundred seventeen years ago today, September 15, 1890 --the fifth and last chapter of an essay was published in "LA SOLIDARIDAD". The title "THE INDOLENCE OF THE FILIPINOS'. The writer---Dr. Jose P. Rizal, a filipino reformist--- eventually became the Philippines National Hero .
This article is written as a tribute to The Man of many talents, now considered as the "Pride of the Malayan Race".
Likewise, this article is written with malice towards none but with due respect to the following to wit:
1- The Scholars and Historians who had departed:
a) William Henry Scott -an American Historian who in 1968 started it all.
b) Fr. Horacio de la Costa,S.J.-first Filipino Provincial General of the Jesuits.
c) Teodoro Agoncillo -filipino nationalist at par with the likes of Renato Constantino.
d) Gregorio Zaide -Notable author of many Filipino History School Books.
2- My friends and relatives who are in any way connected with the Clergy.
3- And to all the "CONVERTS" of afore-mentioned foreign historian.
Excerpts from article: The Maragtas Legend by William Henry Scott:
( http://www.mts.net/~pmorrow/marag_f.htm )
The Legends of Maragtas:
The stories known as the Maragtas are legends that may have been based on actual events in the remote past. They are about the ten datus or chiefs who escaped the tyranny of Datu Makatunaw of Borneo and emigrated to the island of Panay..."
Remarks: Mr. Scott did not discount the possibility as to its veracity. Probably the reality.
Pedro Monteclaro's Maragtas:
Even though these legends have been known for generations, the word maragtas itself was unknown until it was used as the title of a book by Pedro Alcantara Monteclaro in 1907...
Monteclaro regarded legends as an important part of Visayan heritage so he collected the various stories of the elderly of Panay and published them in his Maragtas..."
"...A large part of Maragtas appears to be based on a work written in 1858 by Fr. Tomás Santarén, and published in 1902 under the title Historia de los primeros datos. M4 It was a translation of one document of the mid 1800's and another older document..."
Remarks: WHAT'S in a NAME?... he could have used the words "Istorya kang Aninipay" or "Sugilanon sang Panay" or whatever.. what's the big deal?
Perhaps these ten datus had different names...and not Puti, Bangkaya, Sumakwel, Paiborong, etc.; the bone of contention is that these early Malays peaceful emigration preceded the Spanish conquistadores in Panay.
Fr. Tomas Santaren’s “Historia de los Primeros Datos Que, Procedentes de Borneo, Poblaron Estas Islas” were based from the manuscripts of his predecessor Fr. Agustín Rico O.S.A who was assigned as resident priest of Suarangan (San Joaquin) in 1801.
Dr. Henry Otley Beyer:
The misconceptions surrounding Maragtas were further reinforced when even the highly respected historian, Dr. Henry Otley Beyer called it a prehispanic document. In Philippine Saga which he wrote with Jaime C. de Veyra in 1947, he mentioned a manuscript from Panay known as Maragtas and "the ancient writing in which it was originally inscribed". M7 Then in his Outline Review of Philippine Archaeology of 1949 he wrote the following:
A remarkable ancient document known as the "Maragtas," dating probably from about 1225, was preserved in Panay and transliterated into romanized Visayan in the early Spanish days. M8
Remarks: Surely--- findings and opinions of the more credible and highly respected world renowned historian and archaeologist with the caliber of Dr. Henry Otley Beyer holds more ground.
Moreover, Jaime C. de Veyra, a Waray of Leyte whose Ilongga wife Sofia Reyes de Veyra were both notables during their time.
The Verdict on Maragtas:
Maragtas was finally placed in its proper perspective as a book of legends rather than historical fact in 1968 by William Henry Scott. For his doctoral dissertation at the University of Santo Tomas, Scott made a painstaking investigation into all the sources of information about the Philippines before the coming of the Spaniards.
Rather than merely plagiarizing past historians, Scott examined the original documents and searched archives and museums the world over for supporting documents and artefacts..."
A Historian dies, but his story lives
by Joel R. Dizon
EDITORIAL [Gold Ore, Oct. ?, 1993]
William Henry Scott, renowned historian who authoried 15 books in Philippine history including The Discovery of the Igorots, is dead. He was 72 years old....
In it, Scott capsulized 18 years of work, faithfully following a cold trail of yellowed parchment records in some of the most obscure dustbins of history in the world: the Dominican Province, the Augustinian archives in Villadolid, Spain, the archives of the Indies in Seville and the Archivo Historico Nacional in Madrid..."
Remarks: Relying mostly on evidence, documents concocted by self-serving chroniclers, some frayles of dubious origin, who together with the Conquistadores went on world rampage of plunder, rape, massacre and land grabbing using the sword and the cross in the name of GOD! and KING! to me --- is unacceptable!.
Panel of Filipino Historians:
Scott successfully defended his dissertation before a panel of eminent Filipino historians, some of whom had formerly endorsed and promoted the erroneous facts of Philippine history. The panel included Teodoro Agoncillo, Horacio de la Costa, Marcelino Forondo, Mercedes Grau Santamaria, Nicholas Zafra and Gregorio Zaide.
Scott's meticulous research was published in 1968 in his book Prehispanic Source Materials for the Study of Philippine History and since then no historian has contested his conclusions. M12
*Teodoro Agoncillo - We have yet to see copy of his position on this controversy.
*Horacio de la Costa -member of the Jesuitic heirarchy
*Gregorio Zaide -continued to include information from Maragtas in his works but revised by daughter Sonia after his death.
But who are these three supposedly eminent Filipino historians. Will somebody tell me please! Marcelino Forondo; Mercedes Grau Santamaria; Nicholas Zafra.
The Result of Scott's Discoveries:
Most continued to reprint their old texts while others wrote new books that still contained the old mistakes. Take for example this quote from Ang Pagsulong ng Pamayanan (1981):
Maragtas' Code is the premier example of written law and it has been considered the oldest because it was in effect from 1250. M13...
Jose Villa Panganiban used Maragtas to trace the origin of the Tagalog language in the preface of the very popular English-Tagalog Dictionary by Fr. Leo James English in 1965. M14 To this day it remains unrevised in spite of many reprintings.
Even one member of Scott's dissertation panel did not appear to be eager to set the record straight. Gregorio Zaide continued to include information from Maragtas in works such as Pageant of Philippine History in 1979, History of the Republic of the Philippines in 1983 and Philippine History 1984...
To this day ignorance and misunderstanding of the true nature of Maragtas is still prevalent throughout Philippine society even among its highest institutions and organizations. Evidence of this can be seen in the following list of web sites:
*Supreme Court of the Philippines
*Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines
*Governor's Office, Province of Antique
*Mayor's Office, City of Iloilo
*Madya-as Heritage Foundation Inc.
*Save Madya-as, Save Panay.
*Confederation of Madyaas.
Remarks: Not only the highest Court of the land ignore this misconcepcion propagated by Henry William Scott; but still many, many more respectable institutions, groups and enlightened citizenry.
It is regrettable, however, to note that “Maragtas” was sticken-out in Elementary grades textbooks in the late 1960’s by the Department of Education nationwide due to Mr. Scott’s theory.
The Indolence of the Filipinos
English translation by Charles Derbyshire. The article by José Rizal, originally written in Spanish, was published in La Solidaridad in five installments, from July 15 to September 15, 1890.
"...Wherefore, Gaspar de San Agustin says: "Although anciently there were in this town of Dumangas many people, in the course of time they have very greatly diminished because the natives are the best sailors and most skillful rowers on the whole coast, and so the governors in the port of Iloilo take most of the people from this town for the ships that they send abroad . . . When the Spaniards reached this island (Panay) it is said that there were on it more than fifty thousand families; but these diminished greatly . . .
"...Speaking of Ipion, in Panay, Padre Gaspar de San Agustin says: "It was in ancient times very rich in gold . . . but provoked by he annoyances they suffered from some governors they have ceased to get it out, preferring to live in poverty than to suffer such hardships." (page 378)
For some time the friars have deceived many by making them believe that if these plantations were prospering, it was because they were under their care, and the indolence of the natives was thus emphasized; but they forget that in some provinces where they have not been able for some reason to get possession of the best tracts of land, their plantations, like Bauan and Liang, are inferior to Taal, Balayan, and Lipa, regions cultivated entirely by the natives without any monkish interference whatsoever...."
Remarks: Evidently, descendants of these early Malay Datus abounded in "Araut" or Dumangas in Iloilo and "Taal" in Batangas as contained in my article---The Descendants of "Datu Puti" which is in contradiction to Mr. Scott's theory but conforms with Dr. Jose Rizal' essay.
I wonder how this retired lay missionary of the Episcopal Church from New Jersey USA, in a short span of only nine (9) years since his 1954 arrival in the Philippines was able to twist the minds thereafter, of some people to forget their glorious past and noble heritage.
Reminds me of a court trial scene in a movie of long ago. "Shake hands with the Devil"... the setting was Ireland. Charged for treason, the accused freedom fighter was asked if she has anything to say before the verdict is read. And she said: "What is an English Judge doing in an Irish Court?"
(n.b. This article was first posted on September 15, 2006 at www.ilonggo-nation.8k.com)
Defending the “Maragtas” :
(By: Guillermo Gomez Rivera-INM Banwa_Mo: HispanoFilipino eGroup)
William Henry Scott, we are told was a Mason as well as a sectarian Protestant neocolonizer masquarading as an anthropologist, to distort in many ways the pre-Hispanic Native history and culture.
Calling the Maragtas a "myth" is an insult to all Ylongos. But has any tried to find out why Scott called the "Maragtás" a myth?
We did. And the reason given to us is that it is NOT WRITTEN, therefore there is no document sayng that the Marágtas is true. therefore it is a "myth", or a made up story.
Now this argument is atrocious and arbitrary. In the first place nobody said that the Maragtas is something that was originally written. There is such a thing, after all, as ORAL LITERATURE or ORAL TRADITION. And that is what the Marágtas really is. IT IS AN ORAL TRADITION or AN ORAL LITERATURE. Being ORAL, it is but logical to understand that it is not written.
But the Maragtás was later on written down by a Spanish Friar, Tomás Santarén, OSA, in 1853 or 1856. It was written down in its original Kinaray-a language and translated into Spanish. The moment it was written, it also became WRITTEN LITERATURE aside from the ORAL LITERATURE THAT it is originally.
So what is the basis for calling it a myth? Nothing.
It is just because a Spanish Friar, a Catholic, is credited for having saved it, its importance to our people is being denied outright!.
It is a fact that the Protestants American colonizers we have do not like the Spanish Friars, their competition in the "religious market" in these Islands, and it is they since 1900 who have been maligning this Friars just to show us that they are better "servants of God" than those Spanish Friar missionaries.
This is downright sectarianism of the worst kind. Together with these Protestant bigots, we have their local converts (I know one of them from Silliman University who talks and tlaks but says nothing in the long run), who hate what Ylongos, Cebuanos, Tagalos, etc., have as their Spanish heritage.
Let us not believe everythng that a Protestant like William Henry Scott writes of plain bigotry, like this one saying that the Maragtas is a Myth. Let us neither beliee what his follower, CCP anthropologist Landa-Jocano said that we cannot accept the Maragtas as an historical evidence becuase
it is not a written document.
Al this balderdash. Tinunto ni tanan. Binuang!
We who have heared the maragtas being told to us by our grandparents as a bedtime story in our childhood can not err if we say that these U.S.WASP missionaries are wrong, and have nothing to do, with what the Maragtas is for all of us who speak Ylongo from birth.
Editors Note:
INM Banwa_Mo Member Don Guillermo Gómez Rivera, whose
ancestors came from Dingle and Calinog in Iloilo is also related to the
illustrious old Sino-Hispano families of "Parian" now Molo, Iloilo City
and Negros Occidental.
