From: Mauro Somodio <>Date: Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:59 PM
What: CPUAA-NORTH TEXAS Thanksgiving Dinner celeब्रतिओं
When: Saturday, November 21, 2009, 6:00 – 11:00 PM
Where: Oasis at Joe Pool Lake, Upstairs banquet रूम
Attire: Semi-formalDinner buffet, music, dancing, special numbers, door prizes, Karaoke singing contest, general fun and fellowship$ 20 per person to Rhodora Regalado Perez, 5908 End O’Trail, Fort Worth, TX 76112.Email SALLY PHILLIPS,, if you have questions।
Saturday, November 28, 2009, 5:00-9:00
PMCPUAA-GREATER TORONTO CHAPTER Thanksgiving and Christmas PartyWilmar Heights United Church967 Pharmacy Avenue, Scarborough, OntarioEveryone is invited।For information, call GERRY FALCO at 416-284-5076।
Saturday, December 5, 2009, 11:००
AMCPUAA-SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Christmas PartySan Marino Masonic Center3130 Huntington Drive, San Marino, CA 91108 (Tel। 626-285-3156)Potluck, Games, Raffle।Everyone is invited।For more information, call PHOEBE MARAVILLA at 909-396-8323 or Helen Lebiga at 949-654-7606.
Saturday, December 5, 2009, 11:३०
CPUAA-NORTHEASTERN USA Christmas PartyCalvary Baptist Church of Clifton, New JerseyLexington (462) & Clifton Avenues, Clifton, NJSpeaker: Dr। Carla Romarate-KnipelPotluck luncheon, singing, games and a Christmas programCPU alumni and friends are welcome.For inquiries, call MANUEL MAWE DE LA FUENTE at 973-204-5816.
Saturday, December 12, 2009, 4:00 PM
CPUAA-LAS VEGAS Christmas PartyResidence of Bob and Riza Smith6050 Daisy Run Ct, Las Vegas, NV 89120Come and enjoy a traditional Christmas dinner!$5।00 per person, work volunteers are welcome.All Centralians and friends who are visiting Las Vegas are invited.Contact RIZA PROXIMO SMITH at 702-434-7286 or DANNY DAMASCO at 702-457-1784.
Saturday, December 12, 2009, 5:00 – 9:00 PM
CPUAA-MIDWEST CHICAGO Annual Christmas PartyNorthwest Filipino Baptist Church1900 Nerge Road, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (Tel. 847-352-1968)FREE Dinner in thankfulness for God’s blessings!A free-will offering will be taken for CPU’s God’s GRACE Feeding Program.Please bring gifts for your children for Santa Claus to distribute during the Children’s time.Everyone is invited.Contact YOLY PEÑACERRADA JAIN to reserve and for information at 847-827-7421.
Mauro SomodioAllSafe International Pty/Ltd.Brisbane, Queensland BranchTel. (07) 32169808Mob. 0404 663 ९७८
Mauro SomodioTFC ABS-CBN DealerBrisbane, Australia Tel. (07) 32169808Mob. 0404 663 978
Mauro SomodioFounding President- Filipino- Australian Foundation of Queensland Inc।PO Box 206COOPERS PLAINS QLD 4108AUSTRALIA (07) 32169808Mob. 0404 663 978
Ang Republika Federal sg Kabisay-an (The Federal Republic of the Visayas)
Historical Facts obviously omitted or deliberately hidden in our School History Books
(Source: History Reborn"The Federal Republic of the Visayas" -by: dinggol a.divinagracia*June 12, 2007)
*That Spain had already formally surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas even before Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed Philippine President in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. That our Independent Visayan Republic, had never been under the authority and jurisdiction of Aguinaldo's "Katagalogan" Republic in Luzon.
excerpted: "...A paper written by Jose Manuel Velmonte, a research associate at the UP Third World Studies Center, found that the Visayan revolutionary elites not only had sophisticated political ideas but also resented attempts by Malolos to assert its authority. A Tagalog military expedition sent by Malolos to Panay to assert its presence was met with hostility. The Luzon force led by Generals Ananias Diocno and Leandro Fullon was regarded by the Visayan revolutionaries, led by the Visayan supremo, Gen. Martin Delgado, as an ''invasion'' force ..." (Source: Inquirer-1999- 06-13 "View of revolt in provinces spurs revision" By: Amando Doronila)
According to Dr. Luis C.Dery, an eminent Filipino Scholar: "Expounding the extent of Aguinaldo's Philippine Army; the Bangsamoro nation's Mindanao, Sulu, and the rest of its islands never fell under Aguinaldo's politico-military control and sovereignty. In fact as late as August 1898 much of northern Luzon, southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao remained outside of the control of Aguinaldo's Republic. Thus, several military expeditions were sent to these places to bring' them to recognize the First Philippine Republic."
*That the 1898 Treaty of Paris preliminaries, should not have included territories of the sovereign "Visayan Nation"; the confederation of both the Central and Western Visayas Cantonal Governments by virtue of Spain's formal surrender prior to this U.S. and Spain treaty of peace (Paris) and the $20-million buy-out. Spain had no more legal rights to sell. In legal parlance "nemodat quod non habet” -meaning “you cannot give what is not yours”. It states that the purchase of a possession from someone who has no ownership right to it also denies the purchaser any ownership title.
This diplomatic "Faux pas" that was supposed to be officially consummated and became legal and internationally binding only on APRIL 11, 1899 should, or rather must be rectified.
*June 12, 1898 -Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spain in Kawit, Cavite --but never won the war against Spain, as explained in the infamous betrayal --the "Mock Battle of Manila of August 13, 1898".
*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
excerpted: "...These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris...."
Dr. Jose P. Dacudao; National President -Save Our Languages thru Federalism Foundation (SOLFED), Inc.
*July 4, 1946 -The United States of America granted Philippine Independence on a silver platter with strings attached.
"True Independence could never be just self-proclaimed nor bestowed upon, it has to be won and duly achieved with dignity" -- DinggolAranetaDivinagracia (Founder: Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network ..Dec. 25, 2005)
Dinggol is an Ilonggo Historian of modern times. He is a lover of nature and reform activist by profession; a genealogist by avocation, and an avid advocate of the Cooperative Movement and "Parliamentary" Federalism. He is, likewise, a duly registered Researcher at the U.S. Library of Congress in the nations capital --Washington D.C.
"It is rather speculative as it is without basis of history if we mean of "history" is that which had been written for us by the "tutas" or lackeys of our colonial and imperial masters.." -- Benjie Evicner Estuche (INM Co-Founder)
"Federalism is not the best way, it is the only way"..
Join the Last Laugh with us!
*When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked -What? and then they laughed.
*When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked -How? and then they laughed.
*When Jules Verne wrote someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked - When? and then they laughed.
*When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Lord, the Messiah, people asked -Who? and then they laughed.
*When the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network announced its mission and vision, people did not even bother to ask, What? How? When? or Who? --They just laughed and laughed. *People are still laughing, ...but the laughter is fading!
Ang inyo alagad sa guihapon -DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~
(Source: History Reborn"The Federal Republic of the Visayas" -by: dinggol a.divinagracia*June 12, 2007)
*That Spain had already formally surrendered to the Federal Republic of the Visayas even before Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was proclaimed Philippine President in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899. That our Independent Visayan Republic, had never been under the authority and jurisdiction of Aguinaldo's "Katagalogan" Republic in Luzon.
excerpted: "...A paper written by Jose Manuel Velmonte, a research associate at the UP Third World Studies Center, found that the Visayan revolutionary elites not only had sophisticated political ideas but also resented attempts by Malolos to assert its authority. A Tagalog military expedition sent by Malolos to Panay to assert its presence was met with hostility. The Luzon force led by Generals Ananias Diocno and Leandro Fullon was regarded by the Visayan revolutionaries, led by the Visayan supremo, Gen. Martin Delgado, as an ''invasion'' force ..." (Source: Inquirer-1999- 06-13 "View of revolt in provinces spurs revision" By: Amando Doronila)
According to Dr. Luis C.Dery, an eminent Filipino Scholar: "Expounding the extent of Aguinaldo's Philippine Army; the Bangsamoro nation's Mindanao, Sulu, and the rest of its islands never fell under Aguinaldo's politico-military control and sovereignty. In fact as late as August 1898 much of northern Luzon, southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao remained outside of the control of Aguinaldo's Republic. Thus, several military expeditions were sent to these places to bring' them to recognize the First Philippine Republic."
*That the 1898 Treaty of Paris preliminaries, should not have included territories of the sovereign "Visayan Nation"; the confederation of both the Central and Western Visayas Cantonal Governments by virtue of Spain's formal surrender prior to this U.S. and Spain treaty of peace (Paris) and the $20-million buy-out. Spain had no more legal rights to sell. In legal parlance "nemodat quod non habet” -meaning “you cannot give what is not yours”. It states that the purchase of a possession from someone who has no ownership right to it also denies the purchaser any ownership title.
This diplomatic "Faux pas" that was supposed to be officially consummated and became legal and internationally binding only on APRIL 11, 1899 should, or rather must be rectified.
*June 12, 1898 -Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spain in Kawit, Cavite --but never won the war against Spain, as explained in the infamous betrayal --the "Mock Battle of Manila of August 13, 1898".
*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
excerpted: "...These two nations, from a purely legal point of view, are COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE UNTIL TODAY. This could imply that the Manila-based Tagalista-oriented Unitarian central government of the Philippines in the Visayas and Mindanao is an Occupational Government, that ultimately originated from an invalid Treaty of Paris...."
Dr. Jose P. Dacudao; National President -Save Our Languages thru Federalism Foundation (SOLFED), Inc.
*July 4, 1946 -The United States of America granted Philippine Independence on a silver platter with strings attached.
"True Independence could never be just self-proclaimed nor bestowed upon, it has to be won and duly achieved with dignity" -- DinggolAranetaDivinagracia (Founder: Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network ..Dec. 25, 2005)
Dinggol is an Ilonggo Historian of modern times. He is a lover of nature and reform activist by profession; a genealogist by avocation, and an avid advocate of the Cooperative Movement and "Parliamentary" Federalism. He is, likewise, a duly registered Researcher at the U.S. Library of Congress in the nations capital --Washington D.C.
"It is rather speculative as it is without basis of history if we mean of "history" is that which had been written for us by the "tutas" or lackeys of our colonial and imperial masters.." -- Benjie Evicner Estuche (INM Co-Founder)
"Federalism is not the best way, it is the only way"..
Join the Last Laugh with us!
*When Christopher Columbus said that the world is round, people asked -What? and then they laughed.
*When the Wright brothers said they'll fly and soar the skies, people asked -How? and then they laughed.
*When Jules Verne wrote someday man could travel below the seven seas and shall walk on the moon, people asked - When? and then they laughed.
*When John the Baptist prophesied the coming of the Lord, the Messiah, people asked -Who? and then they laughed.
*When the Ilonggo Nation Movement (INM) Global Network announced its mission and vision, people did not even bother to ask, What? How? When? or Who? --They just laughed and laughed. *People are still laughing, ...but the laughter is fading!
Ang inyo alagad sa guihapon -DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~
Claim your birth right,
"ACTA DE CAPITULACION~1898" (The Formal Surrender Document)

*Nov. 6 & Dec. 23, 1898 -Spain formally surrendered to both; the Negros Republic that merged (Dec. 2, 1898) with the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo (respectively)
Ergo! we won our battle-scarred freedom and legitimate independence and became a sovereign nation. The "First" Republic in the whole of Asia, but was nipped-in-the bud by the "ugly" Americans. A diplomatic faux pas, a political blunder and a travesty of history! --DinggolAranetaDivinagracia~~~
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
(By: dinggol araneta divinagracia~~~)
The Filipinos of today, wherever they may be, belong to these political spectrum:
1) The Sige lang...
2) The Walang Paki???
3) The Tama na!!!
A- The first group are those who at all cost shall do anything and everything to preserve the status quo. With rampant graft and corruption in all levels of government, they never had it sooooo good!
1) The Oligarchy: the modern day illustrados, control the economy and big media outlets; brainwashing engine targetting the vulnerable masa. More often than not also controls the political landscape in their respective fiefdom. It is common knowledge that these few big landlords circumvented the laws at the expense of the many poor farmers; deprived of their land, life and dignity due to legal maneuvers, just so these vultures of society could expand their "Emperium Negosiurum".
2) The Nouveau Riche: Mostly high ranking government officials and kins who provided for their future during the heydays of martial law and the present day smart alecks (illegal operators) with right connect. See their big businesses and palatial homes, in exclusive enclaves around the country, even abroad.
3) The Political Dynasties: The "Pseudo Royalties -The patriarch is "King Senator/Congressman", the matriarch is "Queen Governor", their siblings or children "Prince/ss Mayor" their spouse/s, "Prince/ss Board Members/Councilors" etc -Other members of the family occupies top local/national administrative positions . Their favorite dance "Rigodon de Familia" everytime elective tenure expires. While their constituents, pobresitos and pobresitas.
4) The Traditional Politicians: These "trapos" believe in the dictum "sometimes you win; sometimes you loss". Behind the political cloud the sun also rises. The political merry-go-round spins like the windmill of their mind never ending, nor beginning. But the perpetual poverty of their constituents remain.
It is regretable, indeed, that even idealistic officers of the law, those who have steadfastly avoided the "ogres" that had swallowed Filipino society; sometimes have no choice but to follow the whims and caprices of the afore-mentioned group against the "taong bayan" because of their sworn duties to uphold. While those brute "Moonlighters" always serve their masters blindly.
B- The second group are what we call the "Baka Sakali" .These people are still hoping against hope for a miracle of a clean, honest and orderly election to come. POR DIOS POR SANTOS!! ANO BA KAYO! With the present moral decadence and spiritual maladies that afflicts our nation; the blatant vote selling (placard bearing in slum areas) and systematic vote buying at iba pa! When will you realize its futility? That's what we call "Suntok sa buwan, jab sa langit" or in latingo lingo (latin-ilonggo), "Asalom Tubolum".
II- "THE WALANG PAKI??" This group, I hope does not comprise the majority of our "kababayan" who see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. They are comfortably contented, mindless of the apathy and injustice around them and prefer to play stupidly safe. Bahala na! Their favorite song "Que sera, sera" Whatever will be will be. The truth of the matter they are the cowards of the country. The hotest spot in hell is reserve for this kind of people with no conviction.
A- The first group comprises the young and the young once from all sectors of Filipino society including OFWs' and advantaged Filipino expatriates with patriotic fervor, who silently shed their blood, sweat and tears to keep Philippine economy afloat. This group are feed-up and wanted a change by whatever means as long as for the betterment of the Filipino People.
B- The second group are the armed components in the Philippines:
1)The MILF/MNLF: The military arm of our muslim brothers in the south is a force to reckon with. They have been fighting to preserve their cultural identity and the religious patrimony of the Bangsa Moro Nation. They should be led not by the "has beens" by modern day "Salahadins".
But they should bear in mind, that majority of the populace in Mindanao are non-muslim and although sometimes they cannot see eye-to-eye, they should always walk hand-in-hand as Filipino brothers.
History explained that if not for the "discovery" by the Spanish conquistadores armed with the sword and the cross and with the Manifest Destiny of Uncle Sam; they could have retained and expanded sovereignty over the whole archipelago this side of Asia.
2) The Military Reformist:
While some who have tasted power during the martial law era and were swallowed by the System wanted "the return of the comeback!" sabi dah! to sing "Happy days are here again" there are still others who are seriously taking things with noble purpose. If we could blend the vim, vigor and vitality of these idealistic young officers in active duty with the experience and wisdom of likewise, idealistic retired officers who had tried hard but nonetheless failed to cure the "Cancer of Filipino Society" what a relief it would be.
The seemingly never ending struggle for national democracy of our brothers from the left shall only be supported by majority of their kababayans if and when they abruptly renounce the 'Godless Foreign Ideology", that is gradually fading in the global scene.
In short: NDF, maybe! - NPA, perhaps! - but CPP, a "BIG NO!!" NEVER! The question: why wage war with the lowly soldiers and policemen just doing their duties? Why not with the "ogres" themselves? I wonder why? I really wonder why?..
Instead of fighting each other, since they share common objective: to defeat the "ogres" and reform society, why not do your patriotic duty and offer these few "Incorrigibles" in the altar of righteousness. It would be hypocritical to say you do not know these people, as we're sure you do.
To sacrifice "simultaneously" about 10 in every Region is relatively very low compared to the millions of Filipinos who shall be benefited. And more importantly, the impact to discipline the whole Filipino Nation, including the present and future governmental dispensation.
Yes, mga kababayan "Discipline is the name of the game"... and very soon! ... or forever perish as a people.
Where do you belong?
"If there be war, let it come in my days --so that my children may live in peace"
(By: dinggol araneta divinagracia~~~)
The Filipinos of today, wherever they may be, belong to these political spectrum:
1) The Sige lang...
2) The Walang Paki???
3) The Tama na!!!
A- The first group are those who at all cost shall do anything and everything to preserve the status quo. With rampant graft and corruption in all levels of government, they never had it sooooo good!
1) The Oligarchy: the modern day illustrados, control the economy and big media outlets; brainwashing engine targetting the vulnerable masa. More often than not also controls the political landscape in their respective fiefdom. It is common knowledge that these few big landlords circumvented the laws at the expense of the many poor farmers; deprived of their land, life and dignity due to legal maneuvers, just so these vultures of society could expand their "Emperium Negosiurum".
2) The Nouveau Riche: Mostly high ranking government officials and kins who provided for their future during the heydays of martial law and the present day smart alecks (illegal operators) with right connect. See their big businesses and palatial homes, in exclusive enclaves around the country, even abroad.
3) The Political Dynasties: The "Pseudo Royalties -The patriarch is "King Senator/Congressman", the matriarch is "Queen Governor", their siblings or children "Prince/ss Mayor" their spouse/s, "Prince/ss Board Members/Councilors" etc -Other members of the family occupies top local/national administrative positions . Their favorite dance "Rigodon de Familia" everytime elective tenure expires. While their constituents, pobresitos and pobresitas.
4) The Traditional Politicians: These "trapos" believe in the dictum "sometimes you win; sometimes you loss". Behind the political cloud the sun also rises. The political merry-go-round spins like the windmill of their mind never ending, nor beginning. But the perpetual poverty of their constituents remain.
It is regretable, indeed, that even idealistic officers of the law, those who have steadfastly avoided the "ogres" that had swallowed Filipino society; sometimes have no choice but to follow the whims and caprices of the afore-mentioned group against the "taong bayan" because of their sworn duties to uphold. While those brute "Moonlighters" always serve their masters blindly.
B- The second group are what we call the "Baka Sakali" .These people are still hoping against hope for a miracle of a clean, honest and orderly election to come. POR DIOS POR SANTOS!! ANO BA KAYO! With the present moral decadence and spiritual maladies that afflicts our nation; the blatant vote selling (placard bearing in slum areas) and systematic vote buying at iba pa! When will you realize its futility? That's what we call "Suntok sa buwan, jab sa langit" or in latingo lingo (latin-ilonggo), "Asalom Tubolum".
II- "THE WALANG PAKI??" This group, I hope does not comprise the majority of our "kababayan" who see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. They are comfortably contented, mindless of the apathy and injustice around them and prefer to play stupidly safe. Bahala na! Their favorite song "Que sera, sera" Whatever will be will be. The truth of the matter they are the cowards of the country. The hotest spot in hell is reserve for this kind of people with no conviction.
A- The first group comprises the young and the young once from all sectors of Filipino society including OFWs' and advantaged Filipino expatriates with patriotic fervor, who silently shed their blood, sweat and tears to keep Philippine economy afloat. This group are feed-up and wanted a change by whatever means as long as for the betterment of the Filipino People.
B- The second group are the armed components in the Philippines:
1)The MILF/MNLF: The military arm of our muslim brothers in the south is a force to reckon with. They have been fighting to preserve their cultural identity and the religious patrimony of the Bangsa Moro Nation. They should be led not by the "has beens" by modern day "Salahadins".
But they should bear in mind, that majority of the populace in Mindanao are non-muslim and although sometimes they cannot see eye-to-eye, they should always walk hand-in-hand as Filipino brothers.
History explained that if not for the "discovery" by the Spanish conquistadores armed with the sword and the cross and with the Manifest Destiny of Uncle Sam; they could have retained and expanded sovereignty over the whole archipelago this side of Asia.
2) The Military Reformist:
While some who have tasted power during the martial law era and were swallowed by the System wanted "the return of the comeback!" sabi dah! to sing "Happy days are here again" there are still others who are seriously taking things with noble purpose. If we could blend the vim, vigor and vitality of these idealistic young officers in active duty with the experience and wisdom of likewise, idealistic retired officers who had tried hard but nonetheless failed to cure the "Cancer of Filipino Society" what a relief it would be.
The seemingly never ending struggle for national democracy of our brothers from the left shall only be supported by majority of their kababayans if and when they abruptly renounce the 'Godless Foreign Ideology", that is gradually fading in the global scene.
In short: NDF, maybe! - NPA, perhaps! - but CPP, a "BIG NO!!" NEVER! The question: why wage war with the lowly soldiers and policemen just doing their duties? Why not with the "ogres" themselves? I wonder why? I really wonder why?..
Instead of fighting each other, since they share common objective: to defeat the "ogres" and reform society, why not do your patriotic duty and offer these few "Incorrigibles" in the altar of righteousness. It would be hypocritical to say you do not know these people, as we're sure you do.
To sacrifice "simultaneously" about 10 in every Region is relatively very low compared to the millions of Filipinos who shall be benefited. And more importantly, the impact to discipline the whole Filipino Nation, including the present and future governmental dispensation.
Yes, mga kababayan "Discipline is the name of the game"... and very soon! ... or forever perish as a people.
Where do you belong?
"If there be war, let it come in my days --so that my children may live in peace"
Sunday, November 01, 2009
(Tax exempt: Section 501-c (3) U.S. Internal Revenue Code IRS No. 52-1818814)
Invitation to a semi-formal "DINNER-DANCE" on a Saturday - November 7, 2009
From: 6:00 p.m. up to midnight * Dinner starts exactly at 7:00 p.m. and Dancing thereafter.
Venue: WOODS COMMUNITY CENTER - 10100 Wards Grove Circle, Burke, Va. 22015
This socio-civic activity is with the kind support of the following groups:
* KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (Fr. Diamond Council 6292) Fairfax, Virginia
* "Ang Pungsod Ilonggo" the eNewsletter of the Ilonggo Nation Movement
* MIGRANT HERITAGE COMMISSION, INC. -shall render cultural presentation for free.
Your tax deductible donation of $25.00 each is intended for relief assistance to the victims of the recent great typhoons "Ondoy" and "Peping" that brought havoc to the Metro Manila area and its environs in the Philippines.
Please issue check payable to AIM, INC. - Thank you!
For Reservation, contact: Mrs. Thelma N. Billy-Member, Board of Directors and Chairperson, Special Projects Committe-AIM, Inc. at Tel. No. (703) 323-6470 & (703) 887-8150(mobile) or send an email to Mr. Rudy "Dinggol" Divinagracia -Executive Vice-President, AIM, Inc. at: (Visit AIM, Inc. website at: )
(Tax exempt: Section 501-c (3) U.S. Internal Revenue Code IRS No. 52-1818814)
Invitation to a semi-formal "DINNER-DANCE" on a Saturday - November 7, 2009
From: 6:00 p.m. up to midnight * Dinner starts exactly at 7:00 p.m. and Dancing thereafter.
Venue: WOODS COMMUNITY CENTER - 10100 Wards Grove Circle, Burke, Va. 22015
This socio-civic activity is with the kind support of the following groups:
* KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (Fr. Diamond Council 6292) Fairfax, Virginia
* "Ang Pungsod Ilonggo" the eNewsletter of the Ilonggo Nation Movement
* MIGRANT HERITAGE COMMISSION, INC. -shall render cultural presentation for free.
Your tax deductible donation of $25.00 each is intended for relief assistance to the victims of the recent great typhoons "Ondoy" and "Peping" that brought havoc to the Metro Manila area and its environs in the Philippines.
Please issue check payable to AIM, INC. - Thank you!
For Reservation, contact: Mrs. Thelma N. Billy-Member, Board of Directors and Chairperson, Special Projects Committe-AIM, Inc. at Tel. No. (703) 323-6470 & (703) 887-8150(mobile) or send an email to Mr. Rudy "Dinggol" Divinagracia -Executive Vice-President, AIM, Inc. at: (Visit AIM, Inc. website at: )
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The 2010 Ilonggo Presidentiables
This article was first posted almost two years ago, when these incumbent senators where still toying with the idea of throwing their hats in the presidential derby of 2010.
(By: dinggol a.divinagracia -INM Banwa_Mo *October 15, 2007)
When Ilonggo-at-heart incumbent President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s term in Malacanang is over, the following ilonggos are believed to have greater chances of taking over the reins of the government. (Alphabetical order):
* Sen. Panfilo “Ping” Morena Lacson
"Ping" was born of modest and humble but upright parentage in Imus, Cavite. His paternal ancestor belongs to the Lacson clan of “Parian” now Molo in Iloilo City.
In the middle part of the 1800’s, some members of the more adventurous prominent “Pari-anons”; such as the Yulos' & Yusays'; the Lacsons' & Locsins'; the Aranetas', Salases and de la Ramas' migrated to Negros Island and engaged in large scale sugar plantation. Years later, some family members went farther north with the expansion of the sugar industry and establishment of modern sugar mills in Luzon. These are the forebears of the Yulo’s and Lacsons who settled in the Calabarzon Area and Central Luzon, and the Araneta’s and Locsin’s in the Bicol Region.
Senator Ping Lacson graduated from the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) class of 1971 and Master in Government Management at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila in 1996.
With his outstanding service record in the Philippine National Police, he was eventually promoted as Chief of PNP. As the top Police Officer, he was able to effectively instill strict discipline in the national police force and raised the morale of it’s officers by instituting the “No Take” policy and succeeded in eradicating the corrupt culture attributed to policemen. Thru his efforts, police efficiency greatly improved. Thus, PNP achieved 58% public approval rating --the highest ever in PNP’s history and 78% approval rating for himself. For financial assistance especially to the rank and file in the Police force, he founded the PNP Foundation, Inc.
Sen. Panfilo “Ping” Lacson was elected Senator in May 2001 and has continually proven himself up to the present, as a no-nonsense legislator and as the fearless voice of the people in the upper chamber of Congress.
His Personal Dictum: “What is right must be kept right. What is wrong must be set right.”
* Sen. Loren Bautista Legarda
"Loren's" maternal grandparents belong to the illustrious Gella clan of Antique. She is the only daughter of Antonio Cabrera Legarda of San Pablo, Laguna and Manila and the late Bessie Gella Bautista of Antique and Malabon. She is the granddaughter of one of the late pillars of Philippine journalism, Jose P. Bautista, editor-in-chief of the pre-Martial Law Manila Times. Loren decided to follow her paternal grandpa’s footsteps in the field of Journalism.
She was cum laude at the University of the Philippines where she obtained a degree in broadcast communication. Loren Legarda soon became an icon in T.V. broadcast media that catapulted her in the political arena.
Loren’s estranged husband, former Batangas Governor Antonio Leviste, grabbed headlines in mainstream media recently for his confessed involvement in shooting to death a company employee.
As a legislator, Loren has proven herself as staunch advocacte for Law and Order, Rights of Women, Youth and Children, Education, Environment and Employment; and Nationalism.
Senator Loren Legarda is the only woman in Philippine political history who has topped the Senate race twice, in the 1998 and in the 2007 senatorial elections.
* Sen. Manuel “Mar” Araneta Roxas II
"Mar" who hails from the Province of Capiz is an Economist. He is the grandson and namesake of past Philippine President Manuel Acuna Roxas of Capiz and Trinidad de Leon of Bulacan.
He is the son of late Senator Gerry Roxas and Judy Araneta y Araneta de Roxas of the old rich ilonggo family. His maternal grandfather the late Don J. Amado ”Amading” Araneta of Negros Occidental, was the founder of the Cubao, Q. C. multi business empire that includes the world reknowned dome “ARANETA” coliseum. He is a bachelor, who is alleged to be romantically link to one of the most popular ABS-CBN broadcaster Karina Sanchez,
Senator Mar Roxas a.k..a. “Mr. Palengke” proved his expertise in economy as former Secretary of Trade and Industry and political savvy during his term as Congressman of the first district of Capiz. He ran for senator in the 2004 election and was number one --with the highest votes ever garnered by a national candidate in the history of Philippine electoral process.
* Sen. Miriam Palma Defensor-Santiago
"Inday Miriam" was born in Iloilo City to Judge Benjamin Defensor and Dimpna Palma . She graduated class valedictorian in both elementary and high school levels. She also graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of the Philippines. She finished it in only three and a half instead of four years. She made history as the first female editor-in-chief of "The Philippine Collegian" in its fifty years of existence as UP's student newspaper.
Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, the multi-awarded scholar and public servant and is considered a "Maverick" in the senate is now on her second term as Senator of the Philippines.
(excerpted from Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago's Biography):
"Miriam Defensor Santiago became globally famous with her courageous and brilliant crusade against corruption in the Philippines. As a result, at 43, she was named Laureate of the Asian Nobel Prize, known as the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Government Service. She was cited "for bold and moral leadership in cleaning up a graft-ridden government agency."
Miriam was widely featured in the international press because of her charisma, flamboyant personality, and her signature witticisms, making her good copy. In 1997, the Australian magazine named her one of "The 100 Most Powerful Women in the World."
In later years, Miriam was keynote speaker of the international anticorruption conference in Sydney, Australia. As senator, she sponsored and secured ratification by the Philippine Senate of the UN Convention Against Corruption. Miriam ran for President of the Philippines in 1992, and led in the canvass of nationwide votes for the first five days. But she was ultimately defeated by a margin of less than a million votes out of 36 million votes.
The campaign was reportedly marred by widespread election fraud, notably power blackouts after the first five days. The public outrage over the presidential results prompted Newsweek to feature her and her rival on the cover with the question: "Was the Election Fair?" In another cover story, Philippine Free Press magazine asked: "Who's the Real President?"
Inday Miriam Defensor-Santiago, "Pride of the Ilonggos".
* Sen. Manuel “Manny” Bamba Villar, Jr.
This incumbent Senate President, was born in Tondo, Manila to Curita Bamba of Pampanga and Bataan. His father Manuel Montalban Villar, Sr. of Cabatuan, Iloilo grew up in Tanza, Iloilo City. At an early age, Manny helped in his parents seafoods dealership business in Divisoria. As a working student, he finished at the University of the Philippines where he earned a degree in Business Administration.
He was employed in several prestigious Firms for quite sometime, until he decided to engage in gravel and sand business that eventually lead him to establish one of the largest development firms in the Southeast Asian region, the Camella & Palmera Homes. His C & P Homes started as low-cost housing projects that later became high scale under the brand name Crown Asia.
Senator Manny Villar earned citations as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of 1986, the Agora Award for Marketing Management in 1989 and Most Outstanding CPA by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in 1990. In 2004, he was named the Most Distinguished UP Alumnus—the highest recognition given by the UP Alumni Association --for his exemplary public service and achievements.
He was already a successful businessman, when he ventured into politics and was elected in a landslide victory as Congressman of Las Pinas in 1992. Later he was chosen to be the Speaker of the House of Representatives. In May 14, 2001 he won in the national election as Senator of the Philippines. On his first day in office, he was selected as Senate President Pro Tempore, the position he held until 2003, that paved the way for his unanimous election as Senate President on July 24, 2006.
He is recognized as the richest legislator in Philippine history where he was consistently the richest congressman from 1992 to 2001 and richest senator from 2001 until today.
Senate President Manny Villar, is married to Congresswoman Cynthia Aguirre-Villar, of the wealthy and influential Aguirre clan in Las Pinas. She is the richest legislator in the lower house of Congress, representing the lone District of Las Pinas.
(By: dinggol a.divinagracia -INM Banwa_Mo *October 15, 2007)
When Ilonggo-at-heart incumbent President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s term in Malacanang is over, the following ilonggos are believed to have greater chances of taking over the reins of the government. (Alphabetical order):
* Sen. Panfilo “Ping” Morena Lacson
"Ping" was born of modest and humble but upright parentage in Imus, Cavite. His paternal ancestor belongs to the Lacson clan of “Parian” now Molo in Iloilo City.
In the middle part of the 1800’s, some members of the more adventurous prominent “Pari-anons”; such as the Yulos' & Yusays'; the Lacsons' & Locsins'; the Aranetas', Salases and de la Ramas' migrated to Negros Island and engaged in large scale sugar plantation. Years later, some family members went farther north with the expansion of the sugar industry and establishment of modern sugar mills in Luzon. These are the forebears of the Yulo’s and Lacsons who settled in the Calabarzon Area and Central Luzon, and the Araneta’s and Locsin’s in the Bicol Region.
Senator Ping Lacson graduated from the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) class of 1971 and Master in Government Management at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila in 1996.
With his outstanding service record in the Philippine National Police, he was eventually promoted as Chief of PNP. As the top Police Officer, he was able to effectively instill strict discipline in the national police force and raised the morale of it’s officers by instituting the “No Take” policy and succeeded in eradicating the corrupt culture attributed to policemen. Thru his efforts, police efficiency greatly improved. Thus, PNP achieved 58% public approval rating --the highest ever in PNP’s history and 78% approval rating for himself. For financial assistance especially to the rank and file in the Police force, he founded the PNP Foundation, Inc.
Sen. Panfilo “Ping” Lacson was elected Senator in May 2001 and has continually proven himself up to the present, as a no-nonsense legislator and as the fearless voice of the people in the upper chamber of Congress.
His Personal Dictum: “What is right must be kept right. What is wrong must be set right.”
* Sen. Loren Bautista Legarda
"Loren's" maternal grandparents belong to the illustrious Gella clan of Antique. She is the only daughter of Antonio Cabrera Legarda of San Pablo, Laguna and Manila and the late Bessie Gella Bautista of Antique and Malabon. She is the granddaughter of one of the late pillars of Philippine journalism, Jose P. Bautista, editor-in-chief of the pre-Martial Law Manila Times. Loren decided to follow her paternal grandpa’s footsteps in the field of Journalism.
She was cum laude at the University of the Philippines where she obtained a degree in broadcast communication. Loren Legarda soon became an icon in T.V. broadcast media that catapulted her in the political arena.
Loren’s estranged husband, former Batangas Governor Antonio Leviste, grabbed headlines in mainstream media recently for his confessed involvement in shooting to death a company employee.
As a legislator, Loren has proven herself as staunch advocacte for Law and Order, Rights of Women, Youth and Children, Education, Environment and Employment; and Nationalism.
Senator Loren Legarda is the only woman in Philippine political history who has topped the Senate race twice, in the 1998 and in the 2007 senatorial elections.
* Sen. Manuel “Mar” Araneta Roxas II
"Mar" who hails from the Province of Capiz is an Economist. He is the grandson and namesake of past Philippine President Manuel Acuna Roxas of Capiz and Trinidad de Leon of Bulacan.
He is the son of late Senator Gerry Roxas and Judy Araneta y Araneta de Roxas of the old rich ilonggo family. His maternal grandfather the late Don J. Amado ”Amading” Araneta of Negros Occidental, was the founder of the Cubao, Q. C. multi business empire that includes the world reknowned dome “ARANETA” coliseum. He is a bachelor, who is alleged to be romantically link to one of the most popular ABS-CBN broadcaster Karina Sanchez,
Senator Mar Roxas a.k..a. “Mr. Palengke” proved his expertise in economy as former Secretary of Trade and Industry and political savvy during his term as Congressman of the first district of Capiz. He ran for senator in the 2004 election and was number one --with the highest votes ever garnered by a national candidate in the history of Philippine electoral process.