He is the author of HILIGAYNON HARVEST (Filipino Heritage
Encyclopedia, Vol. 6). This former member of the 1971-73 Philippine
Constitutional Convention-- National Language Committee was
acclaimed ----Laureled Prince of Ylongo Poetry in 1977.
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In Defense of Maragtas
(By Atty. Rex S. Salvilla)
WHAT is Maragtas? It is the folk story of the exodus of ten Malay datus from Bornay (Borneo) to Panay centuries ago led by Datu Puti.
This story was handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth among the inhabitants of Panay. It was first put into print in 1907 authored by Pedro A. Monteclaro of Miagao, Iloilo, a leader of the Philippine Revolution and first president of his town during the American regime. It was published by the Kadampig sang Banwa (Defenders of the Country).
Maragtas is the historical basis of the regional festivals in Panay-Binirayan of Antique, Dinagyang of Iloilo and Halaran of Capiz. The Ati-atihan of Aklan is also based on a peace treaty between the aboriginal atis (Negritos) and the descendants of Datu Bangkaya, one of the ten datus.
Before World War II, textbooks in the elementary grades throughout the country included the Maragtas story up to some time in the late 1960s when it was stricken out of these books.
The reason of the Department of Education then was a book by an American William Henry Scott, Prehispanic Source Materials for the Study of Philippine History published in 1968 allegedly stating that Maragtas is a myth.
This is very glaringly misleading because this is what was actually written by Scott:
"There is no reason to doubt that this legend preserves the memory of an actual event, but it is not possible to date the event itself or to decide which of its details are historic facts and which are the embellishment of generation of oral transmission" (page 103, 1984, Second Edition).
Where does it say here that Maragtas is a myth? Instead, Scott here does not doubt (meaning, he is certain) that Maragtas is "the memory of an actual event." So, the exudos really and actually happened! We wonder how the Department of Education then could have concluded from Scott's work that Maragtas is a myth?
At any rate, let us go to some aspects of Maragtas.
First - This story mentions more than sixty names, which are very difficult to invent. These included the names of the ten datus, their wives, kins, households and subordinate leaders. If Maragtas is a myth, why did the story teller took the trouble of mentioning these so many names?
Second - The story mentions that some time after the ten datus landed in San Joaquin, they took a trip around Aninipay (the name given by the Atis to the island), later changed by the Malays to Madia-as and then by the Spaniards to Panay.
In the story of this clockwise trip around the island, the Malays dropped from place to place some families, which settled there. The names of these places appear to be correct in their geographical order around Panay from Malandog (Antique) back to Bucaya (San Joaquin). Why this accuracy if it is not true?
(Source: Sun Star-Iloilo October 11, 2002)
Editors Note:
Rex S. Salvilla, a lawyer by profession and famed ilonggo historian
is the President of West Visayas Historical Research Foundation, Inc.
Reaction from PhiladelphiaPA-USA:
Lagting man angud si aton TOTO REX bah. Kamusta lang dayan kana sa Iloilo kag kay AGURANG MAURO man rugyan sa kadutaan kang mga kangaroo.
The citation made by Atty. Salvilla on the W.H. Scott book simply illustrates the hysteria by which the corruptors of our people and culture react in order to put the nation and its people into a LTML, or "Long Term Memory Loss." Usually, these people come from the religious establishment who are proponents of a "national amnesia" in order to hide their sins of commissions.
And the next accusation that they are going to make is already done by "demonizing" their protagonists. Hehehe! Palaba-laba sungay na lang ini seguro...Pero si Jose Rizal wala man 'to sungay ugaling miembro sang Mason gani ginpapatay sang mga relihiyoso paagi sa pagpusil sa Bagumbayan. Ikapila gani ina nga sugo sa 10 Commandments, Agurang Dinggol, inang siling nila nga mando sang Diyos nga "Dili ka magpatay?"
Hay maan kaninyo! Nagasakit ang dughan ko...Inday Zelds, butwa ka man abi agud to nga magnayanaya ang aton adlaw....
(Benjie Estuche -INM: PhillyPA-USA)
Reaction from Ontario-Canada:
Mayad nga adlaw lang dyan sa tanan. Ti Nong Rud, Tay Amin, sa diin kita kadya managbalay, sa Capitol Hill ukon sa Roxas Blvd?
Suno sa mga pahayag nanda ngadya ni Mananabang Rex kag ni JGR ang Maragtas ta natabo gid man. Kag bisan pa gani mo. Lima ka libo ka tuig maghalin dukar-on sin-o gid abi ang magtul-id kon ano nga siglo nag abot ya mga kamal-aman naton sa baybay kang San Joaquin?
Indi bala nga gapati man gani kita nga si Noah kag ang anang Arko gin anaw man? Ti, wala man maman-an kon ano nga siglo to. Wala man gani maman-an kon may arko gid man. Ti dya nga mga sugilanon, wala man dya mabalhag kang pagkatabo na gid. Naman-an man naton tanan nga dya nga mga sugilanon history dya kang mga Hudeo.
We all know that the Old Testament bible is the history of the Jews. Nobody questions it's authenticity.
Ti ang akon lang kadya gani hay makarulouy lang kita. Indi bala Tay Amin nga ang hurobaton kang paborito mo nga santo, "Ang wala gabalikid sa anang ginhalinan (gingikanan) , indi makaabot sa anang padulungan?" Ti ano gani ang balikdon mo kon ginpakilo ron nanda ang aton ginhalinan. Ti daad, mahulag ron kita kadya.
Inday Zelds
(Zelda Lopez -INM: Ontario-Canada)
The "Maragtas" legend explained that sometime between 1200-1250's; ten (10) Malay Datus together with their families, households and subordinates fled the tyrannical rule of Makatunaw, the Shri-Vijaya Sultan of Bornay (Borneo).
Led by Datu Puti, the Sultanate Minister, they landed in the Island of "Aninipay" or Panay.
They bartered their gold and jewelries with the local Ati Chieftain Marikudo for the lowlands, plains and valleys of the Island they called "Madya-as" or Paradise. The land where time began; the birth of the Ilonggo Nation and the cradle of ancient Filipino civilization.
For about 300 years before the coming of the Spaniards, the Ilonggos lived in comparative prosperity and peace under an organized government, the "Katiringban et Madia-as" or the Confederation of Madya-as and with such laws as the Code of Kalantiaw.
Nota Bene: Period of emigration was later confirmed to be during the early part of the 1400's as recorded in the ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty Chronicles. (Related article below)
The Maragtas Legend and the Ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty:
(By: dinggol a.divinagracia- INM Banwa_Mo -September 25,2006)
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The inclusion in the ancient Chronology of the "Chinese Ming Dynasty and Islamic Influences" by Guo Zhongli about the saga of Bornean Datu Putih, Code of Kalantiaw and the Maragtas Code of Sumakwel, are like drops of rain on a hot summer day.
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Likewise, this is a shot in the arm to believers of their glorious past & noble heritage.
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According to Ming Chroniclers:
"...1372 AD -Sabah Journal reported a Ming envoy, Prince Sahib ul-Kahar Ong Sum-ping to have sailed through the Sulu Archipelago to Kinabatangan in North Borneo and established a permanent Chinese foothold in that vast uninhabited island...."
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"...1390 AD - Srivijayan Raja Baguinda, a minor ruler of Minangkabau, arrived in Sulu from Swarna Dwipa and founded the town of Bwansa in Jolo Island;...."
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Hypothetical analysis:
With the passage of time, inter-marriages and the relationships between neighboring islanders brought about the contemporaries of Sri-Vijayan Ruler Sultan Makatunaw (or whoever his name), Datu Putih and the Bornean datus who later fled Bornay and landed in Panay in the early 1400's. (Not between 1214-1250 as earlier believed)
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We noted the following in contradiction viz-a-viz our contentions:
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According to Ming Chroniclers:
"...1433 AD - A Seven-Datu-Council codified the Code of Kalantiaw (by Kalantiaw) and the Maragtas Code (by Sumakwel) for the people of Panay Island;
-Three Adatus from the original ten who came to Panay left for Batangas and Mindoro;
-Datu Putih was one of them but eventually returned to North Borneo from where no trace of him was found...."
Our Contentions:---------------------------- Ming Dynasty Chroniclers:
1) The name: Datu Puti ------------ ---------Datu Putih
2) Landed in Panay: middle 13th Century----Early 15th century
3) 3-datus remained 7 left for luzon------- ---7-datus remained 3 left for luzon
4) Reached Batangas & explored luzon------- Reached Mindoro, Batangas & explored Luzon
5) from Batangas, settled & died in Sulu------Back to Borneo with no trace thereafter
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"Astana Putih" - present seat of the Royal Sulu Sultanate at Umbal Duwa in Indanan, Jolo Island in the Tausog Region of Sulu could have been named after Datu Putih.
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We are inclined to believe the ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty recorded chronicles because of the confirmed two points early emigration to the Philippine archipelago, also above-cited.
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Be that as it may, Pedro A. Monteclaro painstakingly created a legacy to all his "Kasimanwa"--- a guide for future generations; notwithstanding attempts of distortions by others to discredit his efforts.
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The "Maragtas Legend" shall forever be in the minds and enshrined in the hearts of Ilonggos, wherever they may be...a nostalgic memory...of a perceived myth that became a legend ...and the legend that turned out to be the history of a proud and noble People...of the once great Ilonggo Nation!
(ni: dinggol a. divinagracia - INM Banwa_Mo -Sept. 1, 2006)
Sadto nga mga panahon, sang ang “Aninipay” ukon Isla sang Panay nabahin na sa mga tribu sa pag pamuno nanday Datu Bangkaya ang Akean” (Aklan & Capiz); Datu Paiburong ang “Irong-Irong” (Iloilo) kag sa kay Datu Sumakwel naman ang “Hamtik” (Antique); ang tribu iya ni Datu Puti kag sang iban pa, nag pasad puluy-an sa “Araut” (Dumangas) malapit sa pampang sang suba nga indi man malayo sa dagat nga naga atubang sa Isla sang “Himal-os” (Guimaras).
Nag ligad ang mga tinuig, ang apo ni Datu Puti ang ngalan Raja-Mun upod ang iya sakop nag balhin sa lugar nga madamo ang tanum nga putat kag ila gin hingadlan “Kaputatan” (Pototan). Apang ang iya guid suod nga bugto ngalan si Raja-il nag pabilin sa “Araut” (Dumangas) sang ang mal-am nga Apoy kag anum ka Datu upod iban nga sakop liwan nga nag bugsay sang ila mga “Balanghai” padulong sa “Selorang Lusong” (Luzon) kag sila naka abot sa pampang sang daku nga suba didto sa “Taal” (Batangas).
After partitioning "Aninipay" or the Island of Panay which they called "Madya-as" or Paradise, among the tribes under Datu Bangkaya, Paiburong and Sumakwel--- the exit point of Datu Puti and the remaining tribes after deciding to sail farther north towards Luzon was the Malay settlement at the banks of Araut (Dumangas) River.
While some of his kinsmen accompanied him, others opted to remain in Araut... finding the place rich .. fertile soil and with abundance in marine products.
Years later, one of his Malay grandson Raja-Mun, (Datu Ramon-evidently a convert) left Dumangas together with his family and settled in "Kaputatan" what is now the Town of Pototan in Iloilo. While his closest brother Raja-il and others stayed behind.
Historians believe that the present Batanguenos are also descendants of Datu Puti and the other Bornean Datu who later left the Island of Panay and set up the first Malay settlement at the mouth of Taal (Batangas) River.
In the year 1570, Kapitan Juan de Salcedo -- grandson of the "El Adelantado" Don Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, as second in command to Spanish Conquistador Martin de Goiti, together...explored the coast of Batangas on their way to "Maynilad" and came upon the Malay settlement at the mouth of the Taal River and in 1572, the town of Taal in Batangas was founded.