* Sen. Miriam Palma Defensor-Santiago
"Inday Miriam" was born in Iloilo City to Judge Benjamin Defensor and Dimpna Palma . She graduated class valedictorian in both elementary and high school levels. She also graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of the Philippines. She finished it in only three and a half instead of four years. She made history as the first female editor-in-chief of "The Philippine Collegian" in its fifty years of existence as UP's student newspaper.
Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, the multi-awarded scholar and public servant and is considered a "Maverick" in the senate is now on her second term as Senator of the Philippines.
(excerpted from Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago's Biography):
"Miriam Defensor Santiago became globally famous with her courageous and brilliant crusade against corruption in the Philippines. As a result, at 43, she was named Laureate of the Asian Nobel Prize, known as the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Government Service. She was cited "for bold and moral leadership in cleaning up a graft-ridden government agency."
Miriam was widely featured in the international press because of her charisma, flamboyant personality, and her signature witticisms, making her good copy. In 1997, the Australian magazine named her one of "The 100 Most Powerful Women in the World."
In later years, Miriam was keynote speaker of the international anticorruption conference in Sydney, Australia. As senator, she sponsored and secured ratification by the Philippine Senate of the UN Convention Against Corruption. Miriam ran for President of the Philippines in 1992, and led in the canvass of nationwide votes for the first five days. But she was ultimately defeated by a margin of less than a million votes out of 36 million votes.
The campaign was reportedly marred by widespread election fraud, notably power blackouts after the first five days. The public outrage over the presidential results prompted Newsweek to feature her and her rival on the cover with the question: "Was the Election Fair?" In another cover story, Philippine Free Press magazine asked: "Who's the Real President?"
Inday Miriam Defensor-Santiago, "Pride of the Ilonggos".
* Sen. Manuel “Manny” Bamba Villar, Jr.
This incumbent Senate President, was born in Tondo, Manila to Curita Bamba of Pampanga and Bataan. His father Manuel Montalban Villar, Sr. of Cabatuan, Iloilo grew up in Tanza, Iloilo City. At an early age, Manny helped in his parents seafoods dealership business in Divisoria. As a working student, he finished at the University of the Philippines where he earned a degree in Business Administration.
He was employed in several prestigious Firms for quite sometime, until he decided to engage in gravel and sand business that eventually lead him to establish one of the largest development firms in the Southeast Asian region, the Camella & Palmera Homes. His C & P Homes started as low-cost housing projects that later became high scale under the brand name Crown Asia.
Senator Manny Villar earned citations as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of 1986, the Agora Award for Marketing Management in 1989 and Most Outstanding CPA by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in 1990. In 2004, he was named the Most Distinguished UP Alumnus—the highest recognition given by the UP Alumni Association --for his exemplary public service and achievements.
He was already a successful businessman, when he ventured into politics and was elected in a landslide victory as Congressman of Las Pinas in 1992. Later he was chosen to be the Speaker of the House of Representatives. In May 14, 2001 he won in the national election as Senator of the Philippines. On his first day in office, he was selected as Senate President Pro Tempore, the position he held until 2003, that paved the way for his unanimous election as Senate President on July 24, 2006.
He is recognized as the richest legislator in Philippine history where he was consistently the richest congressman from 1992 to 2001 and richest senator from 2001 until today.
Senate President Manny Villar, is married to Congresswoman Cynthia Aguirre-Villar, of the wealthy and influential Aguirre clan in Las Pinas. She is the richest legislator in the lower house of Congress, representing the lone District of Las Pinas.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
2010 CPU Global Grand Reunion
JULY 1, 2, 3 2010
Fellow Alumni and Friends,
Come and join in the fun, fellowship and camaraderie with “old” and new friends.
Come to relive treasured school day memories and make new ones. Come to show your support for the school that provided excellent education and training. Come because you believe in what Reunions are all about—bridging the separation brought about by time and distance, so that we can once again celebrate as one body, our Central Spirit.
I thank God that we are able to make the 6th Global Reunion a reality in San Francisco, CA USA on July 1, 2, & 3 2010. Your presence is vital to the success of this endeavor. Please send your registration early to avail of special pricing in both registration and lodging. Invite your friends and family to join you—the more, the merrier.
Our theme: Enrichment in Times of Change. Even as we remember our past, let us look with anticipation and joy to the years to come; more importantly, let us appreciate the blessings we enjoy today, and make special moments with those whose lives are entwined with ours, through our common heritage and God’s love.
I look forward to seeing you next July. May God bless our plans.
Perla Guillergan Londres
CPUFOAA President
I had written Dr. Ted Robles and Mr. Rey Cordova, CPU President and President of the CPUAA--MM chapter respectively, to inquire as to the process to use to provide aid to our country men and women in the wake of Ondoy and the possibility of more severe weather in the near future. Following is the relevant excerpt of the message I received tonight from Dr. Robles:
We at CPU are encouraging our constituents to donate for flood relief. Cash donations will be consolidated by our Outreach Office then channeled through Faith Baptist Church in Quezon City. I am going to discuss with the VP's how the University can help.
This event gives me an opportunity to roll out a significant break through for our FOAA efforts to facilitate the charitable gifts of our US-based alumni. Effective immediately, all donations channeled through the CPUFOAA for charitable purposes are tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code, as we have been determined as EXEMPT FROM FEDERAL INCOME TAX UNDER SECTION 501(c) (3) of the Code.
Therefore, please advise your members, other alumni, family and friends to send their donations to our attention, CPUFOAA, 440 S. Maple Avenue, Unit 2-S, Oak Park, IL 60302, and make the check out to Central Philippine University Federation of Overseas Alumni Associations, Inc. (CPUFOAA). In the Notes section of the check, please note the recipient/purpose, and in this instance, Flood Relief will suffice. The CPUFOAA will remit all donations in its entirety to Central Philippine University to be distributed to the appropriate agency in the Philippines for the use of the flood victims. All donations will be duly noted and confirmations will be sent to the donors by ourselves, as well as, acknowledgments from CPU and/or its associated agency/ies. We will make arrangements with CPU to release equivalent funds in the quickest possible way so aid could be timely.
I appreciate any and all efforts to support the urgent and massive need back home. To the extent that you and your circle of influence are able, please be generous with your donations. Most importantly, continue to take the people in need to the Lord in prayer, as He alone can offer true deliverance.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow--He is faithful and is with us through plenty and in want. Who knows, in these hard times, good fruit for His purpose may come about.
Best to you and yours, Perla
Nong Dinggol, Palihog man ni announce sa aton Ilonggo Nation News...Thanks guid...
Mauro Somodio
Founding President-Filipino-Australian Foundation of Queensland Inc.
PO Box 206
AUSTRALIA (Tel. (07) 32169808/Mob. 0404 663 978)
JULY 1, 2, 3 2010
Fellow Alumni and Friends,
Come and join in the fun, fellowship and camaraderie with “old” and new friends.
Come to relive treasured school day memories and make new ones. Come to show your support for the school that provided excellent education and training. Come because you believe in what Reunions are all about—bridging the separation brought about by time and distance, so that we can once again celebrate as one body, our Central Spirit.
I thank God that we are able to make the 6th Global Reunion a reality in San Francisco, CA USA on July 1, 2, & 3 2010. Your presence is vital to the success of this endeavor. Please send your registration early to avail of special pricing in both registration and lodging. Invite your friends and family to join you—the more, the merrier.
Our theme: Enrichment in Times of Change. Even as we remember our past, let us look with anticipation and joy to the years to come; more importantly, let us appreciate the blessings we enjoy today, and make special moments with those whose lives are entwined with ours, through our common heritage and God’s love.
I look forward to seeing you next July. May God bless our plans.
Perla Guillergan Londres
CPUFOAA President
I had written Dr. Ted Robles and Mr. Rey Cordova, CPU President and President of the CPUAA--MM chapter respectively, to inquire as to the process to use to provide aid to our country men and women in the wake of Ondoy and the possibility of more severe weather in the near future. Following is the relevant excerpt of the message I received tonight from Dr. Robles:
We at CPU are encouraging our constituents to donate for flood relief. Cash donations will be consolidated by our Outreach Office then channeled through Faith Baptist Church in Quezon City. I am going to discuss with the VP's how the University can help.
This event gives me an opportunity to roll out a significant break through for our FOAA efforts to facilitate the charitable gifts of our US-based alumni. Effective immediately, all donations channeled through the CPUFOAA for charitable purposes are tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code, as we have been determined as EXEMPT FROM FEDERAL INCOME TAX UNDER SECTION 501(c) (3) of the Code.
Therefore, please advise your members, other alumni, family and friends to send their donations to our attention, CPUFOAA, 440 S. Maple Avenue, Unit 2-S, Oak Park, IL 60302, and make the check out to Central Philippine University Federation of Overseas Alumni Associations, Inc. (CPUFOAA). In the Notes section of the check, please note the recipient/purpose, and in this instance, Flood Relief will suffice. The CPUFOAA will remit all donations in its entirety to Central Philippine University to be distributed to the appropriate agency in the Philippines for the use of the flood victims. All donations will be duly noted and confirmations will be sent to the donors by ourselves, as well as, acknowledgments from CPU and/or its associated agency/ies. We will make arrangements with CPU to release equivalent funds in the quickest possible way so aid could be timely.
I appreciate any and all efforts to support the urgent and massive need back home. To the extent that you and your circle of influence are able, please be generous with your donations. Most importantly, continue to take the people in need to the Lord in prayer, as He alone can offer true deliverance.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow--He is faithful and is with us through plenty and in want. Who knows, in these hard times, good fruit for His purpose may come about.
Best to you and yours, Perla
Nong Dinggol, Palihog man ni announce sa aton Ilonggo Nation News...Thanks guid...
Mauro Somodio
Founding President-Filipino-Australian Foundation of Queensland Inc.
PO Box 206
AUSTRALIA (Tel. (07) 32169808/Mob. 0404 663 978)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sri Visaya and the Legend of the 10 Datus
Sri Visaya and the Legend of the 10 Datus
(By: Dr.Jose Palu-ay Dacudao-INM: Butuan City, Philippines)
“Ice had formed ahead of them, and it reached all the way to the sky. The people could not cross it… A Raven flew up and struck the ice and cracked it. Coyote said, “These small people can’t get across the ice.” Another Raven flew up again and cracked the ice again. Coyote said, “Try again.” Raven flew up again and broke the ice. The people ran across.”
(A Legend of the Paiute ethnic people, describing a time more than 10,000 years ago when their ancestors braved the glaciers of the ice age as they traveled from Asia to America.)
I was just reading an article on Russian History. The Russians start their story at their roots as a Slavic ethnic people during pre- Christian times, inhabiting Eastern Europe . The eastern Slavic tribes were eventually organized by Scandinavian traders called Varangians or Rus (from where Russians took their ethnic name) into a single state in the 800s. These Rus established the ruling House of Ryurik around that time. In 882 AD, Kiev and Novgorod (the two main Eastern Slavic principalities) were united as the state of Kievan Rus under a single ruler from the house of Ryurik. In 980 Vladimir I (son of Svyatoslav, a warrior king who spent his entire life conquering and expanding Kievan Rus) became ruler. Eight years later he converted to Orthodox Christianity and made Orthodoxy the official religion of Kievan Rus. The Church of the Rus used Slavonic (the language of the Slavs as it was known then) in its liturgy. The present-day Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian nations trace their ethnic and political lineage to the Kievan Rus.
Notice that the Russians always start at their origins as an ethnic people, speaking a distinct language. So do practically all nations and nationalities today. If so, there is something grossly askew with the way history is being taught in Philippine schools..
As told in all Philippine schools by the Manila-based Educational curriculum:
NOTHING whatever is mentioned of the origins of the ethnic peoples of the Philippines .
The Russians clearly know that they are a Slavic people, defined by a Slavic language, and a distinct history.. What do we Visayans know of our ethnic origins? Mostly NOTHING, but it’s not our fault because our Educational system is controlled by Tagalista Institutions and individuals who mostly tell THEIR story, which naturally tends to be a Tagalog story, with Tagalog heroes and movements. OUR fault is that we take this propaganda standing down, when we should be telling the story of our people to our children from OUR point of view.
The usual tale (as told by Manila-based institutions) of the Philippines starts when the Portugese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, under the auspices of the Spanish Government, ‘discovered’ the Philippines in 1521. The Tagalogs then were simply ‘taga-ilog’ or literally ‘people living by the river’.
This is not so with the Visayans.
In disinterested sources, the first polity that is always mentioned as having influence in what today is called the Philippines is always the SRI VISAYA Empire. For instance, regarding the only major polity that affected pre-Spanish Philippines , the Encyclopedia Encarta, says:
“By the 12th century ad the powerful Sumatra-based Malay kingdom of Sri Vijaya had extended its considerable influence to the Philippines .”
Present day Visayan languages have practically dropped the phonemes ‘v’ and ‘j’ and so we would pronounce ‘Sri-Vijaya or ‘Shri-Vishaya’ (as written in literature) as ‘siri-bisaya’.
From the Cappeller Sanskrit English Dictionary [
Entry viSaya
Meaning m. reach, sphere, domain, province, country; the right place for (gen.);
‘Sri’ or ‘Shri’ is a Hindu-Budhist Indian honorific. Kabisayaan then literally means ‘Our Country’. To speak ‘Binisaya’ means speaking our own language. ‘Bisaya nga manok’ means native chicken.
What was the Sri Visayan Empire? If one were to surf the internet, one would quickly discover that the Sri Visaya was the longest living Empire in history, outlasting even the Roman Empire in its longevity. It had its origins in the 400s (possibly even as early as 200 AD) and died out in the 1300s. Our neighbors in Indonesia , Malaysia , and Brunei seem to be making capital out of this fact, and seem to be presenting themselves to the world community as the direct political and cultural descendants of longest Empire the world has ever known.
The Sri Visayan rulers were converted to Buddhism early in their history. (There are indications that Buddhism mostly stayed as a court religion, with most ordinary citizens remaining animists, and even much of the nobility seemed to have been interested in Buddhism more for its magical aspects rather then its theological message.) Practically all culturally advanced artifacts dug up in Archipelagic Asia more than a thousand years ago have something to do with the Sri Visaya. Its culture included impressive iron, glass, and dyed fabric technology. A culture that could produce iron implements is definitely not a pushover. The lifeblood of this Empire was the sea-based Persian trade route (the alternative trade route to the land-based Silk Route used by the famous explorer Marc Polo) between Europe and China , and its boat-making technology, which was a necessity in this trade, allowed it to span across the islands of Archipelagic Asia. At its peak, Sri Visaya had an army of 20,000, which could be regarded as small for its status, but then again Sri Visaya was fundamentally a tolerant economic Empire. It was multilingual, and allowed much autonomy for its component principalities, which might be one of the reasons why it lasted so long. (Pro-Federal readers who always argue for autonomy for the LGU’s should take heart in this.)
The Panay Atis may actually have a cultural memory of the Visayans’ arrival. One of the Ati sayings, describing a time when the Visayans still had not arrived in the Philipipines, goes as follows:
“Gurang tamon sa Bisaya,
Labi pa sa Katsila.”
As a matter of fact, we Ilonggo Visayans ourselves have a cultural memory of our ethnic ancestors’ arrival in the Visayas, in the often told tale of the 10 datus. As in all legends, this is just a legend and most disinterested archaeologists would concur that one should not take it too literally. However as with many legends, it is based on fact. Chinese Ming dynasty records (the Chinese were naturally friendly with the Sri Visayans who were their business partners) tell of mass migrations by Sri-Visayan datus fleeing from war-torn Sri-Visaya at its end in the 1300s, coinciding with the timeline of the legend of the 10 datus.
One of the versions of the legend of the 10 datus starts with civil strife in the troubled Sri-Visayan principality of Brunei Borneo just after the fall of the Empire in the 1300s. Sultan Makatunaw of Borneo proved to be such a tyrant that 10 of the nobility fled Borneo together with their clans in the giant outrigger boats typical of the seafaring Sri-Visayan culture, boats known to us as Balanghais, or Baranggays, or Biniray. (The mostly land-bound Chinese apparently had some respect for these boats, as they mention them in their records, as the boats of their Sri-Visayan business partners in the Persian trade.)
The 10 Bornean datus (among them Puti, Sumakwel, Dumangsil, Lubay, Balakasusa, Bangkaya, Paiburong, Dumalogdog), along with other personalities, to make the long legend short, arrived in Panay island, and then bought the whole island from the Ati Chief Marikudo with a golden necklace (upon the insistence of Marikudo’s wife Maniwantiwan) .
Perhaps every normal Ilonggo child grows up knowing that the Atis sold Panay to the Bisaya for a golden necklace. It is a living legend, one that is taught in homes and not in schools.
In actuality, Balanghais and other Sri-Visayan artifacts such as the golden tiara (not a golden salakot) have been dug up in Butuan, that indicate that Sri-Visaya had a presence in what today is the Philippines as far back as the 900s. Since the Philippines was directly in the trade route between the Sri Visayan capital of Palembang Sumatra and China , the Sri Visayans had to establish some kind of presence here, as indicated by such artifacts. Near the end of the Empire, the waves of Visayan migrations are remembered in our culture with legends such as the 10 datus (and officially in Ming Dynasty records).
While not literally accurate, and while these early Visayan migrants must have intermarried with other peoples, the legend carries a kernel of truth that we Visayans should be aware of:
That our ethnic identity is directly derived from the peoples of the great Sri-Visayan Empire, the longest lasting Empire in the world. We actually carry its name, passed on to us present-day Visayans for generations spanning more than a thousand years! Few ethnic peoples could boast of such a claim.
Let us do our ethnic ancestors proud!
After all these years we Visayans still carry the ethnic identity of this Empire. We are not told of this in our schools, controlled by Manila-based institutions, yet every child growing up in the Visayas and most parts of Mindanao is still imbibed with the ethnic identity of being ‘Bisaya’ for as long as he or she speaks one of the Visayan languages.
Next time someone from Manila or a Tagalista or plain ‘Taga-Ilog’ degrades our languages, culture, and identity, or insists on us speaking their language as it is in their opinion the ‘national language’, remember that. We Visayans had a long and glorious history beginning more than a thousand years before Magellan ever set foot here.
Mga Kasimanwa, do teach our Visayan languages to our children at home so that they will grow up as Visayans, and let us always lobby for the formal teaching of our languages in our schools!
(By: Dr.Jose Palu-ay Dacudao-INM: Butuan City, Philippines)
“Ice had formed ahead of them, and it reached all the way to the sky. The people could not cross it… A Raven flew up and struck the ice and cracked it. Coyote said, “These small people can’t get across the ice.” Another Raven flew up again and cracked the ice again. Coyote said, “Try again.” Raven flew up again and broke the ice. The people ran across.”
(A Legend of the Paiute ethnic people, describing a time more than 10,000 years ago when their ancestors braved the glaciers of the ice age as they traveled from Asia to America.)
I was just reading an article on Russian History. The Russians start their story at their roots as a Slavic ethnic people during pre- Christian times, inhabiting Eastern Europe . The eastern Slavic tribes were eventually organized by Scandinavian traders called Varangians or Rus (from where Russians took their ethnic name) into a single state in the 800s. These Rus established the ruling House of Ryurik around that time. In 882 AD, Kiev and Novgorod (the two main Eastern Slavic principalities) were united as the state of Kievan Rus under a single ruler from the house of Ryurik. In 980 Vladimir I (son of Svyatoslav, a warrior king who spent his entire life conquering and expanding Kievan Rus) became ruler. Eight years later he converted to Orthodox Christianity and made Orthodoxy the official religion of Kievan Rus. The Church of the Rus used Slavonic (the language of the Slavs as it was known then) in its liturgy. The present-day Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian nations trace their ethnic and political lineage to the Kievan Rus.
Notice that the Russians always start at their origins as an ethnic people, speaking a distinct language. So do practically all nations and nationalities today. If so, there is something grossly askew with the way history is being taught in Philippine schools..
As told in all Philippine schools by the Manila-based Educational curriculum:
NOTHING whatever is mentioned of the origins of the ethnic peoples of the Philippines .
The Russians clearly know that they are a Slavic people, defined by a Slavic language, and a distinct history.. What do we Visayans know of our ethnic origins? Mostly NOTHING, but it’s not our fault because our Educational system is controlled by Tagalista Institutions and individuals who mostly tell THEIR story, which naturally tends to be a Tagalog story, with Tagalog heroes and movements. OUR fault is that we take this propaganda standing down, when we should be telling the story of our people to our children from OUR point of view.
The usual tale (as told by Manila-based institutions) of the Philippines starts when the Portugese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, under the auspices of the Spanish Government, ‘discovered’ the Philippines in 1521. The Tagalogs then were simply ‘taga-ilog’ or literally ‘people living by the river’.
This is not so with the Visayans.
In disinterested sources, the first polity that is always mentioned as having influence in what today is called the Philippines is always the SRI VISAYA Empire. For instance, regarding the only major polity that affected pre-Spanish Philippines , the Encyclopedia Encarta, says:
“By the 12th century ad the powerful Sumatra-based Malay kingdom of Sri Vijaya had extended its considerable influence to the Philippines .”
Present day Visayan languages have practically dropped the phonemes ‘v’ and ‘j’ and so we would pronounce ‘Sri-Vijaya or ‘Shri-Vishaya’ (as written in literature) as ‘siri-bisaya’.
From the Cappeller Sanskrit English Dictionary [
Entry viSaya
Meaning m. reach, sphere, domain, province, country; the right place for (gen.);
‘Sri’ or ‘Shri’ is a Hindu-Budhist Indian honorific. Kabisayaan then literally means ‘Our Country’. To speak ‘Binisaya’ means speaking our own language. ‘Bisaya nga manok’ means native chicken.
What was the Sri Visayan Empire? If one were to surf the internet, one would quickly discover that the Sri Visaya was the longest living Empire in history, outlasting even the Roman Empire in its longevity. It had its origins in the 400s (possibly even as early as 200 AD) and died out in the 1300s. Our neighbors in Indonesia , Malaysia , and Brunei seem to be making capital out of this fact, and seem to be presenting themselves to the world community as the direct political and cultural descendants of longest Empire the world has ever known.
The Sri Visayan rulers were converted to Buddhism early in their history. (There are indications that Buddhism mostly stayed as a court religion, with most ordinary citizens remaining animists, and even much of the nobility seemed to have been interested in Buddhism more for its magical aspects rather then its theological message.) Practically all culturally advanced artifacts dug up in Archipelagic Asia more than a thousand years ago have something to do with the Sri Visaya. Its culture included impressive iron, glass, and dyed fabric technology. A culture that could produce iron implements is definitely not a pushover. The lifeblood of this Empire was the sea-based Persian trade route (the alternative trade route to the land-based Silk Route used by the famous explorer Marc Polo) between Europe and China , and its boat-making technology, which was a necessity in this trade, allowed it to span across the islands of Archipelagic Asia. At its peak, Sri Visaya had an army of 20,000, which could be regarded as small for its status, but then again Sri Visaya was fundamentally a tolerant economic Empire. It was multilingual, and allowed much autonomy for its component principalities, which might be one of the reasons why it lasted so long. (Pro-Federal readers who always argue for autonomy for the LGU’s should take heart in this.)
The Panay Atis may actually have a cultural memory of the Visayans’ arrival. One of the Ati sayings, describing a time when the Visayans still had not arrived in the Philipipines, goes as follows:
“Gurang tamon sa Bisaya,
Labi pa sa Katsila.”
As a matter of fact, we Ilonggo Visayans ourselves have a cultural memory of our ethnic ancestors’ arrival in the Visayas, in the often told tale of the 10 datus. As in all legends, this is just a legend and most disinterested archaeologists would concur that one should not take it too literally. However as with many legends, it is based on fact. Chinese Ming dynasty records (the Chinese were naturally friendly with the Sri Visayans who were their business partners) tell of mass migrations by Sri-Visayan datus fleeing from war-torn Sri-Visaya at its end in the 1300s, coinciding with the timeline of the legend of the 10 datus.
One of the versions of the legend of the 10 datus starts with civil strife in the troubled Sri-Visayan principality of Brunei Borneo just after the fall of the Empire in the 1300s. Sultan Makatunaw of Borneo proved to be such a tyrant that 10 of the nobility fled Borneo together with their clans in the giant outrigger boats typical of the seafaring Sri-Visayan culture, boats known to us as Balanghais, or Baranggays, or Biniray. (The mostly land-bound Chinese apparently had some respect for these boats, as they mention them in their records, as the boats of their Sri-Visayan business partners in the Persian trade.)
The 10 Bornean datus (among them Puti, Sumakwel, Dumangsil, Lubay, Balakasusa, Bangkaya, Paiburong, Dumalogdog), along with other personalities, to make the long legend short, arrived in Panay island, and then bought the whole island from the Ati Chief Marikudo with a golden necklace (upon the insistence of Marikudo’s wife Maniwantiwan) .
Perhaps every normal Ilonggo child grows up knowing that the Atis sold Panay to the Bisaya for a golden necklace. It is a living legend, one that is taught in homes and not in schools.
In actuality, Balanghais and other Sri-Visayan artifacts such as the golden tiara (not a golden salakot) have been dug up in Butuan, that indicate that Sri-Visaya had a presence in what today is the Philippines as far back as the 900s. Since the Philippines was directly in the trade route between the Sri Visayan capital of Palembang Sumatra and China , the Sri Visayans had to establish some kind of presence here, as indicated by such artifacts. Near the end of the Empire, the waves of Visayan migrations are remembered in our culture with legends such as the 10 datus (and officially in Ming Dynasty records).
While not literally accurate, and while these early Visayan migrants must have intermarried with other peoples, the legend carries a kernel of truth that we Visayans should be aware of:
That our ethnic identity is directly derived from the peoples of the great Sri-Visayan Empire, the longest lasting Empire in the world. We actually carry its name, passed on to us present-day Visayans for generations spanning more than a thousand years! Few ethnic peoples could boast of such a claim.
Let us do our ethnic ancestors proud!
After all these years we Visayans still carry the ethnic identity of this Empire. We are not told of this in our schools, controlled by Manila-based institutions, yet every child growing up in the Visayas and most parts of Mindanao is still imbibed with the ethnic identity of being ‘Bisaya’ for as long as he or she speaks one of the Visayan languages.
Next time someone from Manila or a Tagalista or plain ‘Taga-Ilog’ degrades our languages, culture, and identity, or insists on us speaking their language as it is in their opinion the ‘national language’, remember that. We Visayans had a long and glorious history beginning more than a thousand years before Magellan ever set foot here.
Mga Kasimanwa, do teach our Visayan languages to our children at home so that they will grow up as Visayans, and let us always lobby for the formal teaching of our languages in our schools!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Saturday, 05 September 2009
FASTLANES: Rizal’s Tasio on Noynoy
(by BenCyrus G. Ellorin)
BANGKOK, Thailand (MindaNews/04 September)– “I honor the father on account of the son and not the son on account of the father.” - Jose Rizal in Noli Me Tangere, Chapter 14, English translation by Charles Derbyshire, 1912. The shallowness in our appreciation and analysis of social realities especially in the realm of politics is already synonymous to absurdity.
It betrays the Philippines’ glorious moments like when it won the revolution for independence against 333 years of Spanish Colonialism more than a hundred years ago and when we started the tide of bloodless regime changes all over the world with the People’s Power Revolution that toppled the diabolic dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986.
This shallowness may bespeak of our inferior social analysis skills to the point that it insults the profundity of the inspirations and sacrifices of Ninoy and Cory Aquino, two beacons of struggle for democracy.
I don’t know if it is lack of imagination or evil idolatry that is behind this looming movement to thrust Noynoy Aquino, Ninoy’s and Cory’s only son to run for President.
In light of the present circus in Philippine politics more than 120 years after the publication of the Dr. Jose Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere (Social Cancer), it may be fitting to revisit even just a chapter of the book, Chapter 14.
Tasio or Don Anastasio is an important character in Noli Me Tangere. He is an intelligent person coming from a rich family turned cynical by his frustrations over the rotteness of the country under Spain. His character gave scathing and accurate commentaries on the excesses and decadence of the theocratic Spanish colonial government.
Rizal’s creation of the character of Tasio is thought provoking and may provide some wisdom as we near the 2010 elections.
In one scene, a merry Tasio got a sarcastic remark from the Gobernadorcillo.
“The storm? Are you thinking of taking a bath?” said the Gobernadorcillo.
To which Tasio replied: “A bath? Not a bad idea, especially when one has just stumbled over some trash.”
The cynical Tasio was actually in “merry mood” as he was looking for something better like a storm which will bring “thunderbolts that will kill people and burn down houses.”
Throughout the book Rizal played magically with ironies and paradox and that scene was a paradox about the country under Spain. That it was in a worst situation than being hit by a vicious storm. It could also be the expression of exasperation “matamaan ka sana ng kidlat,” “makilatan ka unta” (may you be hit by lighting).
Tasio’s conversation with two sakristans (altar boys) who were later prominently portrayed by Rizal in the novel as Crispin and Basilio, children of the destitute mother Sisa is a livid commentary on the sufferings of Inang Bayan (Motherland) under the Spanish cross and sword.
What caught me as most fitting for our political situation and political exercises (in futility, I hope not) was Tasio’s conversation with Dona Teodora Vina about the arrival of Crisostomo Ibarra, son of the Don Rafael, a respectable elite who died after unjustly put behind bars at the behest of the vile friar Padre Damaso.
In a stirring rebuke to hypocritical sympathies and patronage, Tasio made it clear that he was not at all excited with the arrival of the son of Don Rafael, even as held the elder Ibarra in very high esteem.
“Ya Saba V., Senora, que no soy partidario de la monarquia hereditaria... honro al padre por el hijo pero no al hijo por el padre. Que cada uno reciba el premio el castigo por sus obras no por las de los otros.” (“But, madam, I am not a believer in hereditary monarchy. I honor the father on account of the son and not the son on account of the father. I believe that each one should receive the reward or punishment for his own deeds, not for those of another.”)
I have observed Noynoy at close range both in the August Hall of Congress and in meetings during the Congressional hearings of the second Impeachment of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as one of the citizen complainants of the 2006 complaint. To be clear about it, Noynoy is not a bad politician, neither can he be considered as a brilliant one. If that episode in our history is to be a measure, he paled in comparison to young oppositionists like Chiz Escudero and Alan Peter Cayetano, and even to the shouting TG Guingona.
We can go further, and a check with his lawmaking performance in the House of Representatives and now in the Senate wouldn’t make anyone grin with excitement either. Without the shining stars of his venerable parents Ninoy and Cory, Noynoy is a lackluster politician.
There are already many bugheads in the presidentiable list, the addition of another lackluster politician may not be comforting and not at all compelling.
With the country’s current unemployment rate at more than 30%, many Filipinos are hopelessly wandering in the streets or have chosen to abandon ship and find greener pastures elsewhere in the world as opportunity for upward social mobility seems to be exclusively franchised to the scions of the elites.
Thus the challenge for the 2010 elections if genuine political change is to be attained is for it to transcend patronage and transactional politics. It should be beyond entertainment and idolatrous hero worship.
There are many out there who have by far shown genuine vision and solid plans for the country but are not considered as mainstream to Philippines politics. They are definitely what we need now.
Otherwise, more than 120 years after Noli Me Tangere we as a nation is still a caricature of that distraught and destitute mother Sisa frantically shouting “Crispin! Basilio!” in some mortifying talent show of a barrio beauty pageant somewhere.
(Thanks! Segunda del Mar -INM WashingtonDC for forwarding this message)
FASTLANES: Rizal’s Tasio on Noynoy
(by BenCyrus G. Ellorin)
BANGKOK, Thailand (MindaNews/04 September)– “I honor the father on account of the son and not the son on account of the father.” - Jose Rizal in Noli Me Tangere, Chapter 14, English translation by Charles Derbyshire, 1912. The shallowness in our appreciation and analysis of social realities especially in the realm of politics is already synonymous to absurdity.
It betrays the Philippines’ glorious moments like when it won the revolution for independence against 333 years of Spanish Colonialism more than a hundred years ago and when we started the tide of bloodless regime changes all over the world with the People’s Power Revolution that toppled the diabolic dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986.
This shallowness may bespeak of our inferior social analysis skills to the point that it insults the profundity of the inspirations and sacrifices of Ninoy and Cory Aquino, two beacons of struggle for democracy.
I don’t know if it is lack of imagination or evil idolatry that is behind this looming movement to thrust Noynoy Aquino, Ninoy’s and Cory’s only son to run for President.
In light of the present circus in Philippine politics more than 120 years after the publication of the Dr. Jose Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere (Social Cancer), it may be fitting to revisit even just a chapter of the book, Chapter 14.
Tasio or Don Anastasio is an important character in Noli Me Tangere. He is an intelligent person coming from a rich family turned cynical by his frustrations over the rotteness of the country under Spain. His character gave scathing and accurate commentaries on the excesses and decadence of the theocratic Spanish colonial government.
Rizal’s creation of the character of Tasio is thought provoking and may provide some wisdom as we near the 2010 elections.
In one scene, a merry Tasio got a sarcastic remark from the Gobernadorcillo.
“The storm? Are you thinking of taking a bath?” said the Gobernadorcillo.
To which Tasio replied: “A bath? Not a bad idea, especially when one has just stumbled over some trash.”
The cynical Tasio was actually in “merry mood” as he was looking for something better like a storm which will bring “thunderbolts that will kill people and burn down houses.”
Throughout the book Rizal played magically with ironies and paradox and that scene was a paradox about the country under Spain. That it was in a worst situation than being hit by a vicious storm. It could also be the expression of exasperation “matamaan ka sana ng kidlat,” “makilatan ka unta” (may you be hit by lighting).
Tasio’s conversation with two sakristans (altar boys) who were later prominently portrayed by Rizal in the novel as Crispin and Basilio, children of the destitute mother Sisa is a livid commentary on the sufferings of Inang Bayan (Motherland) under the Spanish cross and sword.
What caught me as most fitting for our political situation and political exercises (in futility, I hope not) was Tasio’s conversation with Dona Teodora Vina about the arrival of Crisostomo Ibarra, son of the Don Rafael, a respectable elite who died after unjustly put behind bars at the behest of the vile friar Padre Damaso.
In a stirring rebuke to hypocritical sympathies and patronage, Tasio made it clear that he was not at all excited with the arrival of the son of Don Rafael, even as held the elder Ibarra in very high esteem.
“Ya Saba V., Senora, que no soy partidario de la monarquia hereditaria... honro al padre por el hijo pero no al hijo por el padre. Que cada uno reciba el premio el castigo por sus obras no por las de los otros.” (“But, madam, I am not a believer in hereditary monarchy. I honor the father on account of the son and not the son on account of the father. I believe that each one should receive the reward or punishment for his own deeds, not for those of another.”)
I have observed Noynoy at close range both in the August Hall of Congress and in meetings during the Congressional hearings of the second Impeachment of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as one of the citizen complainants of the 2006 complaint. To be clear about it, Noynoy is not a bad politician, neither can he be considered as a brilliant one. If that episode in our history is to be a measure, he paled in comparison to young oppositionists like Chiz Escudero and Alan Peter Cayetano, and even to the shouting TG Guingona.