Undoubtedly, before Datu Puti -- the Shri-Vijaya Sultanate Minister went back to Bornay (Borneo) to face uncertain fate, his seeds were planted along the banks of Araut (Dumangas) River in Iloilo; Taal (Batangas) River in Southern Luzon and the most logical route back to Bornay.... via the Tausog Region where early Malay settlements were established in Mindanao.
Therefore, the Ilonggos, Batanguenos and Tausogs have direct bloodline from Datu Puti. And that was long before the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan and the Spanish Conquistadores Don Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, his grandson Kapitan Juan de Salcedo and Martin de Goiti came into the picture.
Here's excerpt from article; A Rejoinder: The Ilonggo Nation Movement "League of Filipino Nations" at: http://www.ilonggo-nation.8k.com/
“. . . f) THE SOUTHERN TAGALOG NATION; To include both CALABARZON and MIMAROPA? -The first "Tagalog Nation" came into being when the group of Datu Puti settled the fertile banks of Batangas river (ilog). He left Panay Island to be ruled by Datu: Paiburong, Bangkaya and Sumakwel. Datu Puti, a Shri- Vijaya Sultanate Minister of Bornay (Borneo) went home to face uncertain fate.
Left behind to explore Luzon and the remaing islands were the six bornean tribes of Datu Dumansil, Dumalugdog, Balkasusa, Paduhinog, Balinsusa, and Lubay. Many great Filipino Patriots and Heroes descended from these equally great ancestors. Among them, Dr. Jose P. Rizal considered "The Pride of the Malayan Race" . . . .”
(By: Ernesto"Ernie"Gange -INM: BucksCntyPA-USA)
When we talk about the population explosion in the Philippines, I will
lay the blame on the Catholic Church, period. I still recall my meeting
with the former First Lady Ming Ramos, in February '94.
Our 15 minute meeting lasted for 45 minutes, because, our conversation
extended to the role of the Catholic Church in the population control
or the lack of it in the Philippines.
It is true that there is a separation of the Church and the State, but,
in the Philippines, the Church has more influence in the lives of the
people than the Government.
The primary agenda for our meeting was to seek the support of Inday Ming
to become our spokesperson for the children for the Pearl S. Buck
International, an organization whose mission is "to help children
After Inday Ming (she is Ilongga) accepted the the task, our conversation
continued and she told us that the cleanup of the PASIG RIVER, was a
challenge. Imagine she said, that, the squatters demanded that they must
be paid 15,000 pesos per family if their hut is moved, and, there is a
law in the Philippines that also requires government to provide employment
for the head of the family who is relocated from the PASIG RIVER.
Although the clean up of the Pasig River was partially successful,but, the
succeeding administration failed to continue with the program. Now, we are
back to square one.
When we continued our dscussion on the issues of the children, including
the thousands of street children who were left to fend for themselves in
the streets of Metro Manila, Cebu, Davao, Bacolod City, Iloilo City and in
all large cities in the Philippines, Ming was disappointed.
She related to us her meeting with the late Cardinal Sin, (also an Ilonggo)
at the Cardinal's Palace. She told Cardinal Sin, that, the Catholic Church
has a responsibility and can influence the people in managing the population
of the Philippines. The Cardinal Sin replied, and proceeded to tell her,
that, Ming, we (Catholics) "will not compromise the word of God," and Ming
replied, Cardinal Sin, why don't you leave you palace and visit the SQUATTERS
Of course, the Cardinal told her, that, "it is the problem of the Government
to provide for it's people."
The children are the victims in a country where the population is not
controlled. It requires the cooperation of everybody including the CHURCH and
the STATE.
The direction of the Philippines depends primarily on it's people, starting
with the children.
Editors Note:
INM Banwa_Mo Member Ernesto"Ernie"Gange belongs to an
illustrious family in "Himal-os", the Island Province of Guimaras.
He is a well known figure in the U.S. Fil-Am circle for his numerous
Ernie is a serious advocate of our cultural heritage and is the Founding
Chairman for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania National Federation
of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA), Inc.
August 31, 2007
Subject: Augustinian Grand International Reunion - October 19-21, 2007
Dear Fellow Augustinian Alumni and Friends:
Warm Augustinian greetings to you all!! The Organizing Committee would like to invite you to the first Grand International Reunion of Augustinian Alumni and Friends to be held at the Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 19-21, 2007.
The main purpose of this reunion is to gather alumni and friends, so that we may renew friendships, forge new ones and discuss how we may be able to extend goodwill and/or help to each other as well as to the students, faculty, Augustinian Fathers, administrative staff of the University of San Agustin in Iloilo City and the Colegio de San Agustin in Bacolod City in the Philippines.
We are very pleased to announce that Rev. Fr. Manuel Vergara, O.S.A., President of the University of San Agustin, has accepted our invitation to attend the Grand Reunion. Several other faculty members at the University have likewise accepted the invitation. We now have over 150 alumni and friends who have confirmed their attendance.
We are excited to see all of you in Las Vegas in October 2007. Please make every effort to attend. If you have any questions and for invitational flyers, please do not hesitate to call us or send us an email. Thank you.
Edith M. Ardiente
15314 Bunker Drive
Orland Park, Illinois 60462
The Organizing Committee:
-Nestor and Edith (Mijares) Ardiente *nestorardiente@yahoo.com * Tel. (708)460-2264
-Hilarion and Severina (Abad) Cordero *juncord@gmail.com * Tel. (702)873-2827 (24/7)
-Teddy, Jr. and Ninfa (Sales) Gonzales *tedgonza@optonline.net * Tel. (973)779-1949
-Dennis and Nenita Jereza *dajereza@yahoo.com * Tel. (510)396-2854
-Greg and Alma (Sua-an) Kilayco *gregsk@juno.com * Tel. (702)236-8111
The Benefits of Alcohol and The Value of a Drink --Hik!
"Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink I feel shame.
Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the vineyards
and all of their hopes and dreams If I didn't drink this wine, they
might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered.
Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this wine and let their
dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver." ~Jack Handy~
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering what the hell
happened to your bra and panties.
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning,
that's as good as they're going to feel all day." ~Frank Sinatra~
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that you are;
tougher, smarter, faster and better looking than most people.
"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading."
~Henny Youngman~
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to think people are
laughing WITH you.
"24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not."
~Stephen Wright~
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to think you can sing.
"When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When
wefall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.
So, let's all get drunk and go to heaven!" ~Brian O'Rourke~
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause pregnancy.
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
~Benjamin Franklin~
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like
a retard.
"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer.
Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does
not go nearly as well with pizza." ~Dave Barry~
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell your friends over
and over again that you love them.
To some, it's a six-pack... To me, it's a Support Group.. Salvation in a can!
~Dave Howell~
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you can logically
converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.
And saving the best for last, as explained by Cliff Clavin, of Cheers.
One afternoon at Cheers, Cliff Clavin was explaining the Buffalo Theory to
his buddy Norm. Here's how it went:
"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as
fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest
and weakest ones at the back that are killed first.
This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general
speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of
the weakest members.
In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest
brain cells.
Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally,
it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular
consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a
faster and more efficient machine.
That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering
when you are not.
(Thanks! to Kenneth Benedicto)
Ang Republika Federal sg Kabisay-an (The Federal Republic of the Visayas)
Historical Facts obviously omitted or deliberately hidden in our School History Books
(Source: History Reborn"The Federal Republic of the Visayas" -by: dinggol a.divinagracia*June 12, 2007)
*That Spain had already formally surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas even before Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed Philippine President in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. That our Independent Visayan Republic, had never been under the authority and jurisdiction of Aguinaldo's "Katagalogan" Republic in Luzon.
excerpted: "...A paper written by Jose Manuel Velmonte, a research associate at the UP Third World Studies Center, found that the Visayan revolutionary elites not only had sophisticated political ideas but also resented attempts by Malolos to assert its authority. A Tagalog military expedition sent by Malolos to Panay to assert its presence was met with hostility. The Luzon force led by Generals Ananias Diocno and Leandro Fullon was regarded by the Visayan revolutionaries, led by the Visayan supremo, Gen. Martin Delgado, as an ''invasion'' force ..." (Source: Inquirer-1999- 06-13 "View of revolt in provinces spurs revision" By: Amando Doronila)
According to Dr. Luis C.Dery, an eminent Filipino Scholar: "Expounding the extent of Aguinaldo's Philippine Army; the Bangsamoro nation's Mindanao, Sulu, and the rest of its islands never fell under Aguinaldo's politico-military control and sovereignty. In fact as late as August 1898 much of northern Luzon, southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao remained outside of the control of Aguinaldo's Republic. Thus, several military expeditions were sent to these places to bring' them to recognize the First Philippine Republic."
*That the 1898 Treaty of Paris preliminaries, should not have included territories of the sovereign "Visayan Nation"; the confederation of both the Central and Western Visayas Cantonal Governments by virtue of Spain's formal surrender prior to this U.S. and Spain treaty of peace (Paris) and the $20-million buy-out. Spain had no more legal rights to sell. In legal parlance "nemodat quod non habet” -meaning “you cannot give what is not yours”. It states that the purchase of a possession from someone who has no ownership right to it also denies the purchaser any ownership title.
This diplomatic "Faux pas" that was supposed to be officially consummated and became legal and internationally binding only on APRIL 11, 1899 should, or rather must be rectified.
*June 12, 1898 -Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spain in Kawit, Cavite --but never won the war against Spain, as explained in the infamous betrayal --the "Mock Battle of Manila of August 13, 1898".
*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
excerpted: "...These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris...."
Dr. Jose P. Dacudao; National President -Save Our Languages thru Federalism Foundation (SOLFED), Inc.
*July 4, 1946 -The United States of America granted Philippine Independence on a silver platter with strings attached.
"True Independence could never be just self-proclaimed nor bestowed upon, it has to be won and duly achieved with dignity" -- DinggolAranetaDivinagracia (Founder: Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network ..Dec. 25, 2005)
Dinggol is an Ilonggo Historian of modern times. He is a lover of nature and reform activist by profession; a genealogist by avocation, and an avid advocate of the Cooperative Movement and "Parliamentary" Federalism. He is, likewise, a duly registered Researcher at the U.S. Library of Congress in the nations capital --Washington D.C.
"It is rather speculative as it is without basis of history if we mean of "history" is that which had been written for us by the "tutas" or lackeys of our colonial and imperial masters.." -- Benjie Evicner Estuche (INM Co-Founder)
"Federalism is not the best way, it is the only way"..
Join the Last Laugh with us!
*When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked -What? and then they laughed.
*When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked -How? and then they laughed.
*When Jules Verne wrote someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked - When? and then they laughed.
*When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Lord, the Messiah, people asked -Who? and then they laughed.
*When the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network announced its mission and vision, people did not even bother to ask, What? How? When? or Who? --They just laughed and laughed. *People are still laughing, ...but the laughter is fading!
Ang inyo alagad sa guihapon -DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~
(Source: History Reborn"The Federal Republic of the Visayas" -by: dinggol a.divinagracia*June 12, 2007)
*That Spain had already formally surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas even before Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed Philippine President in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. That our Independent Visayan Republic, had never been under the authority and jurisdiction of Aguinaldo's "Katagalogan" Republic in Luzon.
excerpted: "...A paper written by Jose Manuel Velmonte, a research associate at the UP Third World Studies Center, found that the Visayan revolutionary elites not only had sophisticated political ideas but also resented attempts by Malolos to assert its authority. A Tagalog military expedition sent by Malolos to Panay to assert its presence was met with hostility. The Luzon force led by Generals Ananias Diocno and Leandro Fullon was regarded by the Visayan revolutionaries, led by the Visayan supremo, Gen. Martin Delgado, as an ''invasion'' force ..." (Source: Inquirer-1999- 06-13 "View of revolt in provinces spurs revision" By: Amando Doronila)
According to Dr. Luis C.Dery, an eminent Filipino Scholar: "Expounding the extent of Aguinaldo's Philippine Army; the Bangsamoro nation's Mindanao, Sulu, and the rest of its islands never fell under Aguinaldo's politico-military control and sovereignty. In fact as late as August 1898 much of northern Luzon, southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao remained outside of the control of Aguinaldo's Republic. Thus, several military expeditions were sent to these places to bring' them to recognize the First Philippine Republic."
*That the 1898 Treaty of Paris preliminaries, should not have included territories of the sovereign "Visayan Nation"; the confederation of both the Central and Western Visayas Cantonal Governments by virtue of Spain's formal surrender prior to this U.S. and Spain treaty of peace (Paris) and the $20-million buy-out. Spain had no more legal rights to sell. In legal parlance "nemodat quod non habet” -meaning “you cannot give what is not yours”. It states that the purchase of a possession from someone who has no ownership right to it also denies the purchaser any ownership title.
This diplomatic "Faux pas" that was supposed to be officially consummated and became legal and internationally binding only on APRIL 11, 1899 should, or rather must be rectified.
*June 12, 1898 -Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spain in Kawit, Cavite --but never won the war against Spain, as explained in the infamous betrayal --the "Mock Battle of Manila of August 13, 1898".
*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
excerpted: "...These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris...."
Dr. Jose P. Dacudao; National President -Save Our Languages thru Federalism Foundation (SOLFED), Inc.
*July 4, 1946 -The United States of America granted Philippine Independence on a silver platter with strings attached.
"True Independence could never be just self-proclaimed nor bestowed upon, it has to be won and duly achieved with dignity" -- DinggolAranetaDivinagracia (Founder: Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network ..Dec. 25, 2005)
Dinggol is an Ilonggo Historian of modern times. He is a lover of nature and reform activist by profession; a genealogist by avocation, and an avid advocate of the Cooperative Movement and "Parliamentary" Federalism. He is, likewise, a duly registered Researcher at the U.S. Library of Congress in the nations capital --Washington D.C.
"It is rather speculative as it is without basis of history if we mean of "history" is that which had been written for us by the "tutas" or lackeys of our colonial and imperial masters.." -- Benjie Evicner Estuche (INM Co-Founder)
"Federalism is not the best way, it is the only way"..
Join the Last Laugh with us!
*When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked -What? and then they laughed.
*When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked -How? and then they laughed.
*When Jules Verne wrote someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked - When? and then they laughed.
*When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Lord, the Messiah, people asked -Who? and then they laughed.
*When the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network announced its mission and vision, people did not even bother to ask, What? How? When? or Who? --They just laughed and laughed. *People are still laughing, ...but the laughter is fading!
Ang inyo alagad sa guihapon -DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~
Claim your birth right,
"ACTA DE CAPITULACION~1898" (The Formal Surrender Document)

*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
Ergo! we won our battle-scarred freedom and legitimate independence and became a sovereign nation. The "First" Republic in the whole of Asia, but was nipped-in-the bud by the "ugly" Americans. A diplomatic faux pas, a political blunder and a travesty of history! --DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~~
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sunday, September 02, 2007
(Date: September 1, 2007)
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* Volume No. I * Issue No. 004 * Date: September 1, 2007*
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CONTENTS: The Moro People's Conflict and the Ilonggos, Etc. * Reaction to above Article * The Crux of the Moro Conflict/Our Muslim Ancestors * The Revolucionario of Antique * Pride of Cabatuan-Iloilo * Negrenses* The Locsin Clan in Cyberspace * New INM Banwa_Mo eGroup Members * San Joaquin, Iloilo Association of USA (SJIA-USA) 2007 Election Results * Change your Strategy! *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Moro People's Conflict and the Ilonggos, Etcetera.
(By: dinggol a.divinagracia -INM Banwa_Mo -August 20, 2007)Long before "Kamikaze" zero fighter planes hovered over the horizon during the last stages of WWII and even much farther before "Jihadist" martyrs resorted to suicide bombings; our muslim brothers in the south, fighting to defend their cultural identity and to preserve their religious patrimony had already instilled fear in the heart of the infidels --because of the self-determined "Huramentados".
It took the invention of Colt 45's knocking power during U.S. war of conquest in Mindanao at the turn of the last century, led by Gen. John "Black Jack" Pershing, to neutralize waves of attack by these fanatical moro holy warriors.
In the 1950's --with the "Land for the Landless" program during the CIA-backed Presidency of Ramon Magsaysay, a great number of Christian settlers from Ilocandia; the Hukbalahap veterans of central Luzon; and the Ilonggo-Cebuano Bisayans emigrated to the "Land of Promise". (The first group of Visayan settlers in Mindanao came from Bohol in 1563 that landed and established a settlement in the Zamboanga Peninsula in what is now called Dapitan.)
Thereafter, an uprising that broke out in 1948 with a few hundred men led by Tausog leader "Kamlon" of Sulu escalated into a full blown rebellion. After the loss of so many lives and destruction of so many properties, but due they say, to old age he just faded into oblivion.
Others believed his friend Jose "Bano" Escribano, the Ilonggo Mayor of Tacurong, Cotabato later was able to appease the brave old muslim Rebel.
Peace reigned in Mindanao and the multinational giants; Dole Philippines, Firestone Rubber Company, Etc. were later established that generated jobs by the thousands. Earlier B.F. Goodrich started operations in 1919, Del Monte through a subsidiary in 1925, and Goodyear in 1929. These big companies then owned lands by the thousands of hectares.
Going back to the government transistion period in 1935. Commonwealth Act No. 141 was signed into law by President Manuel L. Quezon --Section 84 declared all ancestral lands in Mindanao as public lands.
The Moros and other ethnic groups were deprived of lands once owned by their ancestors. A Moro may own only 4-hectares; a Christian settler was allowed to own 24-hectares while Filipino Corporations of up to 1,024-hectares.
The smart alecks, both foreign and local were then able to legally convert ancestral domains into dynastic corporate empires and they became the new breed of oligarchy --the modern day illustrados that eventually controlled the economy and political scene in Mindanao.
In the early 1960's --massive rampage against family of peaceful Christian settlers in the south were systematically conducted by the "Black Shirts" and later by the notorious "Barracudas"; groups of Muslim seccessionist under the Muslim/Mindanao Independence Movement (MIM) founded by Datu Udtog Matalam in Central Mindanao.
To protect themselves, these early christian settlers led by the magnificent seven (7) Ilonggo Mayors in Mindanao organized themselves into what turned out to be the most dreaded "anti-moro" group of them all --the "ILAGA" Movement.
Headed by Ilonggos from Panay, the most prominent were Norberto Manero, Jr. of Janiuay, Iloilo; his wife Leonarda "Kumander Inday" Lacson and an obscure simple farmer from Antique, named Feliciano Luces alias "Kumander Toothpick".
The brutality pertetuated by some Ilaga (Ilonggo for Rat) members in treating their adversaries gained them utmost notoriety.
In the 1972 election, Col. Carlos B. Cajelo of Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo --who nurtured the Ilaga Movement, defeated Datu Udtog Matalam as Governor of Cotabato in Central Mindanao; and served as the longest elected governor of the province for 12 years.
During the late 1960's, the clandestine "Operation Merdeka"; Malacanang's grand plan to destablize and take over Sabah from the Malaysians, using the Jabidah Special Forces was conceived.
Maj. Eduardo Martelino of Kalibo, Aklan --an articulate and dashing Army officer of the Office of Civil Affairs under the DND was tasked to head the core group that planned and implemented the project.
He was a graduate of the Infantry School in Fort Benning in the U.S. and the Defense Information School of the U.S. Armed Forces, the precursor of the psychological warfare school of Fort Bragg.
Maj. Martelino then settled in Simunol Island in Tawi Tawi, Sulu; converted into Islam as "Abdul Latif"; married a young local lass and named after her --the recruitment and training camp for Jabidah Special Forces - "Camp Sofia".
In March of 1968, the massacre of at least 23 Jabidah trainees on Corregidor island for the Sabah Mission sparked another Muslim rebellion and gave birth to the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) led by University of the Philippines Professor Nurullaji "Nur" Misuari and other young Muslim Intellectuals who disregarded the traditional muslim elitist leaders.
Once again, the south turned red in the ensuing battles between government forces and the MNLF. To supplement the AFP, Malacanang directed the creation of the dreaded "Lost Command" composed mostly of undesirables and para-military groups of ilonggo mercenaries under the command of Col. Carlos Palabrica "Ladi" Lademora of Iloilo.
Col. Lademora's Lost Command exploits in "commando style" and unorthodox guerrilla warfare that was feared not only in Mindanao; was dismantled after the Marcos regime.
In the early 1990's, Abdurajak Abubakar Janjalani of Basilan, whose ilongga mother was from the town of Miag-ao in the Province of Iloilo became the principal founder of the Abu Sayyaf Group, a radical muslim organization with links to Al Queda.
He was a student of a fundamentalist imam in a Muslim community in the Christian city of Zamboanga when he joined the mujahideens to fight in Afghanistan.
When he died in an encounter a few years ago, his brother Kadaffy took over leadership of the ASG but was also reportedly slain later.
Today, history repeats itself in Morolandia.
News report, confirms the on-going war --but sadly reveal AFP tragic soldiers on the losing end not necessarily because of inferior armaments but mainly due to series of error in judgement committed by their superior military officers.
It likewise, exposed the suspected ulterior motives of some high ranking government officials for economic advantage. Thus, Senate Probe in this regard is in progress.
But what is alarming, are reports that US Special Forces in full combat gear were cited within the war zones which is contrary to and in violation of the existing U.S.-Philippine Visiting Forces Agreement or VFA.
Skeptics says, we may not have enough black gold or fossilized oil deposit to warrant foreign intervention.
But perhaps, the rich "Deuterium" deposit within the Visayan Seas that connects to the Mindanao Deep could be the magnet to justify the next target of a full scale war against global terrorism in Mindanao.
Excerpted from: The Ilonggo Nation (6/26/06)
(by: Jamimah Yazmine-INM Banwa_Mo: OklahomaUSA)
"...Deuterium is basically inhabiting the "ocean deep" where they could be harvested to be converted into isotopes to trigger nuclear fusion in an energy reactor as in the matter and anti-matter fusion. The seas within the Triangle and the Mindanao Deep south of the base of the triangle had already been identified by geologists, scientists and quantum science researchers as deuterium-rich regions.
This information had been kept from the public but congressional investigations had been made during the Marcos Martial law regime which had been kept from the public.
This explains also the various claims of several country-states as Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, South Korea, China and the Philippines of an atoll called the Freedomland discovered by Tomas Coloma for the Philippines popularly known as the Sprattley Island group which is rich in fossil oil deposit.
Such claims all hid the fact about deuterium - the 21st century energy commodity which can power cars in the near future...."
---------------------------------------o0o-----------------------------Reaction to above-article:Agurang Dinggol and everybody,
I am very much delighted by the way you placed in historical perspective the struggles of the Moro and Ilonggo Nations in the Land of Promise, although I cannot find anywhere the "promissory note" by which such promise was made.
There was a certain Col. Lansdale who handled the "Guy" in the 40s and 50s who was involved in hamletting operation in Malaysia (which failed), implemented the same classic counter-revolutiona ry and anti-people policy in Central Luzon (succeeded), in Central Panay (it failed), and in Vietnam (it was a total failure!).
Col. Landsdale was later identified as a CIA operative. The "guy" was, of course, Ramon Magsaysay, the ill-fated President of the Philippines who died in an airplane crash believed to have been engineered too by people interested in the political and economic development of the Philippines and the continued insurrection in Mindanao.