We can go further, and a check with his lawmaking performance in the House of Representatives and now in the Senate wouldn’t make anyone grin with excitement either. Without the shining stars of his venerable parents Ninoy and Cory, Noynoy is a lackluster politician.
There are already many bugheads in the presidentiable list, the addition of another lackluster politician may not be comforting and not at all compelling.
With the country’s current unemployment rate at more than 30%, many Filipinos are hopelessly wandering in the streets or have chosen to abandon ship and find greener pastures elsewhere in the world as opportunity for upward social mobility seems to be exclusively franchised to the scions of the elites.
Thus the challenge for the 2010 elections if genuine political change is to be attained is for it to transcend patronage and transactional politics. It should be beyond entertainment and idolatrous hero worship.
There are many out there who have by far shown genuine vision and solid plans for the country but are not considered as mainstream to Philippines politics. They are definitely what we need now.
Otherwise, more than 120 years after Noli Me Tangere we as a nation is still a caricature of that distraught and destitute mother Sisa frantically shouting “Crispin! Basilio!” in some mortifying talent show of a barrio beauty pageant somewhere.
(Thanks! Segunda del Mar -INM WashingtonDC for forwarding this message)
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Stop Coal Plants ... Or Else!
(Ni Agurang Rebohan - Abril 3, 2008)
Here, lies Iloilo, where once a cheerful, charming and creative people lived enjoying its bountiful natural resources.
The beauty of iloilo slowly and painfully faded away. The rich blue color of the waters turned black, the fresh air became poisonous, the crops and delightful marine sanctuaries were destroyed, and the once rich agricultural lands lay parched and bare.
It was two decades ago, that the City government allowed Panay Power Corporaton - Metro Bank to install the coal fired power plants in Iloilo City. They said that it was "for the betterment and progress of Iloilo" because coal power plants will address electricity shortages, lower the cost of electricity and bring in investment to Iloilo. Investments came but more on the pollutive types with strip mining at the forefront in Guimaras and Northern Iloilo.
When the coal power plants started operations, seawater immediately intruded in the aquifiers causing severe water crises in Metro Iloilo. Fishponds made unproductive with ash falls, fish fries became scarce and fish catch suffered when the seawater around the power plants heated up by about 3 degrees Celsius. Acid mists are constantrly felt in the sorrounding communities of the power plants.
The cost of electricity never went down, it even shoot up when the price of coal and freight tripled in less than 5 years. Power blackouts are now common because of problems in sourcing supply as Australia and Indonesia drastically cut their coal exports.
Seawater rose and much of the City is constantly inundated with dengue and other vector borne diseases claiming thousand of lives evey year. Climate has been unpredictable with heavy rainfall causing flashfloods and landslides and ultra-strong typhoons damaging homes and infrastructures.
Health advisories have been issued against eating fish, seashells and other marine products because of high levels of mercury, lead and other heavy metals contamination. Cancer, heart and lung ailments are now widespread with early and unexplained death common to every family in Iloilo. Children are observed with learning disabilities and psychiatric problems rampant.
Woe to the generation that allowed the establishment of the coal-fired power plants, why did they allow this monstrosity to happen? Why were their leaders so selfish and uncaring that they sacrificed Iloilo to ruthless growth?
Here lies Iloilo, abandoned and forgotten. A once proud and noble people but their leaders have forsaken them.
Hi! Melvin, due to senior intellectual interlude I must have inadvertently over-looked posting this item of April last year while in Iloilo. My apologies! --- agurang dinggol.d~~~
(Ni Agurang Rebohan - Abril 3, 2008)
Here, lies Iloilo, where once a cheerful, charming and creative people lived enjoying its bountiful natural resources.
The beauty of iloilo slowly and painfully faded away. The rich blue color of the waters turned black, the fresh air became poisonous, the crops and delightful marine sanctuaries were destroyed, and the once rich agricultural lands lay parched and bare.
It was two decades ago, that the City government allowed Panay Power Corporaton - Metro Bank to install the coal fired power plants in Iloilo City. They said that it was "for the betterment and progress of Iloilo" because coal power plants will address electricity shortages, lower the cost of electricity and bring in investment to Iloilo. Investments came but more on the pollutive types with strip mining at the forefront in Guimaras and Northern Iloilo.
When the coal power plants started operations, seawater immediately intruded in the aquifiers causing severe water crises in Metro Iloilo. Fishponds made unproductive with ash falls, fish fries became scarce and fish catch suffered when the seawater around the power plants heated up by about 3 degrees Celsius. Acid mists are constantrly felt in the sorrounding communities of the power plants.
The cost of electricity never went down, it even shoot up when the price of coal and freight tripled in less than 5 years. Power blackouts are now common because of problems in sourcing supply as Australia and Indonesia drastically cut their coal exports.
Seawater rose and much of the City is constantly inundated with dengue and other vector borne diseases claiming thousand of lives evey year. Climate has been unpredictable with heavy rainfall causing flashfloods and landslides and ultra-strong typhoons damaging homes and infrastructures.
Health advisories have been issued against eating fish, seashells and other marine products because of high levels of mercury, lead and other heavy metals contamination. Cancer, heart and lung ailments are now widespread with early and unexplained death common to every family in Iloilo. Children are observed with learning disabilities and psychiatric problems rampant.
Woe to the generation that allowed the establishment of the coal-fired power plants, why did they allow this monstrosity to happen? Why were their leaders so selfish and uncaring that they sacrificed Iloilo to ruthless growth?
Here lies Iloilo, abandoned and forgotten. A once proud and noble people but their leaders have forsaken them.
Hi! Melvin, due to senior intellectual interlude I must have inadvertently over-looked posting this item of April last year while in Iloilo. My apologies! --- agurang dinggol.d~~~
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Message from Bago City, Negros Occidental-Philippines
From: jimmy araneta
Subject: [aranetaclan] The DIFFERENCE!! !!
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 4:38 AM
Here is a good article sent by Dr. Arsenio Martin of Fort Arthur , Texas ...
Enjoy reading.
The difference between the poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country:
This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt , that are more than 2000 years old, but are poor.
On the other hand, Canada , Australia & New Zealand , that 150 years ago were inexpressive, today are developed countries, and are rich.
The difference between poor & rich countries does not reside in the available natural resources.
Japan has a limited territory, 80% mountainous, inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second world economy. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw materials from the whole world and exporting manufactured products.
Another example is Switzerland , which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate in the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil during 4 months per year. Not enough, they produce dairy products of the best quality! It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order & labor, which made it the world's strongest, safest place. Or Finland a small country with small population who is known the world over as the maker of the cellphone brand NOKIA
Executives from rich countries who communicate with their counterparts in poor countries show that there is no significant intellectual difference.
Race or skin color are also not important: immigrants labeled lazy in their countries of origin are the productive power in rich European countries.
What is the difference then? The difference is the attitude of the people, framed along the years by the education & the culture & flawed tradition.
On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, we find that the great majority follow the following principles in their lives:
1. Honesty, as a basic principle.
2. Integrity.
3. Responsibility.
4. Respect to the laws & rules.
5. Respect for the rights of others
6. Creativity & Work ethics.
7. Strive for savings & investment.
8. Will of super action.
9. Punctuality.
10. and of course...Discipline
In poor countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life.
The Philippines is not poor because we lack natural resources or because nature was cruel to us. In fact, we are supposedly rich in natural resources.
We are poor because we lack the correct attitude. We lack the will to comply with and teach these functional principles of rich & developed societies.
If you do not forward this message nothing will happen to you. Your pet will not die, you will not be fired, you will not have bad luck for seven years, and also, you will not get sick or go hungry.
But those may happen because of your lack of discipline & laziness,
your love for intrigue and politics, your indifference to saving for the future, your stubborn attitude.
If you love your country, let this message circulate so that many Filipinos could reflect about this, & CHANGE, ACT!
Jimmy Araneta
Salamat! Primo Jimmy, for transmitting this article "The Difference !!!!".
Excerpted: "...What is the difference then? The difference is the attitude of the people, framed along the years by the education & the culture & flawed tradition... ."
Here's a portion of "Huwag Magpakatuta! !" published on October 1, 2007 in "Ang Pungsod Ilonggo" newsletter of the Ilonggo Nation Movement at www.ilonggoNation. blogspot. com that is relevant to the issue at hand;
" ...In recent history many Illustrados and scholars were housed, hosted and co-opted with the "Victors" --the early Colonizers and the Imperialists who came to fulfill our Manifest Destiny. This created a group of historians, the minions or "tuta" as propagandists with blind loyalty to their former Masters.-- at least for now. The Land of the Rising Sun also almost succeeded to implant their own brand of "our" history for future Filipino generations.
Ever since these lackey’s brain washing materials were adopted in Philippine Educational System, our grade school pupils learned and sang with negative notion: "I was poorly born on the top of the mountain"; My Nipa Hut is very small and Planting Rice is never fun". We know more about the history of the American Revolution and heroes; sang the Star Spangled Banner with patriotic fervor and Dreamt of a White Christmas. Worst, we had to pay fine for speaking our very own language in school campuses. The Good Manners and Right Conduct, a seperate Subject in Elementary Classes of the yesteryears was stricken-out in school curriculum.
Engrained in the minds of students, is a history of a failed Revolution, but glamorizing exploits of the Luzon Revolucionarios or losers. While the defeat and documented formal surrender of Spain to the victorious Independent Federal Visayan Republic; and the heroic saga of the unconquered Bangsa Moro Nation in Mindanao ---are scarely, if ever mentioned in school text books and only relegated to the dustbin of history. Thus, only to become a travesty of the past and lost in the hazy twilight of our memories.
These people even have the gall to initiate ahead the construction of Magellan shrine to be revered by Filipinos while naming a grouper fish "Lapu-Lapu" -- after our foremost hero, whose statue was erected very much later.
Presently, most of us still suffer the hang-over of Magellan discovering the "Islas" and W.H. Scott converts insistence of early Malay Datus from Borneo emigration to Panay in "Maragtas" a hoax. While ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty chronicles recorded otherwise... ..."
And so, perhaps, the objectionable attitude and incomprehensible character of many of us is anchored on the systematic indoctrination that was effectively implemented sadtong mga traidor nga nagdampig sa mga naglupig sa aton mga katigulangan.
ang sa guihapon... dinggol.d~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~oo0oo~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
From: jimmy araneta
Subject: [aranetaclan] The DIFFERENCE!! !!
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 4:38 AM
Here is a good article sent by Dr. Arsenio Martin of Fort Arthur , Texas ...
Enjoy reading.
The difference between the poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country:
This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt , that are more than 2000 years old, but are poor.
On the other hand, Canada , Australia & New Zealand , that 150 years ago were inexpressive, today are developed countries, and are rich.
The difference between poor & rich countries does not reside in the available natural resources.
Japan has a limited territory, 80% mountainous, inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second world economy. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw materials from the whole world and exporting manufactured products.
Another example is Switzerland , which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate in the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil during 4 months per year. Not enough, they produce dairy products of the best quality! It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order & labor, which made it the world's strongest, safest place. Or Finland a small country with small population who is known the world over as the maker of the cellphone brand NOKIA
Executives from rich countries who communicate with their counterparts in poor countries show that there is no significant intellectual difference.
Race or skin color are also not important: immigrants labeled lazy in their countries of origin are the productive power in rich European countries.
What is the difference then? The difference is the attitude of the people, framed along the years by the education & the culture & flawed tradition.
On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, we find that the great majority follow the following principles in their lives:
1. Honesty, as a basic principle.
2. Integrity.
3. Responsibility.
4. Respect to the laws & rules.
5. Respect for the rights of others
6. Creativity & Work ethics.
7. Strive for savings & investment.
8. Will of super action.
9. Punctuality.
10. and of course...Discipline
In poor countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life.
The Philippines is not poor because we lack natural resources or because nature was cruel to us. In fact, we are supposedly rich in natural resources.
We are poor because we lack the correct attitude. We lack the will to comply with and teach these functional principles of rich & developed societies.
If you do not forward this message nothing will happen to you. Your pet will not die, you will not be fired, you will not have bad luck for seven years, and also, you will not get sick or go hungry.
But those may happen because of your lack of discipline & laziness,
your love for intrigue and politics, your indifference to saving for the future, your stubborn attitude.
If you love your country, let this message circulate so that many Filipinos could reflect about this, & CHANGE, ACT!
Jimmy Araneta
Salamat! Primo Jimmy, for transmitting this article "The Difference !!!!".
Excerpted: "...What is the difference then? The difference is the attitude of the people, framed along the years by the education & the culture & flawed tradition... ."
Here's a portion of "Huwag Magpakatuta! !" published on October 1, 2007 in "Ang Pungsod Ilonggo" newsletter of the Ilonggo Nation Movement at www.ilonggoNation. blogspot. com that is relevant to the issue at hand;
" ...In recent history many Illustrados and scholars were housed, hosted and co-opted with the "Victors" --the early Colonizers and the Imperialists who came to fulfill our Manifest Destiny. This created a group of historians, the minions or "tuta" as propagandists with blind loyalty to their former Masters.-- at least for now. The Land of the Rising Sun also almost succeeded to implant their own brand of "our" history for future Filipino generations.
Ever since these lackey’s brain washing materials were adopted in Philippine Educational System, our grade school pupils learned and sang with negative notion: "I was poorly born on the top of the mountain"; My Nipa Hut is very small and Planting Rice is never fun". We know more about the history of the American Revolution and heroes; sang the Star Spangled Banner with patriotic fervor and Dreamt of a White Christmas. Worst, we had to pay fine for speaking our very own language in school campuses. The Good Manners and Right Conduct, a seperate Subject in Elementary Classes of the yesteryears was stricken-out in school curriculum.
Engrained in the minds of students, is a history of a failed Revolution, but glamorizing exploits of the Luzon Revolucionarios or losers. While the defeat and documented formal surrender of Spain to the victorious Independent Federal Visayan Republic; and the heroic saga of the unconquered Bangsa Moro Nation in Mindanao ---are scarely, if ever mentioned in school text books and only relegated to the dustbin of history. Thus, only to become a travesty of the past and lost in the hazy twilight of our memories.
These people even have the gall to initiate ahead the construction of Magellan shrine to be revered by Filipinos while naming a grouper fish "Lapu-Lapu" -- after our foremost hero, whose statue was erected very much later.
Presently, most of us still suffer the hang-over of Magellan discovering the "Islas" and W.H. Scott converts insistence of early Malay Datus from Borneo emigration to Panay in "Maragtas" a hoax. While ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty chronicles recorded otherwise... ..."
And so, perhaps, the objectionable attitude and incomprehensible character of many of us is anchored on the systematic indoctrination that was effectively implemented sadtong mga traidor nga nagdampig sa mga naglupig sa aton mga katigulangan.
ang sa guihapon... dinggol.d~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~oo0oo~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
A Historical Blunder in the Heart of Iloilo City
(By: dinggol araneta divinagracia - INM Global Network - July 13, 2007)
On December 27, 1898 - A few days after Spain's formal surrender and the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo became independent; thus, achieved the status as a sovereign Nation --a 3,000-strong American military force led by Gen. Marcus Miller arrived in four US warships (USS: Baltimore, Boston, Concord and Petrel) to Iloilo harbor in Fort San Pedro to demand the surrender of the City.
Several negotiations were made but the Ilonggos vehemently refused to surrender their battle scarred freedom and legitimate independence and stood their ground. On February 14, 1899 - After about a week of continued naval bombardment, American troops led by Gen. Robert Hughes landed at Fort San Pedro in Iloilo and took the City by storm. Thus; began another ilonggo war, this time against American invaders.
(Excerpted from: The Philippine-American War as Race War; by Paul A. Kramer)
"...This point was also made at Senate hearings in 1902, when General Hughes described the burning of entire towns by advancing U.S. troops as a means of "punishment, " ---U.S Senator Rawlins inquired: "But is that within the ordinary rules of civilized warfare?" General Hughes replied succinctly: "These people are not civilized."Gen. Robert Hughes admitted he ordered the burning of villages and murder of women and children but he reasoned out that his victims were "not civilized." Describing the Filipinos in racist terms as "Chinese half-breeds" ..."
Sa Ciudad sang Iloilo, may ara kita dira subong isa ka Barangay and a main Street very near Plaza Libertad going to Fort San Pedro, named in honor of this American Military Officer; the Barangay Gen. Robert Hughes and the Gen. Robert Hughes Street. While most Ilonggo leaders of our very own freedom fighters, who offered their lives for future generations are forgotten and do not have up to this day even just a small alley named in their honor...
Hamak Mo Ran Banwa!!!
(N.B. -Gen. Robert Hughes is not the eccentric American Charles Hodges who settled in Iloilo City and operated a big time lending business decades ago.)
(By: dinggol araneta divinagracia - INM Global Network - July 13, 2007)
On December 27, 1898 - A few days after Spain's formal surrender and the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo became independent; thus, achieved the status as a sovereign Nation --a 3,000-strong American military force led by Gen. Marcus Miller arrived in four US warships (USS: Baltimore, Boston, Concord and Petrel) to Iloilo harbor in Fort San Pedro to demand the surrender of the City.
Several negotiations were made but the Ilonggos vehemently refused to surrender their battle scarred freedom and legitimate independence and stood their ground. On February 14, 1899 - After about a week of continued naval bombardment, American troops led by Gen. Robert Hughes landed at Fort San Pedro in Iloilo and took the City by storm. Thus; began another ilonggo war, this time against American invaders.
(Excerpted from: The Philippine-American War as Race War; by Paul A. Kramer)
"...This point was also made at Senate hearings in 1902, when General Hughes described the burning of entire towns by advancing U.S. troops as a means of "punishment, " ---U.S Senator Rawlins inquired: "But is that within the ordinary rules of civilized warfare?" General Hughes replied succinctly: "These people are not civilized."Gen. Robert Hughes admitted he ordered the burning of villages and murder of women and children but he reasoned out that his victims were "not civilized." Describing the Filipinos in racist terms as "Chinese half-breeds" ..."
Sa Ciudad sang Iloilo, may ara kita dira subong isa ka Barangay and a main Street very near Plaza Libertad going to Fort San Pedro, named in honor of this American Military Officer; the Barangay Gen. Robert Hughes and the Gen. Robert Hughes Street. While most Ilonggo leaders of our very own freedom fighters, who offered their lives for future generations are forgotten and do not have up to this day even just a small alley named in their honor...
Hamak Mo Ran Banwa!!!
(N.B. -Gen. Robert Hughes is not the eccentric American Charles Hodges who settled in Iloilo City and operated a big time lending business decades ago.)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Message from Iloilo City-Philippines
Reaction to: History Reborn - The Federal Republic of the Visayas
From: Ramiro F. Esteban
Subject: An eyewitness to our folk heroes
I am an eyewitness to the long forgotten heroes of the Filipino-Spanish war.
I am proud of my forefathers -- Cols. Emilio and Eduardo Esteban who were sent on a mission by the chief of staff of the Visayan Revolutionary Army, Gen Pablo S. Araneta who was the elder brother of Chief Justice Gregorio Araneta, the drafter of the MalolosConstitution.
Gen. Pablo S. Araneta ( whom I affectionately called Lolo Bo ) was a daily visitor of my grandmothers, Consuelo, Pilar and Josefa Locsin Araneta, from the 20s until December1941. A glass of beer is set ready for him as he comes in at 9 after coming from the bank.
He would scan the Spanish dailies, El Sol, El Tiempo and El Debate. After a sumptuos lunch he would take a nap and stay for the evening radio newscast in Spanish at 5. At his late age he was quick with his hands and an expert in "arnis".
Ironically we lived at 161 Gen. Hughes St., the street that extends from the southwest corner of Plaza Libertad to Fort San Pedro.
Pilar Araneta our paternal grandmother was the widow of Col Emilio Esteban.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---
Salamat gid! Tioy Raming, sining mensaje mga imo ginpadala sadto. I was in Iloilo last Feb. 2008 when my mom passed away and was able to meet Cecile but neither you nor tita Emma personally. Basi sa Abril next year matigayod ina, kabay pa! ....matinahuron, dinggol.d~~~
From: Ramiro F. Esteban
Subject: An eyewitness to our folk heroes
I am an eyewitness to the long forgotten heroes of the Filipino-Spanish war.
I am proud of my forefathers -- Cols. Emilio and Eduardo Esteban who were sent on a mission by the chief of staff of the Visayan Revolutionary Army, Gen Pablo S. Araneta who was the elder brother of Chief Justice Gregorio Araneta, the drafter of the MalolosConstitution.
Gen. Pablo S. Araneta ( whom I affectionately called Lolo Bo ) was a daily visitor of my grandmothers, Consuelo, Pilar and Josefa Locsin Araneta, from the 20s until December1941. A glass of beer is set ready for him as he comes in at 9 after coming from the bank.
He would scan the Spanish dailies, El Sol, El Tiempo and El Debate. After a sumptuos lunch he would take a nap and stay for the evening radio newscast in Spanish at 5. At his late age he was quick with his hands and an expert in "arnis".
Ironically we lived at 161 Gen. Hughes St., the street that extends from the southwest corner of Plaza Libertad to Fort San Pedro.
Pilar Araneta our paternal grandmother was the widow of Col Emilio Esteban.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---
Salamat gid! Tioy Raming, sining mensaje mga imo ginpadala sadto. I was in Iloilo last Feb. 2008 when my mom passed away and was able to meet Cecile but neither you nor tita Emma personally. Basi sa Abril next year matigayod ina, kabay pa! ....matinahuron, dinggol.d~~~
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Message from Oklahoma City-USA
From: Francis Benjamin E.
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:43:28
agurang dinggol,
balik ron takon sa cyberspace. ti, maano ruman taton?
(Response by email)
Ay abaw! Agurang Amin, nahidlaw man tamon kanimo bah!
What a coincidence! just a few days ago my internet access has also become relatively normal after more than a year under problematic condition. But now with a new wifi feature, i'll be able to conveniently resume moderating INM Banwa_Mo egroup and push through with the "Ang Pungsod Ilonggo" publication regularly.
Maano ruman taton? --ah ti ano fah! . . . kundi . . .Padayon ang Hublag Ilonggo !!!
Ang sa guihapon ... agurang dinggol~~~
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:43:28
agurang dinggol,
balik ron takon sa cyberspace. ti, maano ruman taton?
(Response by email)
Ay abaw! Agurang Amin, nahidlaw man tamon kanimo bah!
What a coincidence! just a few days ago my internet access has also become relatively normal after more than a year under problematic condition. But now with a new wifi feature, i'll be able to conveniently resume moderating INM Banwa_Mo egroup and push through with the "Ang Pungsod Ilonggo" publication regularly.
Maano ruman taton? --ah ti ano fah! . . . kundi . . .Padayon ang Hublag Ilonggo !!!
Ang sa guihapon ... agurang dinggol~~~
Message from Finland
(Sent thru
"Hello! Agurang Dinggol kmzta taga Passi man tamon and proud to be a member of your INM.
For your information we have also Friendster Ilonggo Nation 27 members with respect kanimo nag pangayo man ko pahintulot nga mag butang grupo sa FS.
Thanks again. Mabuhay Ilonggo Nation....".
Oliver Panes Penaranda Decosto
Helsinki, Finland
(Response by email)
Salamat gid! Oliver sang inyo pagbuylog sa aton kausa....Padayon! Ang hublag ilonggo.... All the best ...dinggol.d~~~.
"Hello! Agurang Dinggol kmzta taga Passi man tamon and proud to be a member of your INM.
For your information we have also Friendster Ilonggo Nation 27 members with respect kanimo nag pangayo man ko pahintulot nga mag butang grupo sa FS.
Thanks again. Mabuhay Ilonggo Nation....".
Oliver Panes Penaranda Decosto
Helsinki, Finland
(Response by email)
Salamat gid! Oliver sang inyo pagbuylog sa aton kausa....Padayon! Ang hublag ilonggo.... All the best ...dinggol.d~~~.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Divinagracias of Dumangas
(By: Dinggol Araneta Divinagracia - June 15, 2009)
This article is written as a tribute to our early ancestors for their bold decision and pioneering spirit that eventually led to the founding of a once upon a time great "Ilonggo" nation; the "Katiringban et Madya-as" or the Confederation of Madya-as.
Likewise, this is prepared in conjunction with the sincere endeavor of my sister Ma. Lina Araneta Divinagracia. Lina actively spearheaded the celebration of the "First" Divinagracia Family Grand Reunion on April 29-30, 2010 in Iloilo, Philippines; a "Going Back to our Roots and Coming Together as One"-- --
The Early History * Genealogy
The Divinagracias of Dumangas, Iloilo (Philippines) are descended from the adventurous seafaring Malays of Kinabatangan in North Borneo. The Maragtas legend explained and the ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty Chronicle confirmed; that sometime between the 13th and 15th century, ten (10) Shri-vijayan datus together with their families, households and subordinates fled Bornay (Borneo) in search of a new life.
Led by the Sultanate Minister Datu Putih they sailed their "balanghai" unto uncertain fate and landed in Siruanga/Sirawagan (San Joaquin-Iloilo) in the island of Aninipay (Panay). They bartered their gold and jewelries with the local "Ati" Chieftain Marikudo for the lowlands, plains and valleys of the island they called "Madya-as" or paradise. The land where time began the birth of the Ilonggo Nation and the cradle of ancient Filipino civilization.
After partitioning Madya-as into Akean (Aklan and Capiz), Irong-irong (Iloilo) and Hamtic (Antique) to be ruled by Datu Bankaya, Paiburong and Sumakwel respectively; Datu Putih and the other tribal leaders settled along the banks of the river by the sea with rich, fertile soil and abundant marine products and they called the place "Araut".
Thereafter, the council of elders established the "Katiringban et Madya-as" or the Confederation of Madya-as headed by Datu Sumakwel. This confederated political form of governance preceded great nations in Europe and the Americas, including the USA.
Excerpted from: Chronology of the Ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty and Islamic Influences by Ghou Zhongli.
"...1433 AD - A Seven-Datu-Council codified the Code of Kalantiaw (by Kalantiaw) and the Maragtas Code (by Sumakwel) for the people of Panay Island; Three Adatus from the original ten who came to Panay left for Batangas and Mindoro; Datu Putih was one of them but eventually returned to North Borneo from where no trace of him was found...."
Years later, one of his Malay grandson Raja-mun together with his family left Araut and settled in Kaputatan (Pototan-Iloilo); while his closest brother Raja-il stayed behind. Historians believed that when the Spaniards first came during the hot summer of 1565, they found the "noble bearing" Malay settlers in Araut to be warm-hearted, friendly and hospitable. Thus, they renamed Araut "Dumangas" (Naga duga ang mangas)..-which means "Very warm" There are other interpretations on how Dumangas got its present name.
Excerpted from Jose Rizal's essay "The Indolence of the Filipinos" originally written in Spanish and published in La Solidaridad on September 15, 1890 (English translation by Charles Derbyshire.
"..Part Three"...Wherefore, Gaspar de San Agustin says: "Although anciently there were in this town of Dumangas many people, in the course of time they have very greatly diminished because the natives are the best sailors and most skillful rowers on the whole coast, and so the governors in the port of Iloilo take most of the people from this town for the ships that they send abroad..."
To facilitate governmental administrative functions; primarily the collection of taxes and because native names did not favor the ignorant ears and indolent tongues of the Spanish conquistadores, Governor General Don Narciso Claveria y Zaldua issued an Executive Edict on November 21, 1849; that forced our complacent ancestors to change their names and adopted the surname "Divinagracia".
The first recorded Divinagracia, that I know was Don Ruperto Divinagracia , the third Gobernadorcillo "Alcalde naturales" of Dumangas --who I postulated as the father of Crisostomo Alarcon Divinagracia and his siblings.
Crisostomo popularly known as "Capitan Omong" married Lucia "Siyay" Dolar. Both belong to the landed gentry in Dumangas. They have twelve(12) children, namely: Lino, Eulalio, Angela, Veronica, Jose, Exequiel, Tomas, Felomina, Eulalia, Felipe, Mateo and Ignacia. "Tan Omong" the Capitan Municipal of the Principalia and tax collector for the Spanish authorities, was well-respected and loved by the town folks. So that his poor "kasimanwas" be spared from conscription or forced labor, either to work in the haciendas of encomienderos and frailes or construction of churches, he would oftentimes pay on their behalf cartloads of his own palay harvest.
His generosity was well known and considered providential by early Dumangueños, a "Divine Grace" ---that earned him the appropriate family name "DIVINAGRACIA". Interestingly, "Tan Omongs" sister Felipa Divinagracia was also married to Lucias brother, Gabriel Dolar. They are the children of "Cabeza" Don Pedro Dolar and Ignacia Diamante of the "Cabeceria del Santa Cruz" colloquially called "Barrio Lublub" ---presently named the "Barangay Purificacion Dolar Monfort North".. Gabriel and Felipa Divinagracia-Dolar have five (5) children: Mariano, Urbano, Mathias, Vicenta and Brigida.
At the turn of the 19th century, Crisostomos' brother Juan A. Divinagracia left Dumangas to venture in Manila. While some of his descendants came back, others spread in the CALABARZON AREA of Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon(Tayabas) Province; the Bicol Region and other parts of Luzon.
His other brother Jose Gregorio A. Divinagracia also left Dumangas and settled permanently in Lapaz and later served as "Oficial del Municipeo". The Divinagracia Street (Barangay Divinagracia) in Lapaz, Iloilo City was named after him. He has four sons; Rafael, Gerardo, Jose and Francisco. Rafael join the successful 1898 revolution against Spanish colonialism and later fought against U.S. invasion of Iloilo. He fled to Luzon when the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo fizzled-out due to American forces more superior weaponry. The last leader of the sovereign Visayan Republic( the first in Asia) to surrender was Gen. Quintin Dicen Salas of Dumangas. During the late 1960s' , I got acquainted with Gerardo "Gerry" Divinagracia from Lapaz while we were both connected with an Insurance Company. He related to me his ancestor came from Dumangas but the family consider themselves "tumandok sang Lapaz" and that they have many relatives in northern and central Iloilo, Capiz,, Negros and Cebu. It is regretable we never talked curiously about our common ancestry.
According to the late Jose "Junior Bina" Divinagracia of the Iloilo Bureau of Customs, his grandfather and namesake was a soldier of fortune who eventually became Mayor in Mindanao. If senior intellectual interlude serves me right, it was a Municipeo in the old Cotabato Province. Some of Mayor Divinagracia's descendants returned to Iloilo while others stayed permanently in Cotabato; sub-divided on July 15, 1903 (Act No.787) into (North) Cotabato, South Cotabato, Maguindanao, Sultan Kudarat and Sarangani.-----still other descendants transferred to Bukidnon, Davao, Zamboanga and other areas in the south.
Francisco Divinagracia married Casimira Gumabong and settled in the Gumabong's family estate located near the present boundary of Molo and City Proper. They have seven (7) children, namely: Leopoldo, Pamfilo, Francisco, Daniel, Nehemias, Leoncia and Samson.
During the early part of the 1900s, Francisco Divinagracia, dubbed as Iloilo's "Calesa King" gave-up his lucrative horse-driven transport business to enter the religious order. He actively participated in many missionary works conducted by the protestant congregation in the hinterlands of the Visayas. Francisco Divinagracia has the distinction as the first Filipino to be ordained Minister of the Baptist Church in the Philippines.
(Nota bene: The subject of (early) genealogy is not an exact science. Therefore; changes and revisions may occur, as new data with concrete evidence in antiquity are discovered and formally presented hereinafter.)
Acknowledgement:I wish to acknowledge the invaluable contributions provided directly or indirectly by Fred, Pol and Louie, all surnamed Divinagracia. Salamat gid!
It should be noted, that Genealogical Diagram (family tree) of our early Divinagracia ancestors are presently being procured and up-dated. Thanks! to Emilie Roldan Divinagracia-Riviere and Paolo Divinagracia-Araneta Evidente who are both enthusiastic to facilitate for posterity this noble undertaking "Gratis et Amore". Go to
Divinagracia clan members are invited to join moderated by Ann Roldan Divinagracia for up-dates on the impending First Grand Family Reunion. Enjoy social networking with relatives at initiated by Claudine"Din-Din"Divinagracia-Araneta Masilongan and Ramon "Nonoy" Duremdes,Jr.
Likewise, visit the official family website at: created and monitored by Andrew"Andoy" Divinagracia-Araneta Evidente (Divinagracia Family Logo Designer) ---so that the brotherhood of our ancestors may continue to future generations.
Padayon! ang kaliwat Divinagracia sang Dumangas..."Magtipon kag Mag-ugyon" ...PADAYON!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oo0oo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(By: Dinggol Araneta Divinagracia - June 15, 2009)
This article is written as a tribute to our early ancestors for their bold decision and pioneering spirit that eventually led to the founding of a once upon a time great "Ilonggo" nation; the "Katiringban et Madya-as" or the Confederation of Madya-as.
Likewise, this is prepared in conjunction with the sincere endeavor of my sister Ma. Lina Araneta Divinagracia. Lina actively spearheaded the celebration of the "First" Divinagracia Family Grand Reunion on April 29-30, 2010 in Iloilo, Philippines; a "Going Back to our Roots and Coming Together as One"-- --
The Early History * Genealogy
The Divinagracias of Dumangas, Iloilo (Philippines) are descended from the adventurous seafaring Malays of Kinabatangan in North Borneo. The Maragtas legend explained and the ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty Chronicle confirmed; that sometime between the 13th and 15th century, ten (10) Shri-vijayan datus together with their families, households and subordinates fled Bornay (Borneo) in search of a new life.
Led by the Sultanate Minister Datu Putih they sailed their "balanghai" unto uncertain fate and landed in Siruanga/Sirawagan (San Joaquin-Iloilo) in the island of Aninipay (Panay). They bartered their gold and jewelries with the local "Ati" Chieftain Marikudo for the lowlands, plains and valleys of the island they called "Madya-as" or paradise. The land where time began the birth of the Ilonggo Nation and the cradle of ancient Filipino civilization.
After partitioning Madya-as into Akean (Aklan and Capiz), Irong-irong (Iloilo) and Hamtic (Antique) to be ruled by Datu Bankaya, Paiburong and Sumakwel respectively; Datu Putih and the other tribal leaders settled along the banks of the river by the sea with rich, fertile soil and abundant marine products and they called the place "Araut".
Thereafter, the council of elders established the "Katiringban et Madya-as" or the Confederation of Madya-as headed by Datu Sumakwel. This confederated political form of governance preceded great nations in Europe and the Americas, including the USA.
Excerpted from: Chronology of the Ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty and Islamic Influences by Ghou Zhongli.
"...1433 AD - A Seven-Datu-Council codified the Code of Kalantiaw (by Kalantiaw) and the Maragtas Code (by Sumakwel) for the people of Panay Island; Three Adatus from the original ten who came to Panay left for Batangas and Mindoro; Datu Putih was one of them but eventually returned to North Borneo from where no trace of him was found...."
Years later, one of his Malay grandson Raja-mun together with his family left Araut and settled in Kaputatan (Pototan-Iloilo); while his closest brother Raja-il stayed behind. Historians believed that when the Spaniards first came during the hot summer of 1565, they found the "noble bearing" Malay settlers in Araut to be warm-hearted, friendly and hospitable. Thus, they renamed Araut "Dumangas" (Naga duga ang mangas)..-which means "Very warm" There are other interpretations on how Dumangas got its present name.
Excerpted from Jose Rizal's essay "The Indolence of the Filipinos" originally written in Spanish and published in La Solidaridad on September 15, 1890 (English translation by Charles Derbyshire.