Journalist Nestor Mata survived that crash and lived to tell of the miracle that kept him alive for more years. He was later involved in progressive politics and in the political careers of such Amboys (American Boys) as Manuel Manahan and Raul Manglapuz, who drew the seeds of the Social Democratic Movement under the core leadership of one Jesuit priest named Fr. Jose Blanco.
It is interesting to note that during the flowering of the "Merdeka" affair ran mostly by Ilonggos, there was a mysterious death of an American with a German-sounding namein the the Mindanao area near the Tawi-tawi and Sulu territory. This man was associated with an overstaying American GI named Harry Stonehill, believed to be charged with smuggling activities of blue-seal cigarettes manufactured in the Borneo area and distributed in the Philippines.
Harrry Stonehill was associated with corruption during the Macapagal administration (Diosdado, father of the incumbent Lady President, Gloria M. Arroyo) and was liaisoned into the Macapagal Administration by another whiz of an Ilonggo kid named Rufino "Fenny" Hechanova. Hechanova died of a gas-poisoning (?) while travelling in Europe.
The Jabidah Massacre (offshoot of the Merdeka affair) was exposed by a young Senator from Tarlac on his maiden year in the Senate named Benigno Aquino Jr. A few years before his becoming Senator he was alleged to have been seen on top of a water tower in Indonesia with Fr. Jose Blanco where both were monitoring the movement of rebel troops that toppled the presidency of Sukarno.
It was believed that Aquino and Blanco were also responsible of arming the Indonesian rebels during that time. Quijano de Manila in his book, "The Aquinos of Tarlac," had explicitly detailed this operation.
All these had been detailed also in the last issues of the Philippine Free Press owned and published by another Ilonggo of the Locsin clan of Negros prior to the declaration of Martial Law in 1972 by Ferdinand E. Marcos, who claimed to have a Special Power of Attorney from the heirs of the sultan of Sulu which was disputed by Pres. Diosdado Macapagal.
The last issue of the Philippine Free Press was also about another Ilonggo, my contemporary, Fluellen Ortigas, and his deposition in the Senate about the smuggling of arms through ships in the Palanan Bay area at the foot of the Sierra Madre facing the Pacific Ocean in the eastern side of norther Luzon and the alleged plot (or actual ambush) of then Secretary of the DND, now Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile.
Somewhere in the back issues of the Philippine Free Press was also written an article about Deuterium. What is Deuterium and how is it that Ilonggos seemed to have been connected with its research and future development? How is the war in Mindanao related to the prospect of deuterium development and energy enhancement project?
During the incumbency of President Corazon Aquino, Quijano's book encountered suppression of its publication. I don't know why. At that time the glamorous wife of Cory's brother, Tingting Cojuangco was enrolled at the National Defense College of the Philippines at Fort Bonifacio. She was believed to be the point-person in charged with maintaining close relationship with the heir of the Sulu Sultanate during the Aquino presidency.
BTW, one of the sons of Gen. Martin Delgado became a husband of one of the heirs of the Sultan of Sulu.
Tatay Bano was responsible for the surrender of Kamlon, a Tausug rebel in the early 50s. The late Jose Escribano was from Igbaras and cousin of my late mother. During his house arrest in Manila in the early 60s after the shooting death of one Judge Valdez in Tacurong, Cotabato, we were one of those priveleged to give security of his daughter, Suelyn, while she was studying in the University of the Philippines in Dilliman.
Jose Rizal, in his letters to Ferdinand Blumentritt, had dreamed of colonizing the North Borneo Area. This was after his trip overseas and after Heidelberg and was in exile in Dapitan in the Zamboanga peninsula. The development of European Masonry during Rizal's time was such that there were researches on alchemy made by the German part of the Masonry Movement. Was the chemical element, Deuterium, which is hard water, part of that research?
While the Roman Catholic Church in the Western Visayas region laid claim to the faithfulness of the revolutionary leadership to the church in the latter years of the uprising and after the declaration of independent states, the fact remains that the leadership were beholden to the principles of Masonry. The declaration of Independent states in the Visayas and Northern Mindanao was also part of the series of the same declaration made by the batanguenyo general, Miguel Malvar.
Why do we discuss these details on our unknown history as a people? It is because of the kindred spirit that obtains between the people of Luzon, the Batanguenos and the Lagunans and the Tausogs of Mindanao and the Ilonggos of the Visayas. They were believed to have come from the the same village in Sabah. They are the only Filipino tribes with a history of going amok. They were the only ones that made "bulantes" of mosquito nets and habol and different kinds of knives.They were known for their being romantic and adventurous.
They were the seed of the Filipino nation, not only the Ilonggo nation. They started the first Philippine democratic political society in the whole of Asia. They provided seafaring souls to the Spanish conquestadores for further colonization of the new world. They were those that practically rowed the Spanish galleons to Alta California and the missionary travels of priest in the Southern Americas.
They had been used, too, to borrow the term of Mr. Dacudao, by Imperial Manila, not to protect her interests but to muddle the issues we had discussed above.
Maayong adlaw sa tanan,
(Benjamin "Benjie" Estuche -INM: PhillyPa-USA))
The Crux of the Moro Conflict/Our Muslim Ancestors
The Indigenous Peoples Act of 1997 should have been worded to solve all these problems from ancestral lands, preservation, and exploration of natural resources. The Bangsa Moro claim is valid and historicallly genuine to be recognized by any governmental processes and is further supported by the Autonomous Act for Local government unit giving our Muslim brothers their self-determination and managing their internal affairs within the context of the Philippine Constitution of 1889 and the adaption of the 1985 Constitution and the framers intent of unifying the nation.
This makes the proposed Federalization and Regional Autonomy a more acceptable solution that would foster equitable recognition of our unique regional culture, language and beliefs (religious and ways of life).
The historical truism of the existence of our Muslim heritage and our country's predominance in Islam is manifested in many ways from records of colonizers to past traders and allies archives in China, Malaysia and Indonesia or the old domain of Siam which is now Thailand.
The military of the Republic of the Philippines was organized and armed by the Commonwealth Military Governor was a continuation of the colonization under the pretext of 'conditional independence'. This same military mentality and the PMA culture which was patterned after the US West Point Military Academy was replicated in the PMA and molded the colonial and power dominant minds of the military products.
The true military arm of the people sensitive to needs of the people was instead born from the ranks of the disgruntled and disillussioned citizens and idealists which suffered injustice from the pro-American system of governance having adapted the 1946 Constitution on July 4th from the Xerox copy of the US Constitution.
The American 'pensionados' and US selected and favored 'political leaders' applied their US education principles to elevate themselves to power and dominance under the new Republic of the former Las Islas Filipinas translated to the 'red coats' English.
What happened to our Muslim ancestors that made the 1911 Colt Automatic Pistol famous? They were declared a bunch of 'horamentados', suicide killers, rebels, ingrates, anti-government and anti-republic. The 'Moros' werre gbranded as the equivalent of the Muslims in the Battle of the Moors during the era of the Crusade by the predominanat Roman Catholic leadership and inculcated in the minds of the majority that Muslims are untrustworthy, liars, cheaters, scam artists and will stab-in the back character' as reflected in the many jokes about Muslims.
The leadership In Manila can look at the mirror and see the kind of Pilipino should be and discriminate the 'Moros' because they do not look and has no Castillian blood.
there was a time that Pinoys feel proud having Hispanic blood in their veins despite their physiological features that has no DNA chromosomes or a semblance of physical manifestation of a Spanish 'mestizo'. The belief that their 'spanish names' were from parental lineage and not hand picked from the 'yellow pages' for the convenience of Spanish taxation.
Scientific and refutable historians and archelogists are slowly uncovering our true ancestral lineage and DNA strains spread throughout the various islands by settlements ruled by Datus, Rajahs and Sultans before the blood of the colonizers contaminated the Ternate and Clark native girls after the Chinese traders that even influenced the living and burial ways.
The 'public lands' were the remnants of the colonizers system of land subdivision similar to the early provincial assignments in Mexico and the Land for Settlers in the Luisiana Territory. In the US experience it was the American Indians that were dispossed of Mother Natures Earth where the buffalos roam, the deers were at play and everything is free.
Our Muslim brothers are in the same bind as the American Indians, the true ancestral people of the USA and the Americas before the word America was cnamed after Americus guy from Portugal in parallel to King Philip's land conquest of the Las Islas Filipinas.
The 'White Americans' from Britain and France after almost annihilating 2 million American Indians, have realized grave mistake of erasing the native history of their new found 'New World", the free land of the 'barbaric' natives. They invented the Remington against them in the same way the Colt 45 Automatic was invented agaisnt the 'Moros' of the South Eastern islands of the Pacific that resented the 7th Cavalry of the notorious General Custer.
They even went further by insulting and degrading the respectable Sultanates which was responsible for the Kingdom of Saud and the tiny monarch of Brunei, the descendants of the Sultanate of Malaya from where our predominant Muslim faith indigenous peoples started ruling the 7101 islands with their more than 650 years of trade relationship with neighboring China.
Are we learning anything from our historical past that will help us and our present leaders to understand better our Muslim ancestors clamor for recognition and equality?
Is it too much to revert back all 'public lands in the Autonomous region of Bangsa Moro to our ancestors? What are these 'public lands for if all the lands are owned by the Republic of the Philippines and notf for the people, especially our indigenous peoples.
Nat John G Duenas (INM: BurlingameCa-USA))
Former Technical Consultant to the late
Sultan Muhammad Mahakuttah Kiram
Sultanate of Sulu
The Revolucionario of Antique
Gen. Leandro Locsin Fullon: Hero of the Philippine Revolution
(Source: The Locsin Clan in Cyberspace at: www.thelocsinclan.com/)
Gen. Leandro Locsin Fullon, was born on March 13, 1877 in Hamtic, Antique. He was a young student at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran in Manila, when the revolution against Spain broke out in 1896. Shortly before the revolutionary government was being organized by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, he joined the Katipunan.
On September 6, 1898, he returned to Antique as Head of the expeditionary forces to Panay sent by Aguinaldo with 140 revolutionary officers and 350men. Upon his arrival in Pandan on September 21, many Antiqueno volunteers joined his forces.Gen. Leandro Fullon established revolutionary governments in Pandan and in the neighboring town of Culasi with election of their local officials.
On Nov. 22, 1898, Fullon's forces captured the Antique provincial capital of San Jose and a Revolutionary Provincial Government was formed.
He also encountered several fierced battles in San Miguel, Pavia and in the outskirts of Jaro in Iloilo. More notably, the battle of Oton to Arevalo together with Gen. Angel Corteza and Gen. Pablo S. Araneta; where he was honored as having fired the "first shot".
When the revolutionary government in the Visayas was later organized, he was appointed the politico-military governor of Antique.When the Americans invaded Iloilo, Gen. Fullon helped in the resistance with Gen. Martin Delgado and other ilonggo revolutionary leaders of the Federal Republic of the Visayas.
In the early part of 1900, he returned to Antique to continue the struggle for freedom and independence against the new foreign invaders. After his forces became weakened due to heavy casualties; battle losses and weary of war and poorly armed, they were soon overwhelmed by the new and well-armed enemy. And on March 22, 1901 he was forced to surrendered.
After the civil government was organized, he was appointed Provincial Governor of Antique, a post that he held until his death in Oct. 16, 1904.
A monumental "Statue" in honor of GEN LEANDRO LOCSIN FULLON was erected by the Philippine National Historical Institute at the public Plaza of San Jose in Antique - - -a revered historical landmark.
Nota Bene: "Ilonggo Katipuneros in Manila who personally joined
Aguinaldo's Government and later directed to go back to their
respective provinces were not able to persuade the leaders of the
Federal Republic of the Visayas to submit to Aguinaldo's authority.