"..Part Three"...Wherefore, Gaspar de San Agustin says: "Although anciently there were in this town of Dumangas many people, in the course of time they have very greatly diminished because the natives are the best sailors and most skillful rowers on the whole coast, and so the governors in the port of Iloilo take most of the people from this town for the ships that they send abroad..."
To facilitate governmental administrative functions; primarily the collection of taxes and because native names did not favor the ignorant ears and indolent tongues of the Spanish conquistadores, Governor General Don Narciso Claveria y Zaldua issued an Executive Edict on November 21, 1849; that forced our complacent ancestors to change their names and adopted the surname "Divinagracia".
The first recorded Divinagracia, that I know was Don Ruperto Divinagracia , the third Gobernadorcillo "Alcalde naturales" of Dumangas --who I postulated as the father of Crisostomo Alarcon Divinagracia and his siblings.
Crisostomo popularly known as "Capitan Omong" married Lucia "Siyay" Dolar. Both belong to the landed gentry in Dumangas. They have twelve(12) children, namely: Lino, Eulalio, Angela, Veronica, Jose, Exequiel, Tomas, Felomina, Eulalia, Felipe, Mateo and Ignacia. "Tan Omong" the Capitan Municipal of the Principalia and tax collector for the Spanish authorities, was well-respected and loved by the town folks. So that his poor "kasimanwas" be spared from conscription or forced labor, either to work in the haciendas of encomienderos and frailes or construction of churches, he would oftentimes pay on their behalf cartloads of his own palay harvest.
His generosity was well known and considered providential by early Dumangueños, a "Divine Grace" ---that earned him the appropriate family name "DIVINAGRACIA". Interestingly, "Tan Omongs" sister Felipa Divinagracia was also married to Lucias brother, Gabriel Dolar. They are the children of "Cabeza" Don Pedro Dolar and Ignacia Diamante of the "Cabeceria del Santa Cruz" colloquially called "Barrio Lublub" ---presently named the "Barangay Purificacion Dolar Monfort North".. Gabriel and Felipa Divinagracia-Dolar have five (5) children: Mariano, Urbano, Mathias, Vicenta and Brigida.
At the turn of the 19th century, Crisostomos' brother Juan A. Divinagracia left Dumangas to venture in Manila. While some of his descendants came back, others spread in the CALABARZON AREA of Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon(Tayabas) Province; the Bicol Region and other parts of Luzon.
His other brother Jose Gregorio A. Divinagracia also left Dumangas and settled permanently in Lapaz and later served as "Oficial del Municipeo". The Divinagracia Street (Barangay Divinagracia) in Lapaz, Iloilo City was named after him. He has four sons; Rafael, Gerardo, Jose and Francisco. Rafael join the successful 1898 revolution against Spanish colonialism and later fought against U.S. invasion of Iloilo. He fled to Luzon when the Federal Republic of the Visayas based in Iloilo fizzled-out due to American forces more superior weaponry. The last leader of the sovereign Visayan Republic( the first in Asia) to surrender was Gen. Quintin Dicen Salas of Dumangas. During the late 1960s' , I got acquainted with Gerardo "Gerry" Divinagracia from Lapaz while we were both connected with an Insurance Company. He related to me his ancestor came from Dumangas but the family consider themselves "tumandok sang Lapaz" and that they have many relatives in northern and central Iloilo, Capiz,, Negros and Cebu. It is regretable we never talked curiously about our common ancestry.
According to the late Jose "Junior Bina" Divinagracia of the Iloilo Bureau of Customs, his grandfather and namesake was a soldier of fortune who eventually became Mayor in Mindanao. If senior intellectual interlude serves me right, it was a Municipeo in the old Cotabato Province. Some of Mayor Divinagracia's descendants returned to Iloilo while others stayed permanently in Cotabato; sub-divided on July 15, 1903 (Act No.787) into (North) Cotabato, South Cotabato, Maguindanao, Sultan Kudarat and Sarangani.-----still other descendants transferred to Bukidnon, Davao, Zamboanga and other areas in the south.
Francisco Divinagracia married Casimira Gumabong and settled in the Gumabong's family estate located near the present boundary of Molo and City Proper. They have seven (7) children, namely: Leopoldo, Pamfilo, Francisco, Daniel, Nehemias, Leoncia and Samson.
During the early part of the 1900s, Francisco Divinagracia, dubbed as Iloilo's "Calesa King" gave-up his lucrative horse-driven transport business to enter the religious order. He actively participated in many missionary works conducted by the protestant congregation in the hinterlands of the Visayas. Francisco Divinagracia has the distinction as the first Filipino to be ordained Minister of the Baptist Church in the Philippines.
(Nota bene: The subject of (early) genealogy is not an exact science. Therefore; changes and revisions may occur, as new data with concrete evidence in antiquity are discovered and formally presented hereinafter.)
Acknowledgement:I wish to acknowledge the invaluable contributions provided directly or indirectly by Fred, Pol and Louie, all surnamed Divinagracia. Salamat gid!
It should be noted, that Genealogical Diagram (family tree) of our early Divinagracia ancestors are presently being procured and up-dated. Thanks! to Emilie Roldan Divinagracia-Riviere and Paolo Divinagracia-Araneta Evidente who are both enthusiastic to facilitate for posterity this noble undertaking "Gratis et Amore". Go to
Divinagracia clan members are invited to join moderated by Ann Roldan Divinagracia for up-dates on the impending First Grand Family Reunion. Enjoy social networking with relatives at initiated by Claudine"Din-Din"Divinagracia-Araneta Masilongan and Ramon "Nonoy" Duremdes,Jr.
Likewise, visit the official family website at: created and monitored by Andrew"Andoy" Divinagracia-Araneta Evidente (Divinagracia Family Logo Designer) ---so that the brotherhood of our ancestors may continue to future generations.
Padayon! ang kaliwat Divinagracia sang Dumangas..."Magtipon kag Mag-ugyon" ...PADAYON!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oo0oo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
[ilonggo_taton] Hiligaynon and Kapampangan team up
--- On Thu, 3/26/09, Jason Paul Laxamana wrote:
From: Jason Paul Laxamana
Subject: [ilonggo_taton] Hiligaynon and Kapampangan team up
Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 10:40 PM
Two Ilonggo-Kapampangan RnB songs (recorded separately @ iloilo city and angeles city, to produce the first regional-language- collaboration contemporary tracks in Phil Music history)... Coming soon!
Delayed Response (June 24, 2009)
Salamat! Jason for your initiative on this worthwhile endeavor. Looking forward for this historic musical event.
More Power! to our affiliate the Ilonggo_Taton eGroup.
Good luck! ...dinggol.d~~~
(To view next article/s, please click! BLOG ARCHIVE (for JUNE) at right hand corner below this page)
From: Jason Paul Laxamana
Subject: [ilonggo_taton] Hiligaynon and Kapampangan team up
Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 10:40 PM
Two Ilonggo-Kapampangan RnB songs (recorded separately @ iloilo city and angeles city, to produce the first regional-language- collaboration contemporary tracks in Phil Music history)... Coming soon!
Delayed Response (June 24, 2009)
Salamat! Jason for your initiative on this worthwhile endeavor. Looking forward for this historic musical event.
More Power! to our affiliate the Ilonggo_Taton eGroup.
Good luck! ...dinggol.d~~~
(To view next article/s, please click! BLOG ARCHIVE (for JUNE) at right hand corner below this page)
Ilonggo Nation Membership
From: jacinto largo
Received: Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 8:51 PM
Masinadyahon nga pagtamyaw sa imo Ginoong Dinggol!
Akon nasiplatan ang Ilongo Nation website sang naga surf ako kag nagapangita sang informacion nahanugod sa "Western Visayas Languages."
I wasn't only surprised, but also speechless while viewing and reading the whole contents of the Ilongo Nation website. I couldn't believe before my eyes that it's real and it's happening. It's too good to be true! I had been carrying my resentment against the favoured Luzon and the Tagalog region since I was 12 years old. That was my age when I started reading PHILIPPINE FREE PRESS. I'm now a retired person. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!
So count me in! Please send me full particulars on how to become a member.
Kabay pa nga ang kadalag-an ara sa aton,
Response (June 19, 2009)
Salamat gid! Utod Jacinto sang imo pagtamyaw kag pagkabalaka.
Sending you an invite for membership to INM group home page Banwa_Mo right now.
"Ang Pungsod Ilonggo" INM eNewsletter has been inactive for quite sometime due to massive virus attack on my two desk top computers and negative on internet access for many months.
Ginatinguha ko man nga mangin "Back to normal" ini kag basi sa madali nga panahon matuman gid! (Sa subong naga On-Off pa guihapon)
Padayon ang Hublag Ilonggo!!
Utod dinggol.d~~~
Received: Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 8:51 PM
Masinadyahon nga pagtamyaw sa imo Ginoong Dinggol!
Akon nasiplatan ang Ilongo Nation website sang naga surf ako kag nagapangita sang informacion nahanugod sa "Western Visayas Languages."
I wasn't only surprised, but also speechless while viewing and reading the whole contents of the Ilongo Nation website. I couldn't believe before my eyes that it's real and it's happening. It's too good to be true! I had been carrying my resentment against the favoured Luzon and the Tagalog region since I was 12 years old. That was my age when I started reading PHILIPPINE FREE PRESS. I'm now a retired person. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!
So count me in! Please send me full particulars on how to become a member.
Kabay pa nga ang kadalag-an ara sa aton,
Response (June 19, 2009)
Salamat gid! Utod Jacinto sang imo pagtamyaw kag pagkabalaka.
Sending you an invite for membership to INM group home page Banwa_Mo right now.
"Ang Pungsod Ilonggo" INM eNewsletter has been inactive for quite sometime due to massive virus attack on my two desk top computers and negative on internet access for many months.
Ginatinguha ko man nga mangin "Back to normal" ini kag basi sa madali nga panahon matuman gid! (Sa subong naga On-Off pa guihapon)
Padayon ang Hublag Ilonggo!!
Utod dinggol.d~~~
Under the American Sun
Please visit our website regarding our film documentary on Camp Roxas in Agat, Guam:
Under the American Sun: Camp Roxas Film Project (Agat, Guam, 1946- 1972) will recount a little-known chapter of American history - the story of skilled and unskilled laborers and professionals recruited from the Philippines' Iloilo Province by the United States military to rebuild Guam, devastated by years of Japanese occupation and war.
Thank you.
Bernadette Provido Schumann--
"Under the American Sun" - Camp Roxas Film Project(Agat, Guam: 1946 -1972)Website: www.camproxas.comEmail: camproxasguam@gmail.comBert Sardoma Jr, directorBernie Provido Schumann, producerAlex Munoz, producerJosephine Mallo-Garrido, associate producerNorman Analista, special projects document.
(To view more "Ang Pungsod Ilonggo" articles, please click! BLOG ARCHIVE at right hand corner below this page)
Please visit our website regarding our film documentary on Camp Roxas in Agat, Guam:
Under the American Sun: Camp Roxas Film Project (Agat, Guam, 1946- 1972) will recount a little-known chapter of American history - the story of skilled and unskilled laborers and professionals recruited from the Philippines' Iloilo Province by the United States military to rebuild Guam, devastated by years of Japanese occupation and war.
Thank you.
Bernadette Provido Schumann--
"Under the American Sun" - Camp Roxas Film Project(Agat, Guam: 1946 -1972)Website: www.camproxas.comEmail: camproxasguam@gmail.comBert Sardoma Jr, directorBernie Provido Schumann, producerAlex Munoz, producerJosephine Mallo-Garrido, associate producerNorman Analista, special projects document.
(To view more "Ang Pungsod Ilonggo" articles, please click! BLOG ARCHIVE at right hand corner below this page)
Friday, January 16, 2009
(December 28, 2008)
The "Maragtas" legend explained that sometime between 1200-1250's; ten (10) Malay Datus' together with their families, households and subordinates fled the tyrannical rule of Makatunaw, the Shri-Vijaya Sultan of Bornay (Borneo).
Led by Datu Puti, the Sultanate Minister, they landed in the Island of "Aninipay" or Panay.
They bartered their gold and jewelries with the local Ati Chieftain "Marikudo" for the lowlands, plains and valleys of the Island they called "Madya-as" or Paradise. The land where time began; the birth of the "Ilonggo Nation" and the cradle of ancient Filipino civilization.
For about 300 years before the coming of the Spaniards, the Ilonggos lived in comparative prosperity and peace under an organized government, the "Katiringban et Madia-as" or the Confederation of Madya-as and with such laws as the Code of Kalantiaw and/or the Maragtas Code of Sumakwel.
Nota Bene: Period of emigration was later confirmed to be during the early part of the 1400's as recorded in the ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty Chronicles. (Related article below)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <><><>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Maragtas Legend and the Ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty
The inclusion in the ancient Chronology of the "Chinese Ming Dynasty and Islamic Influences" by Guo Zhongli about the saga of Bornean Datu Putih, the Code of Kalantiaw and the Maragtas Code of Sumakwel, are like drops of rain on a hot summer day.
Likewise, this is a shot in the arm to believers of their glorious past & noble heritage.
According to Ming Chroniclers:
"...1372 AD -Sabah Journal reported a Ming envoy, Prince Sahib ul-Kahar Ong Sum-ping to have sailed through the Sulu Archipelago to Kinabatangan in North Borneo and established a permanent Chinese foothold in that vast uninhabited island...."
------------ --------- -
"...1390 AD - Srivijayan Raja Baguinda, a minor ruler of Minangkabau, arrived in Sulu from Swarna Dwipa and founded the town of Bwansa in Jolo Island;...."
------------ --------- -
Postulated analysis:
With the passage of time, inter-racial marriages and inter-relationships between neighboring islanders brought about a new generation of North Borneans under Sri-Vijayan Ruler Raja Baguinda (Sultan Makatunaw?).
Sahib ul-Kahar Ong Sum-ping, the light-complected Sino patriarch (Datu Putih?) and nine Bornean datus later fled Bornay and landed in Panay in the early 1400's. (Not between 1200- 1250 as earlier believed)
-------- --------- --------- --------- ----
We noted the following in contradiction viz-a-viz our contentions:
------------------ --------- --------- --------- ----
According to Ming Chroniclers:
"...1433 AD - A Seven-Datu-Council codified the Code of Kalantiaw (by Kalantiaw) and the Maragtas Code (by Sumakwel) for the people of Panay Island;
Three Adatus from the original ten who came to Panay left for Batangas and Mindoro;
Datu Putih was one of them but eventually returned to North Borneo from where no trace of him was found...."
Maragtas Legend:--------------------------- Ming Dynasty Chronicler's:
1) The name: Datu Puti----------------------Datu Putih
2) Landed in Panay: 13th Century-----------Early 15th century
3) 3-datus remained 7 left for luzon----------7-datus remained 3 left for luzon
4) Reached Batangas in Luzon---------------Reached Batangas via Mindoro
5) From Batangas, settled & died in Sulu-----Back to Borneo (Bornay)
"Astana Putih" - present seat of the Royal Sulu Sultanate at Umbal Duwa in Indanan, Jolo Island in the Tausog Region of Sulu could have been named after Datu Putih.
------------ --------- --------- ----
We are inclined to believe the ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty recorded chronicles because of the confirmed two points early emigration to the Philippine archipelago, also above-cited.
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Be that as it may, Pedro A. Monteclaro's "Maragtas" painstakingly created --became his legacy to the ilonggo's; a guide for future generations, notwithstanding attempts of distortions by others to discredit his efforts.
------------ --------- --------- ---
The "Maragtas Legend" shall forever be in the minds and enshrined in the hearts of Ilonggos, wherever they may be...a nostalgic memory...of a perceived myth that became a legend ...and the legend that turned out to be the history of a proud and noble People...of the once great Ilonggo Nation!
(Batanguenos, Ilonggos and the Tausogs of Sulu Bloodline)
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Sadto nga mga panahon, sang ang "Aninipay" ukon Isla sang Panay nabahin na sa mga tribu sa pag pamuno nanday Datu Bangkaya ang Akean" (Aklan & Capiz); Datu Paiburong ang "Irong-Irong" (Iloilo) kag sa kay Datu Sumakwel naman ang "Hamtik" (Antique); ang tribu iya ni Datu Putih kag sang iban pa, nag pasad puluy-an sa "Araut" (Dumangas) malapit sa pampang sang suba nga indi man malayo sa dagat nga naga atubang sa Isla sang "Himal-os" (Guimaras).
------------------------------ -------------------------
Nag ligad ang mga tinuig, ang apo ni Datu Putih ang ngalan Raja-Mun upod ang iya sakop nag balhin sa lugar nga madamo ang tanum nga putat kag ila gin hingadlan "Kaputatan" (Pototan). Apang ang iya guid suod nga bugto ngalan si Raja-il nag pabilin sa "Araut" (Dumangas) sang ang mal-am nga Apoy kag anum ka Datu upod iban nga sakop liwan nga nag bugsay sang ila mga "Balanghai" padulong sa "Selorang Lusong" (Luzon) kag sila naka dangat sa pampang sang daku nga suba didto sa "Taal" (Batangas).
----------------------------- -------------------------
After partitioning "Aninipay" or the Island of Panay which they called "Madya-as" or Paradise, among the tribes under Datu Bangkaya, Paiburong and Sumakwel--- the exit point of Datu Puti and the remaining tribes after deciding to sail farther north towards Luzon was the Malay settlement at the banks of Araut (Dumangas) River.
While some of his kinsmen accompanied him, others opted to remain in Araut... finding the place rich .. fertile soil and with abundance in marine products.
Years later, one of his Malay grandson Raja-Mun, (Datu Ramon-evidently a convert) left Dumangas together with his family and settled in "Kaputatan" what is now the Town of Pototan in Iloilo. While his closest brother Raja-il and others stayed behind.
Historians believe that the present Batanguenos are also descendants of Datu Putih and the other Bornean Datu who later left the Island of Panay and set up the first Malay settlement at the mouth of Taal (Batangas) River.
In the year 1570, Kapitan Juan de Salcedo -- grandson of the "El Adelantado" Don Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, as second in command to Spanish Conquistador Martin de Goiti, together...explored the coast of Batangas on their way to "Maynilad" and came upon the Malay settlement at the mouth of the Taal River and in 1572, the town of Taal in Batangas was founded.
-------------------------------- -----------------------
Undoubtedly, before Datu Putih -- the Shri-Vijaya Sultanate Minister went back to Bornay (Borneo) to face uncertain fate, his seeds were planted along the banks of Araut(Dumangas) River in Iloilo; Taal (Batangas) River in Southern Luzon and the most logical route back to Bornay.... via the Tausog Region where early Malay settlements were established in Mindanao.
Therefore, it is safe to conclude, that the Batanguenos, the Ilonggos and the Tausogs have direct bloodline from Datu Putih. And that was long before the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan and the Spanish Conquistadores Don Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, his grandson Kapitan Juan de Salcedo and Don Martin de Goiti arrived in the "Islas" armed with the sword and the cross. .
(Modified from previous INM postings)
The "Maragtas" legend explained that sometime between 1200-1250's; ten (10) Malay Datus' together with their families, households and subordinates fled the tyrannical rule of Makatunaw, the Shri-Vijaya Sultan of Bornay (Borneo).
Led by Datu Puti, the Sultanate Minister, they landed in the Island of "Aninipay" or Panay.
They bartered their gold and jewelries with the local Ati Chieftain "Marikudo" for the lowlands, plains and valleys of the Island they called "Madya-as" or Paradise. The land where time began; the birth of the "Ilonggo Nation" and the cradle of ancient Filipino civilization.
For about 300 years before the coming of the Spaniards, the Ilonggos lived in comparative prosperity and peace under an organized government, the "Katiringban et Madia-as" or the Confederation of Madya-as and with such laws as the Code of Kalantiaw and/or the Maragtas Code of Sumakwel.
Nota Bene: Period of emigration was later confirmed to be during the early part of the 1400's as recorded in the ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty Chronicles. (Related article below)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <><><>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Maragtas Legend and the Ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty
The inclusion in the ancient Chronology of the "Chinese Ming Dynasty and Islamic Influences" by Guo Zhongli about the saga of Bornean Datu Putih, the Code of Kalantiaw and the Maragtas Code of Sumakwel, are like drops of rain on a hot summer day.
Likewise, this is a shot in the arm to believers of their glorious past & noble heritage.
According to Ming Chroniclers:
"...1372 AD -Sabah Journal reported a Ming envoy, Prince Sahib ul-Kahar Ong Sum-ping to have sailed through the Sulu Archipelago to Kinabatangan in North Borneo and established a permanent Chinese foothold in that vast uninhabited island...."
------------ --------- -
"...1390 AD - Srivijayan Raja Baguinda, a minor ruler of Minangkabau, arrived in Sulu from Swarna Dwipa and founded the town of Bwansa in Jolo Island;...."
------------ --------- -
Postulated analysis:
With the passage of time, inter-racial marriages and inter-relationships between neighboring islanders brought about a new generation of North Borneans under Sri-Vijayan Ruler Raja Baguinda (Sultan Makatunaw?).
Sahib ul-Kahar Ong Sum-ping, the light-complected Sino patriarch (Datu Putih?) and nine Bornean datus later fled Bornay and landed in Panay in the early 1400's. (Not between 1200- 1250 as earlier believed)
-------- --------- --------- --------- ----
We noted the following in contradiction viz-a-viz our contentions:
------------------ --------- --------- --------- ----
According to Ming Chroniclers:
"...1433 AD - A Seven-Datu-Council codified the Code of Kalantiaw (by Kalantiaw) and the Maragtas Code (by Sumakwel) for the people of Panay Island;
Three Adatus from the original ten who came to Panay left for Batangas and Mindoro;
Datu Putih was one of them but eventually returned to North Borneo from where no trace of him was found...."
Maragtas Legend:--------------------------- Ming Dynasty Chronicler's:
1) The name: Datu Puti----------------------Datu Putih
2) Landed in Panay: 13th Century-----------Early 15th century
3) 3-datus remained 7 left for luzon----------7-datus remained 3 left for luzon
4) Reached Batangas in Luzon---------------Reached Batangas via Mindoro
5) From Batangas, settled & died in Sulu-----Back to Borneo (Bornay)
"Astana Putih" - present seat of the Royal Sulu Sultanate at Umbal Duwa in Indanan, Jolo Island in the Tausog Region of Sulu could have been named after Datu Putih.
------------ --------- --------- ----
We are inclined to believe the ancient Chinese Ming Dynasty recorded chronicles because of the confirmed two points early emigration to the Philippine archipelago, also above-cited.
------------ --------- --------- ----
Be that as it may, Pedro A. Monteclaro's "Maragtas" painstakingly created --became his legacy to the ilonggo's; a guide for future generations, notwithstanding attempts of distortions by others to discredit his efforts.
------------ --------- --------- ---
The "Maragtas Legend" shall forever be in the minds and enshrined in the hearts of Ilonggos, wherever they may be...a nostalgic memory...of a perceived myth that became a legend ...and the legend that turned out to be the history of a proud and noble People...of the once great Ilonggo Nation!
(Batanguenos, Ilonggos and the Tausogs of Sulu Bloodline)
------------------------------ -------------------------
Sadto nga mga panahon, sang ang "Aninipay" ukon Isla sang Panay nabahin na sa mga tribu sa pag pamuno nanday Datu Bangkaya ang Akean" (Aklan & Capiz); Datu Paiburong ang "Irong-Irong" (Iloilo) kag sa kay Datu Sumakwel naman ang "Hamtik" (Antique); ang tribu iya ni Datu Putih kag sang iban pa, nag pasad puluy-an sa "Araut" (Dumangas) malapit sa pampang sang suba nga indi man malayo sa dagat nga naga atubang sa Isla sang "Himal-os" (Guimaras).
------------------------------ -------------------------
Nag ligad ang mga tinuig, ang apo ni Datu Putih ang ngalan Raja-Mun upod ang iya sakop nag balhin sa lugar nga madamo ang tanum nga putat kag ila gin hingadlan "Kaputatan" (Pototan). Apang ang iya guid suod nga bugto ngalan si Raja-il nag pabilin sa "Araut" (Dumangas) sang ang mal-am nga Apoy kag anum ka Datu upod iban nga sakop liwan nga nag bugsay sang ila mga "Balanghai" padulong sa "Selorang Lusong" (Luzon) kag sila naka dangat sa pampang sang daku nga suba didto sa "Taal" (Batangas).
----------------------------- -------------------------
After partitioning "Aninipay" or the Island of Panay which they called "Madya-as" or Paradise, among the tribes under Datu Bangkaya, Paiburong and Sumakwel--- the exit point of Datu Puti and the remaining tribes after deciding to sail farther north towards Luzon was the Malay settlement at the banks of Araut (Dumangas) River.
While some of his kinsmen accompanied him, others opted to remain in Araut... finding the place rich .. fertile soil and with abundance in marine products.
Years later, one of his Malay grandson Raja-Mun, (Datu Ramon-evidently a convert) left Dumangas together with his family and settled in "Kaputatan" what is now the Town of Pototan in Iloilo. While his closest brother Raja-il and others stayed behind.
Historians believe that the present Batanguenos are also descendants of Datu Putih and the other Bornean Datu who later left the Island of Panay and set up the first Malay settlement at the mouth of Taal (Batangas) River.
In the year 1570, Kapitan Juan de Salcedo -- grandson of the "El Adelantado" Don Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, as second in command to Spanish Conquistador Martin de Goiti, together...explored the coast of Batangas on their way to "Maynilad" and came upon the Malay settlement at the mouth of the Taal River and in 1572, the town of Taal in Batangas was founded.
-------------------------------- -----------------------
Undoubtedly, before Datu Putih -- the Shri-Vijaya Sultanate Minister went back to Bornay (Borneo) to face uncertain fate, his seeds were planted along the banks of Araut(Dumangas) River in Iloilo; Taal (Batangas) River in Southern Luzon and the most logical route back to Bornay.... via the Tausog Region where early Malay settlements were established in Mindanao.
Therefore, it is safe to conclude, that the Batanguenos, the Ilonggos and the Tausogs have direct bloodline from Datu Putih. And that was long before the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan and the Spanish Conquistadores Don Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, his grandson Kapitan Juan de Salcedo and Don Martin de Goiti arrived in the "Islas" armed with the sword and the cross. .
(Modified from previous INM postings)
Delayed Acknowledgement
To all concerned:
Our belated acknowledgement for the following comments posted at the GUESTS BOOK in the INM Website. Delayed is due to our absence in cyberspace for quite sometime; as follows:
From: Jbltusa@.....>
Subject: re: Capiz Revolucionario
Dear Kababayan,
I would very much appreciate some clippings regarding Colonel Pascual Barza, my great Grand Uncle ( Lolo Cuwa); also ion Mr. Isaac Barza, my grand Uncle__former President of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce before 1933.
More Power to you.
Janice B. L.. Thabet
Email: geeshop24@.....>
Comments: kamusta banwang ilong-ilonganon...sorry if bi-englih ni..pero i lav to support ilonggo subong, i'm running an ilonggo section sa akon website.. running with until now, out of order pa ang ila website. ga plano ko tani to revive ang ilonggo/binisaya/kinaray-a ang language ta paagi sa mga binalaybay kag iban pa nga sahi sg literature naton nga bisa-aynon. just contact me on what can we do about this.
Email: egauzonjr@.....>
Comments: With my little knowledge on local historiography I like the way the movement works. Local history narrates so interestingly than manila-centric history.
erasmo gauzon jr
Valencia City, Bukidnon
Email: tyron_cloyd@.....>
Comments: Hi Dinggol Great site for us ILONGGO. Im a member of Solfed member, founded by Dr. Joey Dacudao, one of your content contributor. Im into IT also. Good luck. USWAG MGA ILONGGO...
Jay-R Calasara
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental
Email: trez_lobaton@.....>
Glicerio Lobaton
Pulupandan, Negros Occidental
Email: braggart_21@.....>
Comments: Iloilo and the rest of Panay Island plus Guimaras should declare independence from the Philippine Republic. It's about time that we should have our own country, own passport, own laws, own legislators. I'm sick and tired of the politicians from Luzon determining our future. Let's declare independence and become a proud new country.
Ian Alvarez
La Paz, Iloilo City (Presently in Saudi Arabia)
Email: mcadornigara@.....>
Comments: Born and raised in Iloilo City, now teaching in Queens, New York
Email: bbernales@.....>
Comments: Dear Dinggol, Thank you for directing me to the links of the Ilonggo Nation Movement. I need some help from genuine Ilonggo historians regarding the Chronology of the Ilonggo Nation under "The Spanish Conquest". Something seems to have been arbitrarily or expediently altered and does seem right.
As a Capizeno, I feel slighted that there was no mention of the fact that Legaspi's first landing on Panay Island was in the Town of Panay (which later became part of Capiz Province). This is most likely how those damn Spaniards happened to name the whole island itself as Panay.
Hopefully, your genuine or bonafide Ilonggo historians could help clarify the discrepancy because it has been engrained in our Capizeno minds that after Legaspi landed on Bohol Island on 1565, he next went to Cebu, and from there to Panay Island on 1566. On Panay Island, he landed first in the Town of Panay before going to Ogtong in Iloilo. From Ogtong, Legaspi's expedition then went to Romblon, and eventually ..
Cicero A. (Bernie) Bernales
Kailua (Honolulu/Oahu), Hawaii
Email: jobert.telic@.....>
Comments: I'm glad that you posted in capiz yahoo groups... Intresado guid ako nga makig-ugyon sa inyo... kabay pa nga ma-e-mail ninyo sa akon kon paano ako mangin miembro sang INM... Diri ako gali naga-obra sa Makati sa sulod na sang walo katuig...
Jobert Telic
President Roxas, Capiz
Email: jbrown@.....>
from: San Joaquin, Iloilo
Comments: Regarding the following comment posted on your website, please provide additional detail. I am a direct descendant of Santaren and would like to compare my information with yours. Who is your elder cousin mentioned below? "Fr. Tomas Santaren, fathered a child in San Joaquin, Iloilo whose son became an illustrious Ilonggo Physician, married to my close elder cousin who knows her family tree like the palm of her hands."
Josie Brown
Email: tlgoodwiniii@.....>
Comments: I found your site as a link on my friend Gil Camporazo's site "Vibrations." I learned alot from your site. God bless The Ilongo People, God bless the Phillipines.
Thomas L. Goodwin III
Rockingham, NC USA
Email: Bobdor@.....>
Comments: from: Las vegas, nv
Bobby Buenaflor
Email: ndbvibrations@.....>
Comments: paagi sa pag-surf ko sang internet nakita ko ini nga site. interesado ako. maayo guid. palihog bisita man sang akon nga website kag tan-awa kun maayo. indi magkalipat nga mag sign sa akon guestbook. salamat guid!
La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Email: gladyct@.....>
from: iloilo
Comments: is it ok if i link you up to my blog?
Email: tagacolo@.....>
from: Bais City, Negros Oriental
Comments: I enjoyed reading your site. t.y.
Our belated acknowledgement for the following comments posted at the GUESTS BOOK in the INM Website. Delayed is due to our absence in cyberspace for quite sometime; as follows:
From: Jbltusa@.....>
Subject: re: Capiz Revolucionario
Dear Kababayan,
I would very much appreciate some clippings regarding Colonel Pascual Barza, my great Grand Uncle ( Lolo Cuwa); also ion Mr. Isaac Barza, my grand Uncle__former President of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce before 1933.
More Power to you.
Janice B. L.. Thabet
Email: geeshop24@.....>
Comments: kamusta banwang ilong-ilonganon...sorry if bi-englih ni..pero i lav to support ilonggo subong, i'm running an ilonggo section sa akon website.. running with until now, out of order pa ang ila website. ga plano ko tani to revive ang ilonggo/binisaya/kinaray-a ang language ta paagi sa mga binalaybay kag iban pa nga sahi sg literature naton nga bisa-aynon. just contact me on what can we do about this.
Email: egauzonjr@.....>
Comments: With my little knowledge on local historiography I like the way the movement works. Local history narrates so interestingly than manila-centric history.
erasmo gauzon jr
Valencia City, Bukidnon
Email: tyron_cloyd@.....>
Comments: Hi Dinggol Great site for us ILONGGO. Im a member of Solfed member, founded by Dr. Joey Dacudao, one of your content contributor. Im into IT also. Good luck. USWAG MGA ILONGGO...
Jay-R Calasara
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental
Email: trez_lobaton@.....>
Glicerio Lobaton
Pulupandan, Negros Occidental
Email: braggart_21@.....>
Comments: Iloilo and the rest of Panay Island plus Guimaras should declare independence from the Philippine Republic. It's about time that we should have our own country, own passport, own laws, own legislators. I'm sick and tired of the politicians from Luzon determining our future. Let's declare independence and become a proud new country.
Ian Alvarez
La Paz, Iloilo City (Presently in Saudi Arabia)
Email: mcadornigara@.....>
Comments: Born and raised in Iloilo City, now teaching in Queens, New York
Email: bbernales@.....>
Comments: Dear Dinggol, Thank you for directing me to the links of the Ilonggo Nation Movement. I need some help from genuine Ilonggo historians regarding the Chronology of the Ilonggo Nation under "The Spanish Conquest". Something seems to have been arbitrarily or expediently altered and does seem right.
As a Capizeno, I feel slighted that there was no mention of the fact that Legaspi's first landing on Panay Island was in the Town of Panay (which later became part of Capiz Province). This is most likely how those damn Spaniards happened to name the whole island itself as Panay.
Hopefully, your genuine or bonafide Ilonggo historians could help clarify the discrepancy because it has been engrained in our Capizeno minds that after Legaspi landed on Bohol Island on 1565, he next went to Cebu, and from there to Panay Island on 1566. On Panay Island, he landed first in the Town of Panay before going to Ogtong in Iloilo. From Ogtong, Legaspi's expedition then went to Romblon, and eventually ..
Cicero A. (Bernie) Bernales
Kailua (Honolulu/Oahu), Hawaii
Email: jobert.telic@.....>
Comments: I'm glad that you posted in capiz yahoo groups... Intresado guid ako nga makig-ugyon sa inyo... kabay pa nga ma-e-mail ninyo sa akon kon paano ako mangin miembro sang INM... Diri ako gali naga-obra sa Makati sa sulod na sang walo katuig...
Jobert Telic
President Roxas, Capiz
Email: jbrown@.....>
from: San Joaquin, Iloilo
Comments: Regarding the following comment posted on your website, please provide additional detail. I am a direct descendant of Santaren and would like to compare my information with yours. Who is your elder cousin mentioned below? "Fr. Tomas Santaren, fathered a child in San Joaquin, Iloilo whose son became an illustrious Ilonggo Physician, married to my close elder cousin who knows her family tree like the palm of her hands."
Josie Brown
Email: tlgoodwiniii@.....>
Comments: I found your site as a link on my friend Gil Camporazo's site "Vibrations." I learned alot from your site. God bless The Ilongo People, God bless the Phillipines.
Thomas L. Goodwin III
Rockingham, NC USA
Email: Bobdor@.....>
Comments: from: Las vegas, nv
Bobby Buenaflor
Email: ndbvibrations@.....>
Comments: paagi sa pag-surf ko sang internet nakita ko ini nga site. interesado ako. maayo guid. palihog bisita man sang akon nga website kag tan-awa kun maayo. indi magkalipat nga mag sign sa akon guestbook. salamat guid!
La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Email: gladyct@.....>
from: iloilo
Comments: is it ok if i link you up to my blog?
Email: tagacolo@.....>
from: Bais City, Negros Oriental
Comments: I enjoyed reading your site. t.y.
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