Although they fought side by side for the same cause and under
one flag with a star emblem of the Visayas Republic....."
Sa guihapon...agurang dinggol..
"The Pride of Cabatuan - Iloilo"
In 1940, Flavio Zaragoza Cano made a scene when he tore a P2,000 check in front of President Manuel Quezon, stunning the audience during the awarding ceremonies of the Commonwealth Literary Contest. Zaragoza's magnum opus, the book-length De Mactan a Tirad was adjudged second place in the contest, next to the entry of Jesus Balmori, a Tagalog.
Impartial critics as well as Zaragoza himself expected it to win the coveted prize. It was believed that Zaragoza was intentionally made the second-placer because he was a Visayan. During the ceremonies, he tore the check just after Quezon awarded it to him. The poet contended that his work was superior to that of Balmori in historical facts, in style, in beauty of expression and in eloquence. (Regalado and Franco, History of Panay. Iloilo City: Central Philippine University, 1973)
Lorenzo Miravite’s score in the bar examination was higher compared to the score of the four Philippine presidents who were also bar topnotchers – Manuel Roxas, Carlos Garcia, Diodado Macapagal and Ferdinand Marcos. Miravite, a 1947 law graduate from the Manuel Luis Quezon University, placed fourth in the 1948 bar examinations with a score of 94.45. Roxas (University of the Philippines) got only an average of 92 in 1913 where he was number one; Garcia (Philippine Law School) scored 86.4 (6th place, 1923); Macapagal (University of Sto. Tomas) earned 89.75 (first place, 1936); and Marcos (UP) attained 92.35 (first place, 1939). http://www.supremecourt.gov.ph/
The only resistance movement during World War II that never fell to the hands of the Japanese Imperial Army was the Free Government of Panay and Romblon under Gov. Tomas Confesor.
Tomas Confesor was the only person to have occupied four gubernatorial seats at the same time. He was governor of Iloilo, Capiz (which still includes Aklan), Antique and Romblon during World War II.
(By: Felimon"Monching"Jocson-INM: WoodbridgeVA-USA)
"Negrense" is the term used to distinguish a "tumandok" of Negros Island, which became popular only during the time of Governor Daniel "Bitay" Lacson because local media and government promoted it.
However, in most part of Negros Occidental, they still prefer to be called simply ilonggos, until today. While those in Negros oriental are often called Cebuanos, because of their common local dialect and it's geographical proximity to Cebu.
Negros used to be called "Buglas", an aeta word which means "sudden cut-off" and in hiligaynon/ilonggo dialect is "Buklas". These aeta's, ita's or ati's are dark-skinned nomads with woolly kinky hair are the aborigines of the archipelago.
The Maragtas legend explained that when the 10 Malay datus from Bornay, led by it's Shri Vijaya Minister Datu Puti bartered with Ati King Marikudo the lowlands of Panay; most of his tribesmen, resettled up to the mountains. But many of them sailed to "Buglas" passing "Himal-os"... Island of Guimaras. There, they lived undisturbed for centuries.It was the Spaniards who gave the island its present name NEGROS due to the predominant presence of this small Negroes or "Negritos".
Two great waves of migration, resulted in the gradual near extinction of this ancient filipino ethnic group due to inter-relationship and marriages.
During the middle part of the 1800's, many families joined the exodus of the more adventurous members of prominent ilonggos; such as the Yulo's and the Yusay's, the Lacson's and the Locsin's, the Lopeze's and Ledesma's, the Jalandoni's and Javellana's, the Araneta's, Salase's and de la Rama's and others, who bringing along their families and households, migrated to the "New Frontier", the fertile Island of Negros.
When the sugar industry started to boom, the demand for tens of thousands sugar farm workers was filled by the industrious and indigenous ilonggos of Northwestern Aklan and Antique. Antique, whose sea-horse shaped isolated province had been backward due to disadvantaged topography of arid land base, mountainious terrain, lined by a narrow coastal plain and unfavorable climatic condition.
A great number of these migratory sugar plantation workers known as "Sacadas" had decided to settle permanently in Negros and of course multiplied.Therefore, it is safe to conclude that "Negrenses" are G.I's or truly Genuine Ilonggos.
Editors Note:INM Banwa_Mo Member Felimon"Monching" B. Jocson, is a
Businessman-Sportsman from Bacolod City; a Sugar Planter
and Fishpond operator in Himamaylan, Negros Occidental.
He is the Chairman: Membership Committee of the Association
of Ilonggos-Metropolitan Washington D.C.(AIM) Inc.. Presently,
he owns & operates Excel Auto Parts, Supply and Colision/Repair
Shop in Virginia and Limousine Rental Service in the MetropolitanWashington DC area.------------------------------------o0o--------------------------------
Announcements & Messages:
Invitation to JOIN! The Locsin Clan in Cyberspace
Greetings "Parientes":
Free Membership exclusive to descendants of "WO SING LOK" or "SIN LOK" the first Locsin in the Philippines; who was christened as AGUSTIN LOCSIN when he married Cecilia Sayson (1780) of "Parian" now Molo in Iloilo City.
Early history & genealogical diagrams are contained in this streamlined and user friendly new website; also photos, relevant articles, up-dated Family Trees, announcements, etc.
Please go to http://www.thelocsinclan.com/ and click "Contact the Administrator"below the long in page to get your password. Please include your name and email address.
"May the spirit of our ancestors, continue to guide future generations"
The Web Administrator
Welcome! New INM Banwa_Mo eGroup members:
*Francis Neil G. Jalando-on:
Assistant Director, Office for External Affairs and Public Relations,
Central Philippine University (CPU) -Jaro, Iloilo City
*Connie de Julian:
An ilongga in Singapore.
*Freda Contreras:
An Antiquena by birth but Capiznon by root, you may consider me
a pure Panay Island inhabitant. I currently reside in Kuwait. Thanks
--------------------- o0o---------------------
San Joaquin, Iloilo Association-USA (SJIA) 2007 Election Results:
Congratulations! to the new Set of SJIA-USA Officers and Members of the Board:
*President: Mrs. Maria Fe Reyes *Vice President: Jot jot San Luis
*Secretary: Julie Drilon *Asst. Secretary: Toto Nacion
*Treasurer: Vangie Castro *Asst. Treasurer: Cecile Secreto
*Business Mgr: Ideal San Luis * Diding Tanseco
*Auditor: Priscilla Gomez *Asst. Auditor: Iris Semic
*P.R.O.: Ed Drilon * Sandra Adap Lala
*Peace Courtesy Officers: Tabitz * Jason T. * Bryan * Adrian * Paulo
*Board of Directors: Lourdes Liwag * Evangeline Drilon
*Arturo Semic *Dodoy Nacion * Maning Santocildes * Roque Setias
Change your strategy!
One day, there was a blind man sitting on the steps of a building with a sign by his feet, that read: "I am blind, please help."
A creative publicist was walking by the blind man and stopped to observe that the man only had a few coins in his hat. He put a few of his own coins in the hat, and without stopping to ask for permission, took the sign, turned it around, and wrote a new message. He then placed the sign by the feet of the blind man, and left.
Later that afternoon the creative publicist returned by the blind man and noticed that his hat was almost completely full of bills and coins. The blind man recognized his footsteps and asked if it was him who had changed his sign? He also wanted to know what the man wrote on it?
The publicist replied: "I just changed your message so people could relate to it." He wished the man well, said goodbye, and went on his way.
The blind man didn't know it, but his new sign now read:
The Moral of the Story:
Change your strategy when things aren't working and have faith that your change will be for the best. (Many thanks! to Manny Faelnar of SOLFED, Inc.)
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* Volume No. I * Issue No. 004 * Date: September 1, 2007*
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CONTENTS: The Moro People's Conflict and the Ilonggos, Etc. * Reaction to above Article * The Crux of the Moro Conflict/Our Muslim Ancestors * The Revolucionario of Antique * Pride of Cabatuan-Iloilo * Negrenses* The Locsin Clan in Cyberspace * New INM Banwa_Mo eGroup Members * San Joaquin, Iloilo Association of USA (SJIA-USA) 2007 Election Results * Change your Strategy! *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Moro People's Conflict and the Ilonggos, Etcetera.
(By: dinggol a.divinagracia -INM Banwa_Mo -August 20, 2007)Long before "Kamikaze" zero fighter planes hovered over the horizon during the last stages of WWII and even much farther before "Jihadist" martyrs resorted to suicide bombings; our muslim brothers in the south, fighting to defend their cultural identity and to preserve their religious patrimony had already instilled fear in the heart of the infidels --because of the self-determined "Huramentados".
It took the invention of Colt 45's knocking power during U.S. war of conquest in Mindanao at the turn of the last century, led by Gen. John "Black Jack" Pershing, to neutralize waves of attack by these fanatical moro holy warriors.
In the 1950's --with the "Land for the Landless" program during the CIA-backed Presidency of Ramon Magsaysay, a great number of Christian settlers from Ilocandia; the Hukbalahap veterans of central Luzon; and the Ilonggo-Cebuano Bisayans emigrated to the "Land of Promise". (The first group of Visayan settlers in Mindanao came from Bohol in 1563 that landed and established a settlement in the Zamboanga Peninsula in what is now called Dapitan.)
Thereafter, an uprising that broke out in 1948 with a few hundred men led by Tausog leader "Kamlon" of Sulu escalated into a full blown rebellion. After the loss of so many lives and destruction of so many properties, but due they say, to old age he just faded into oblivion.
Others believed his friend Jose "Bano" Escribano, the Ilonggo Mayor of Tacurong, Cotabato later was able to appease the brave old muslim Rebel.
Peace reigned in Mindanao and the multinational giants; Dole Philippines, Firestone Rubber Company, Etc. were later established that generated jobs by the thousands. Earlier B.F. Goodrich started operations in 1919, Del Monte through a subsidiary in 1925, and Goodyear in 1929. These big companies then owned lands by the thousands of hectares.
Going back to the government transistion period in 1935. Commonwealth Act No. 141 was signed into law by President Manuel L. Quezon --Section 84 declared all ancestral lands in Mindanao as public lands.
The Moros and other ethnic groups were deprived of lands once owned by their ancestors. A Moro may own only 4-hectares; a Christian settler was allowed to own 24-hectares while Filipino Corporations of up to 1,024-hectares.
The smart alecks, both foreign and local were then able to legally convert ancestral domains into dynastic corporate empires and they became the new breed of oligarchy --the modern day illustrados that eventually controlled the economy and political scene in Mindanao.
In the early 1960's --massive rampage against family of peaceful Christian settlers in the south were systematically conducted by the "Black Shirts" and later by the notorious "Barracudas"; groups of Muslim seccessionist under the Muslim/Mindanao Independence Movement (MIM) founded by Datu Udtog Matalam in Central Mindanao.
To protect themselves, these early christian settlers led by the magnificent seven (7) Ilonggo Mayors in Mindanao organized themselves into what turned out to be the most dreaded "anti-moro" group of them all --the "ILAGA" Movement.
Headed by Ilonggos from Panay, the most prominent were Norberto Manero, Jr. of Janiuay, Iloilo; his wife Leonarda "Kumander Inday" Lacson and an obscure simple farmer from Antique, named Feliciano Luces alias "Kumander Toothpick".
The brutality pertetuated by some Ilaga (Ilonggo for Rat) members in treating their adversaries gained them utmost notoriety.
In the 1972 election, Col. Carlos B. Cajelo of Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo --who nurtured the Ilaga Movement, defeated Datu Udtog Matalam as Governor of Cotabato in Central Mindanao; and served as the longest elected governor of the province for 12 years.
During the late 1960's, the clandestine "Operation Merdeka"; Malacanang's grand plan to destablize and take over Sabah from the Malaysians, using the Jabidah Special Forces was conceived.
Maj. Eduardo Martelino of Kalibo, Aklan --an articulate and dashing Army officer of the Office of Civil Affairs under the DND was tasked to head the core group that planned and implemented the project.
He was a graduate of the Infantry School in Fort Benning in the U.S. and the Defense Information School of the U.S. Armed Forces, the precursor of the psychological warfare school of Fort Bragg.
Maj. Martelino then settled in Simunol Island in Tawi Tawi, Sulu; converted into Islam as "Abdul Latif"; married a young local lass and named after her --the recruitment and training camp for Jabidah Special Forces - "Camp Sofia".
In March of 1968, the massacre of at least 23 Jabidah trainees on Corregidor island for the Sabah Mission sparked another Muslim rebellion and gave birth to the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) led by University of the Philippines Professor Nurullaji "Nur" Misuari and other young Muslim Intellectuals who disregarded the traditional muslim elitist leaders.
Once again, the south turned red in the ensuing battles between government forces and the MNLF. To supplement the AFP, Malacanang directed the creation of the dreaded "Lost Command" composed mostly of undesirables and para-military groups of ilonggo mercenaries under the command of Col. Carlos Palabrica "Ladi" Lademora of Iloilo.
Col. Lademora's Lost Command exploits in "commando style" and unorthodox guerrilla warfare that was feared not only in Mindanao; was dismantled after the Marcos regime.
In the early 1990's, Abdurajak Abubakar Janjalani of Basilan, whose ilongga mother was from the town of Miag-ao in the Province of Iloilo became the principal founder of the Abu Sayyaf Group, a radical muslim organization with links to Al Queda.
He was a student of a fundamentalist imam in a Muslim community in the Christian city of Zamboanga when he joined the mujahideens to fight in Afghanistan.
When he died in an encounter a few years ago, his brother Kadaffy took over leadership of the ASG but was also reportedly slain later.
Today, history repeats itself in Morolandia.
News report, confirms the on-going war --but sadly reveal AFP tragic soldiers on the losing end not necessarily because of inferior armaments but mainly due to series of error in judgement committed by their superior military officers.
It likewise, exposed the suspected ulterior motives of some high ranking government officials for economic advantage. Thus, Senate Probe in this regard is in progress.
But what is alarming, are reports that US Special Forces in full combat gear were cited within the war zones which is contrary to and in violation of the existing U.S.-Philippine Visiting Forces Agreement or VFA.
Skeptics says, we may not have enough black gold or fossilized oil deposit to warrant foreign intervention.
But perhaps, the rich "Deuterium" deposit within the Visayan Seas that connects to the Mindanao Deep could be the magnet to justify the next target of a full scale war against global terrorism in Mindanao.
Excerpted from: The Ilonggo Nation (6/26/06)
(by: Jamimah Yazmine-INM Banwa_Mo: OklahomaUSA)
"...Deuterium is basically inhabiting the "ocean deep" where they could be harvested to be converted into isotopes to trigger nuclear fusion in an energy reactor as in the matter and anti-matter fusion. The seas within the Triangle and the Mindanao Deep south of the base of the triangle had already been identified by geologists, scientists and quantum science researchers as deuterium-rich regions.
This information had been kept from the public but congressional investigations had been made during the Marcos Martial law regime which had been kept from the public.
This explains also the various claims of several country-states as Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, South Korea, China and the Philippines of an atoll called the Freedomland discovered by Tomas Coloma for the Philippines popularly known as the Sprattley Island group which is rich in fossil oil deposit.
Such claims all hid the fact about deuterium - the 21st century energy commodity which can power cars in the near future...."
---------------------------------------o0o-----------------------------Reaction to above-article:Agurang Dinggol and everybody,
I am very much delighted by the way you placed in historical perspective the struggles of the Moro and Ilonggo Nations in the Land of Promise, although I cannot find anywhere the "promissory note" by which such promise was made.
There was a certain Col. Lansdale who handled the "Guy" in the 40s and 50s who was involved in hamletting operation in Malaysia (which failed), implemented the same classic counter-revolutiona ry and anti-people policy in Central Luzon (succeeded), in Central Panay (it failed), and in Vietnam (it was a total failure!).
Col. Landsdale was later identified as a CIA operative. The "guy" was, of course, Ramon Magsaysay, the ill-fated President of the Philippines who died in an airplane crash believed to have been engineered too by people interested in the political and economic development of the Philippines and the continued insurrection in Mindanao.
Journalist Nestor Mata survived that crash and lived to tell of the miracle that kept him alive for more years. He was later involved in progressive politics and in the political careers of such Amboys (American Boys) as Manuel Manahan and Raul Manglapuz, who drew the seeds of the Social Democratic Movement under the core leadership of one Jesuit priest named Fr. Jose Blanco.
It is interesting to note that during the flowering of the "Merdeka" affair ran mostly by Ilonggos, there was a mysterious death of an American with a German-sounding namein the the Mindanao area near the Tawi-tawi and Sulu territory. This man was associated with an overstaying American GI named Harry Stonehill, believed to be charged with smuggling activities of blue-seal cigarettes manufactured in the Borneo area and distributed in the Philippines.
Harrry Stonehill was associated with corruption during the Macapagal administration (Diosdado, father of the incumbent Lady President, Gloria M. Arroyo) and was liaisoned into the Macapagal Administration by another whiz of an Ilonggo kid named Rufino "Fenny" Hechanova. Hechanova died of a gas-poisoning (?) while travelling in Europe.
The Jabidah Massacre (offshoot of the Merdeka affair) was exposed by a young Senator from Tarlac on his maiden year in the Senate named Benigno Aquino Jr. A few years before his becoming Senator he was alleged to have been seen on top of a water tower in Indonesia with Fr. Jose Blanco where both were monitoring the movement of rebel troops that toppled the presidency of Sukarno.
It was believed that Aquino and Blanco were also responsible of arming the Indonesian rebels during that time. Quijano de Manila in his book, "The Aquinos of Tarlac," had explicitly detailed this operation.
All these had been detailed also in the last issues of the Philippine Free Press owned and published by another Ilonggo of the Locsin clan of Negros prior to the declaration of Martial Law in 1972 by Ferdinand E. Marcos, who claimed to have a Special Power of Attorney from the heirs of the sultan of Sulu which was disputed by Pres. Diosdado Macapagal.
The last issue of the Philippine Free Press was also about another Ilonggo, my contemporary, Fluellen Ortigas, and his deposition in the Senate about the smuggling of arms through ships in the Palanan Bay area at the foot of the Sierra Madre facing the Pacific Ocean in the eastern side of norther Luzon and the alleged plot (or actual ambush) of then Secretary of the DND, now Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile.
Somewhere in the back issues of the Philippine Free Press was also written an article about Deuterium. What is Deuterium and how is it that Ilonggos seemed to have been connected with its research and future development? How is the war in Mindanao related to the prospect of deuterium development and energy enhancement project?
During the incumbency of President Corazon Aquino, Quijano's book encountered suppression of its publication. I don't know why. At that time the glamorous wife of Cory's brother, Tingting Cojuangco was enrolled at the National Defense College of the Philippines at Fort Bonifacio. She was believed to be the point-person in charged with maintaining close relationship with the heir of the Sulu Sultanate during the Aquino presidency.
BTW, one of the sons of Gen. Martin Delgado became a husband of one of the heirs of the Sultan of Sulu.
Tatay Bano was responsible for the surrender of Kamlon, a Tausug rebel in the early 50s. The late Jose Escribano was from Igbaras and cousin of my late mother. During his house arrest in Manila in the early 60s after the shooting death of one Judge Valdez in Tacurong, Cotabato, we were one of those priveleged to give security of his daughter, Suelyn, while she was studying in the University of the Philippines in Dilliman.
Jose Rizal, in his letters to Ferdinand Blumentritt, had dreamed of colonizing the North Borneo Area. This was after his trip overseas and after Heidelberg and was in exile in Dapitan in the Zamboanga peninsula. The development of European Masonry during Rizal's time was such that there were researches on alchemy made by the German part of the Masonry Movement. Was the chemical element, Deuterium, which is hard water, part of that research?
While the Roman Catholic Church in the Western Visayas region laid claim to the faithfulness of the revolutionary leadership to the church in the latter years of the uprising and after the declaration of independent states, the fact remains that the leadership were beholden to the principles of Masonry. The declaration of Independent states in the Visayas and Northern Mindanao was also part of the series of the same declaration made by the batanguenyo general, Miguel Malvar.
Why do we discuss these details on our unknown history as a people? It is because of the kindred spirit that obtains between the people of Luzon, the Batanguenos and the Lagunans and the Tausogs of Mindanao and the Ilonggos of the Visayas. They were believed to have come from the the same village in Sabah. They are the only Filipino tribes with a history of going amok. They were the only ones that made "bulantes" of mosquito nets and habol and different kinds of knives.They were known for their being romantic and adventurous.
They were the seed of the Filipino nation, not only the Ilonggo nation. They started the first Philippine democratic political society in the whole of Asia. They provided seafaring souls to the Spanish conquestadores for further colonization of the new world. They were those that practically rowed the Spanish galleons to Alta California and the missionary travels of priest in the Southern Americas.
They had been used, too, to borrow the term of Mr. Dacudao, by Imperial Manila, not to protect her interests but to muddle the issues we had discussed above.
Maayong adlaw sa tanan,
(Benjamin "Benjie" Estuche -INM: PhillyPa-USA))
The Crux of the Moro Conflict/Our Muslim Ancestors
The Indigenous Peoples Act of 1997 should have been worded to solve all these problems from ancestral lands, preservation, and exploration of natural resources. The Bangsa Moro claim is valid and historicallly genuine to be recognized by any governmental processes and is further supported by the Autonomous Act for Local government unit giving our Muslim brothers their self-determination and managing their internal affairs within the context of the Philippine Constitution of 1889 and the adaption of the 1985 Constitution and the framers intent of unifying the nation.
This makes the proposed Federalization and Regional Autonomy a more acceptable solution that would foster equitable recognition of our unique regional culture, language and beliefs (religious and ways of life).
The historical truism of the existence of our Muslim heritage and our country's predominance in Islam is manifested in many ways from records of colonizers to past traders and allies archives in China, Malaysia and Indonesia or the old domain of Siam which is now Thailand.
The military of the Republic of the Philippines was organized and armed by the Commonwealth Military Governor was a continuation of the colonization under the pretext of 'conditional independence'. This same military mentality and the PMA culture which was patterned after the US West Point Military Academy was replicated in the PMA and molded the colonial and power dominant minds of the military products.
The true military arm of the people sensitive to needs of the people was instead born from the ranks of the disgruntled and disillussioned citizens and idealists which suffered injustice from the pro-American system of governance having adapted the 1946 Constitution on July 4th from the Xerox copy of the US Constitution.
The American 'pensionados' and US selected and favored 'political leaders' applied their US education principles to elevate themselves to power and dominance under the new Republic of the former Las Islas Filipinas translated to the 'red coats' English.
What happened to our Muslim ancestors that made the 1911 Colt Automatic Pistol famous? They were declared a bunch of 'horamentados', suicide killers, rebels, ingrates, anti-government and anti-republic. The 'Moros' werre gbranded as the equivalent of the Muslims in the Battle of the Moors during the era of the Crusade by the predominanat Roman Catholic leadership and inculcated in the minds of the majority that Muslims are untrustworthy, liars, cheaters, scam artists and will stab-in the back character' as reflected in the many jokes about Muslims.
The leadership In Manila can look at the mirror and see the kind of Pilipino should be and discriminate the 'Moros' because they do not look and has no Castillian blood.
there was a time that Pinoys feel proud having Hispanic blood in their veins despite their physiological features that has no DNA chromosomes or a semblance of physical manifestation of a Spanish 'mestizo'. The belief that their 'spanish names' were from parental lineage and not hand picked from the 'yellow pages' for the convenience of Spanish taxation.
Scientific and refutable historians and archelogists are slowly uncovering our true ancestral lineage and DNA strains spread throughout the various islands by settlements ruled by Datus, Rajahs and Sultans before the blood of the colonizers contaminated the Ternate and Clark native girls after the Chinese traders that even influenced the living and burial ways.
The 'public lands' were the remnants of the colonizers system of land subdivision similar to the early provincial assignments in Mexico and the Land for Settlers in the Luisiana Territory. In the US experience it was the American Indians that were dispossed of Mother Natures Earth where the buffalos roam, the deers were at play and everything is free.
Our Muslim brothers are in the same bind as the American Indians, the true ancestral people of the USA and the Americas before the word America was cnamed after Americus guy from Portugal in parallel to King Philip's land conquest of the Las Islas Filipinas.
The 'White Americans' from Britain and France after almost annihilating 2 million American Indians, have realized grave mistake of erasing the native history of their new found 'New World", the free land of the 'barbaric' natives. They invented the Remington against them in the same way the Colt 45 Automatic was invented agaisnt the 'Moros' of the South Eastern islands of the Pacific that resented the 7th Cavalry of the notorious General Custer.
They even went further by insulting and degrading the respectable Sultanates which was responsible for the Kingdom of Saud and the tiny monarch of Brunei, the descendants of the Sultanate of Malaya from where our predominant Muslim faith indigenous peoples started ruling the 7101 islands with their more than 650 years of trade relationship with neighboring China.
Are we learning anything from our historical past that will help us and our present leaders to understand better our Muslim ancestors clamor for recognition and equality?
Is it too much to revert back all 'public lands in the Autonomous region of Bangsa Moro to our ancestors? What are these 'public lands for if all the lands are owned by the Republic of the Philippines and notf for the people, especially our indigenous peoples.
Nat John G Duenas (INM: BurlingameCa-USA))
Former Technical Consultant to the late
Sultan Muhammad Mahakuttah Kiram
Sultanate of Sulu
The Revolucionario of Antique
Gen. Leandro Locsin Fullon: Hero of the Philippine Revolution
(Source: The Locsin Clan in Cyberspace at: www.thelocsinclan.com/)
Gen. Leandro Locsin Fullon, was born on March 13, 1877 in Hamtic, Antique. He was a young student at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran in Manila, when the revolution against Spain broke out in 1896. Shortly before the revolutionary government was being organized by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, he joined the Katipunan.
On September 6, 1898, he returned to Antique as Head of the expeditionary forces to Panay sent by Aguinaldo with 140 revolutionary officers and 350men. Upon his arrival in Pandan on September 21, many Antiqueno volunteers joined his forces.Gen. Leandro Fullon established revolutionary governments in Pandan and in the neighboring town of Culasi with election of their local officials.
On Nov. 22, 1898, Fullon's forces captured the Antique provincial capital of San Jose and a Revolutionary Provincial Government was formed.
He also encountered several fierced battles in San Miguel, Pavia and in the outskirts of Jaro in Iloilo. More notably, the battle of Oton to Arevalo together with Gen. Angel Corteza and Gen. Pablo S. Araneta; where he was honored as having fired the "first shot".
When the revolutionary government in the Visayas was later organized, he was appointed the politico-military governor of Antique.When the Americans invaded Iloilo, Gen. Fullon helped in the resistance with Gen. Martin Delgado and other ilonggo revolutionary leaders of the Federal Republic of the Visayas.
In the early part of 1900, he returned to Antique to continue the struggle for freedom and independence against the new foreign invaders. After his forces became weakened due to heavy casualties; battle losses and weary of war and poorly armed, they were soon overwhelmed by the new and well-armed enemy. And on March 22, 1901 he was forced to surrendered.
After the civil government was organized, he was appointed Provincial Governor of Antique, a post that he held until his death in Oct. 16, 1904.
A monumental "Statue" in honor of GEN LEANDRO LOCSIN FULLON was erected by the Philippine National Historical Institute at the public Plaza of San Jose in Antique - - -a revered historical landmark.
Nota Bene: "Ilonggo Katipuneros in Manila who personally joined
Aguinaldo's Government and later directed to go back to their
respective provinces were not able to persuade the leaders of the
Federal Republic of the Visayas to submit to Aguinaldo's authority.
Although they fought side by side for the same cause and under
one flag with a star emblem of the Visayas Republic....."
Sa guihapon...agurang dinggol..
"The Pride of Cabatuan - Iloilo"
In 1940, Flavio Zaragoza Cano made a scene when he tore a P2,000 check in front of President Manuel Quezon, stunning the audience during the awarding ceremonies of the Commonwealth Literary Contest. Zaragoza's magnum opus, the book-length De Mactan a Tirad was adjudged second place in the contest, next to the entry of Jesus Balmori, a Tagalog.
Impartial critics as well as Zaragoza himself expected it to win the coveted prize. It was believed that Zaragoza was intentionally made the second-placer because he was a Visayan. During the ceremonies, he tore the check just after Quezon awarded it to him. The poet contended that his work was superior to that of Balmori in historical facts, in style, in beauty of expression and in eloquence. (Regalado and Franco, History of Panay. Iloilo City: Central Philippine University, 1973)
Lorenzo Miravite’s score in the bar examination was higher compared to the score of the four Philippine presidents who were also bar topnotchers – Manuel Roxas, Carlos Garcia, Diodado Macapagal and Ferdinand Marcos. Miravite, a 1947 law graduate from the Manuel Luis Quezon University, placed fourth in the 1948 bar examinations with a score of 94.45. Roxas (University of the Philippines) got only an average of 92 in 1913 where he was number one; Garcia (Philippine Law School) scored 86.4 (6th place, 1923); Macapagal (University of Sto. Tomas) earned 89.75 (first place, 1936); and Marcos (UP) attained 92.35 (first place, 1939). http://www.supremecourt.gov.ph/
The only resistance movement during World War II that never fell to the hands of the Japanese Imperial Army was the Free Government of Panay and Romblon under Gov. Tomas Confesor.
Tomas Confesor was the only person to have occupied four gubernatorial seats at the same time. He was governor of Iloilo, Capiz (which still includes Aklan), Antique and Romblon during World War II.
(By: Felimon"Monching"Jocson-INM: WoodbridgeVA-USA)
"Negrense" is the term used to distinguish a "tumandok" of Negros Island, which became popular only during the time of Governor Daniel "Bitay" Lacson because local media and government promoted it.
However, in most part of Negros Occidental, they still prefer to be called simply ilonggos, until today. While those in Negros oriental are often called Cebuanos, because of their common local dialect and it's geographical proximity to Cebu.
Negros used to be called "Buglas", an aeta word which means "sudden cut-off" and in hiligaynon/ilonggo dialect is "Buklas". These aeta's, ita's or ati's are dark-skinned nomads with woolly kinky hair are the aborigines of the archipelago.
The Maragtas legend explained that when the 10 Malay datus from Bornay, led by it's Shri Vijaya Minister Datu Puti bartered with Ati King Marikudo the lowlands of Panay; most of his tribesmen, resettled up to the mountains. But many of them sailed to "Buglas" passing "Himal-os"... Island of Guimaras. There, they lived undisturbed for centuries.It was the Spaniards who gave the island its present name NEGROS due to the predominant presence of this small Negroes or "Negritos".
Two great waves of migration, resulted in the gradual near extinction of this ancient filipino ethnic group due to inter-relationship and marriages.
During the middle part of the 1800's, many families joined the exodus of the more adventurous members of prominent ilonggos; such as the Yulo's and the Yusay's, the Lacson's and the Locsin's, the Lopeze's and Ledesma's, the Jalandoni's and Javellana's, the Araneta's, Salase's and de la Rama's and others, who bringing along their families and households, migrated to the "New Frontier", the fertile Island of Negros.
When the sugar industry started to boom, the demand for tens of thousands sugar farm workers was filled by the industrious and indigenous ilonggos of Northwestern Aklan and Antique. Antique, whose sea-horse shaped isolated province had been backward due to disadvantaged topography of arid land base, mountainious terrain, lined by a narrow coastal plain and unfavorable climatic condition.
A great number of these migratory sugar plantation workers known as "Sacadas" had decided to settle permanently in Negros and of course multiplied.Therefore, it is safe to conclude that "Negrenses" are G.I's or truly Genuine Ilonggos.
Editors Note:INM Banwa_Mo Member Felimon"Monching" B. Jocson, is a
Businessman-Sportsman from Bacolod City; a Sugar Planter
and Fishpond operator in Himamaylan, Negros Occidental.
He is the Chairman: Membership Committee of the Association
of Ilonggos-Metropolitan Washington D.C.(AIM) Inc.. Presently,
he owns & operates Excel Auto Parts, Supply and Colision/Repair
Shop in Virginia and Limousine Rental Service in the MetropolitanWashington DC area.------------------------------------o0o--------------------------------
Announcements & Messages:
Invitation to JOIN! The Locsin Clan in Cyberspace
Greetings "Parientes":
Free Membership exclusive to descendants of "WO SING LOK" or "SIN LOK" the first Locsin in the Philippines; who was christened as AGUSTIN LOCSIN when he married Cecilia Sayson (1780) of "Parian" now Molo in Iloilo City.
Early history & genealogical diagrams are contained in this streamlined and user friendly new website; also photos, relevant articles, up-dated Family Trees, announcements, etc.
Please go to http://www.thelocsinclan.com/ and click "Contact the Administrator"below the long in page to get your password. Please include your name and email address.
"May the spirit of our ancestors, continue to guide future generations"
The Web Administrator
Welcome! New INM Banwa_Mo eGroup members:
*Francis Neil G. Jalando-on:
Assistant Director, Office for External Affairs and Public Relations,
Central Philippine University (CPU) -Jaro, Iloilo City
*Connie de Julian:
An ilongga in Singapore.
*Freda Contreras:
An Antiquena by birth but Capiznon by root, you may consider me
a pure Panay Island inhabitant. I currently reside in Kuwait. Thanks
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San Joaquin, Iloilo Association-USA (SJIA) 2007 Election Results:
Congratulations! to the new Set of SJIA-USA Officers and Members of the Board:
*President: Mrs. Maria Fe Reyes *Vice President: Jot jot San Luis
*Secretary: Julie Drilon *Asst. Secretary: Toto Nacion
*Treasurer: Vangie Castro *Asst. Treasurer: Cecile Secreto
*Business Mgr: Ideal San Luis * Diding Tanseco
*Auditor: Priscilla Gomez *Asst. Auditor: Iris Semic
*P.R.O.: Ed Drilon * Sandra Adap Lala
*Peace Courtesy Officers: Tabitz * Jason T. * Bryan * Adrian * Paulo
*Board of Directors: Lourdes Liwag * Evangeline Drilon
*Arturo Semic *Dodoy Nacion * Maning Santocildes * Roque Setias
Change your strategy!
One day, there was a blind man sitting on the steps of a building with a sign by his feet, that read: "I am blind, please help."
A creative publicist was walking by the blind man and stopped to observe that the man only had a few coins in his hat. He put a few of his own coins in the hat, and without stopping to ask for permission, took the sign, turned it around, and wrote a new message. He then placed the sign by the feet of the blind man, and left.
Later that afternoon the creative publicist returned by the blind man and noticed that his hat was almost completely full of bills and coins. The blind man recognized his footsteps and asked if it was him who had changed his sign? He also wanted to know what the man wrote on it?
The publicist replied: "I just changed your message so people could relate to it." He wished the man well, said goodbye, and went on his way.
The blind man didn't know it, but his new sign now read:
The Moral of the Story:
Change your strategy when things aren't working and have faith that your change will be for the best. (Many thanks! to Manny Faelnar of SOLFED, Inc.)
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